
Through the Arms, Through the Knees, Through the Neck

The shield barricade showed signs of cracking because of the commotion.

Among the tankers, there was one member of Shattered Shields.

He heard his friends cry and abandoned his post at the front lines to rush to their aid.

That created a sizeable opening in the shield wall, allowing the Blackhearts to swarm through and attack the rest of the mercenaries.

"No!" Kory shouted, seeing the carnage that ensued.

Other tanks tried to mend the opening in the shield wall, but it was too late, and they were forced to unsheathe their swords and join the fight.

A bloody, sword-screeching fight ensued—it was messy, chaotic, and relentless.

All the plans, all the strategies, and all the hopes of a swift victory had been dashed in an instant.

The Blackhearts rushed through the opening in the barrier, more and more of them pouring into the town with each passing moment.

The mercenaries were going to get overwhelmed at this rate.

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