

Are people calculating in practical teaching? I can also give you some advice Chapter 41

Author: Jiushijiu

"I said feed me, do you want to feed me?"

"Hey, hey."

Looking at her little pink fists raised, how can I not feed her?

Well, as a last resort, the real estate agent picked up a piece of mutton leg and put it in her mouth, watching her eat it in front of him.

It's strange, why my mouth always feels dry even though I have been drinking water.

The real estate agent took the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables. He picked up the leeks and eggs and put them into his mouth.

He seems to have forgotten that leeks have an effect...

"I want to eat, too."

"That mouth."

While eating, the real estate agent went to get chopsticks to pick up vegetables, but Ryūen Shoko suddenly grabbed his head and brought his face close to her.

She did want to eat, but not from a plate, but from someone's mouth.

Long Yuan was very proactive, which was unexpected by the housing agency. He didn't understand why she would do this.

The touch was soft, the touch he had imagined. But it was softer and more beautiful than he imagined. Maybe this was the effect of hormones?

"You know, you are trying to seduce me. An innocent boy like me can't stand it."

"Then how should you deal with it? My military advisor~"

Ryūen Shoko smiled, stretched his left hand under his body, and gently tapped the bump: "Or...you can play whatever you want today, how about it?"

"you sure?"

"It's a rare opportunity~"

Under the influence of the alcohol, the two began to play and fight. It is true that one cannot do such a thing after being completely drunk, but the two of them now look half-drunk, and the beast in their hearts has quietly awakened.

Chapter 76: Gradually recalling the outrageous things that happened yesterday

"Ling ring ring~ ring ring ring~"


I drank too much again yesterday.

Covering his head, the real estate agent turned off the alarm clock next to him. He rubbed his eyes and looked around hard.

My eyes are so sore and my waist hurts so much.

So what exactly happened last night?

Squinting his eyes hard, the real estate agent gradually felt that his eyes were getting better. He yawned and lifted up the quilt next to him.

Hmm... where are my underwear?

Looking at his energetic little brother so early in the morning, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

As he pondered this, he gradually recalled what happened last night.

His face gradually turned pale, and he suddenly looked next to him, where Ryuuen Shoko was sleeping soundly with a pillow in his arms.

Her big white butt was sticking out there, and if she hadn't been used to keeping the curtains closed, the sun might have begun to shine by now.

It's over, it's over. In the first week of school, I slept with my oldest son.

Unable to help but take a breath, the housing agent looked at the alarm clock next to him.

While I was thinking about it, it was already 7:10.

Damn, I have to go to school.

Today is Monday, and last night he was noisy all night. Now he immediately picked up a new pair of pants and started to put them on, and patted Ryūen Shoko beside him: "Hey, eldest sister, get up and go to school."

"Why are you keeping people from sleeping?"

Very good, it sounds quite energetic, but now is not the time to get angry.

"Sister, you're going to be late!"

"If you're late, you'll be late. I'm still afraid of this?"

If it were Masumi Kamuro, she would wake up immediately and get ready for school, but Shoko Ryuuen...

That's right, she's a delinquent and why is she afraid of this?

"Sister, please go to sleep slowly and I'll ask you for half a day off."

With that said, he immediately went to take a shower for himself.

When he passed by the living room, he took a look at the mess in the living room and couldn't help but shook his head. Forget it, let's wait until he comes back at noon to do it.

It was indeed a bit too noisy yesterday. The small table had completely fallen apart, and the empty plates were lying quietly on the ground. The eggplant was not finished yet, and there were still residues on the ground. I don't know who was still there. I stepped on it and made the floor dirty.

As for the fight between the two yesterday... According to the limited memory, they vaguely fought all over the house. Even Ryūen Shoko couldn't beat the real estate agent in the end.

The final battlefield was naturally the bedroom, and he didn't know what to say when he saw the mess at the end.

Should I say that fortunately it is a safe period? Otherwise, the two of them might have had to think carefully about what to do next after the heated quarrel yesterday.

Although the safety period is not 100% safe, generally speaking, as long as you are not very lucky, it is basically reliable.

After taking a quick shower, the real estate agent came out of the toilet this time. As soon as he came out, he saw Ryuuen Shoko leaning against the door and yawning.

"Um...how did you wake up?"

"Didn't you wake me up? Do you still have time to take a shower?"

"Then why don't you wash it?"

"Do not talk nonsense."

Nonsense, you said whether to wash it or not, the amount last night squirted out, she is stupid.

Don't boys only produce 5ml a day? Because this is the second dimension, you can do whatever you want?

Maybe the situation will be different depending on the world view. The real estate agent looked at the indescribable things that remained in the mess in the house, and decided to clean it first.

As for breakfast…

"Hey, Albert, can you help me and my eldest sister bring breakfast? Well, I'll excuse you."

After simply solving the breakfast problem, the housing agent looked at the clock. It was past seven-twenty.

You still have time.

He quickly changed his clothes and began to simply clean up his house. Fortunately, it was not too messy. Compared to Ryūen Shoko's dormitory, his room was relatively easy to deal with.

He directly used the mop to remove it, collected all the residue on the ground and threw it into a large garbage bag. After disposing of the large bag of garbage, he looked at the time again.

Seven forty-seven.

"Sister, haven't you washed your head yet?"

"What's the rush? I'm just drying my hair."

Ryūen Shoko opened the door and said, but the housing agent quickly looked away after seeing her.

"Why are you moving? You had a great time yesterday, and now you're pretending to be reserved again, right?"

"No, it's just that... I feel uncomfortable."

Just after taking a shower, Ryūen Shoko was naturally naked. She didn't even care about the housing agency but she started to care.

Damn it, I also did that yesterday after drinking too much and my head got hot. I originally said I would think about it later, but I ended up doing it in a daze yesterday.

It was also his fault. He had to give her a surprise at night, which made her feel quite happy. Seeing him busy with her, she didn't say anything but felt very happy in her heart. Plus she drank some beer, ohhhhh. ~

Raw rice is cooked into cooked rice~

"By the way, big sister, you should be fine in class, right?"

"What did you say?"


The real estate agent couldn't help scratching his head. He remembered that the book he had read before said that it was difficult to get out of bed after the first time. He did see red when he was cleaning it up. Logically speaking, it should be the first time.

But why is there nothing wrong with the eldest sister?

It can only be said that this thing varies from person to person, and the reaction is the same as when relatives come.

As for the novel, the novel also describes that a boy can last for three days and three nights. Is it possible?

Exaggeration, exaggeration at every turn?

Anyway, it is obvious that the real estate agent does not understand.

"What's your expression like this? Take off your clothes, or you'll be late."

What you say while sleeping is what you say while sleeping. Now Ryuuen Shoko knows that if he says he is late, he will face penalty points.

As the boss, she couldn't take the lead and deduct this point. At least he can't be the first person to openly deduct points.

"Oh, okay."

He quickly found her school uniform, underwear, socks and shoes. The housing agent went to pick up the trash, while Ryuuen Shoko kept her clothes on.

It was already fifty-three minutes when the two of them went downstairs, and there were still seven minutes left before class started. It can only be said that the two of them ran away as hard as they could.

As for trash? I've put the garbage bag here. We'll talk about it when we get back. There's no time to throw it away again.

"Fuck, I caught up. I caught up."

"You go in here."

In the end, the two entered the classroom with the bell ringing, and the whole class couldn't help but look at the two.

The head teacher stood quietly on the podium, watching Ryuuen Shoko push the housing agent in with a slap.

"Okay, everyone is here, please sit down, we are going to start the work meeting."

Although it could be seen that the relationship between the two guys had improved, Sakagami Suma still didn't say anything more.

At least for now, the two of them have not deducted points for falling in love, so we will talk about this later.

Chapter 77 I'll just say three things

"Everyone performed very well last week, although it is probably because of knowing the S points."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Sakagami Suma directly told the situation in this regard. After all, the S-point housing agency had already reasoned it out, so it was inevitable that everyone in the class would know about it.

It's just that according to regulations, S points can only be announced once on the first of every month, and they are usually kept confidential.

"Although there are some points deductions, compared to the first day, the next few days have been much better. I can tell you clearly that compared with the previous Class C, everyone did very well."

Sakagami Sima couldn't help but look at the real estate agent who was panting like a dog from running all the way and Ryuuen Shoko who was in front of him with a dull face and a heartbeat. It was obvious that the physical quality of the two people was very different.

Well, he didn't know that the housing agency even had the upper hand last night. Except that Ryūen Shoko had a slight advantage at the beginning, the rest of the time it was the housing agency doing its best.

After all, being in good health does not mean that you are good at all sports, each has its own characteristics. Just like someone who can run may not be able to sit up and do pull-ups, everyone is different.

"If our class doesn't have a leader yet, then I will talk about some random things next, but before that, let's let our Ryuuen classmates... Fangfang classmates talk about something."

At first, Sakagami wanted to call Ryuuen Shoko, but when she looked at the housing agent, he also pointed at himself. It was obvious that this time he wanted to let his external brain come up with suggestions.

Dragon Garden? She just needs to be able to fight. What she's afraid of is that she won't be able to unite everyone.

"Ahem, let me say a few words."

The real estate agent patted his chest. He felt like he was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, I finally caught up and no points were deducted.

"After several discussions with Ryuuen-san and I, including confirmation with Shiina-san, we finally decided on the following things. First, the issue of class fees."

The housing agent said, raising his head and looking at everyone to see what everyone's reaction was.

Well, although most of them looked surprised, overall their attitudes were not too intense.

"For this class fee, we tentatively plan to sum up 10% of the monthly income every month starting from next month, and hand it over to Teacher Shuma Sakagami for supervision. Teacher Shuma, you have no problem with this. Right?"

"Yeah, no problem."

The housing agency has also discussed the issue of class fees with Shuma, and this issue indeed needs to be resolved.

Just like the class fees of all the students in Class B were handed over to Ichinose, the housing agent thought about it and did not choose to give it to a certain person, but directly to the teacher.

Compared with teachers, classmates are more susceptible to suspicion and suspicion, and problems can easily arise. The real estate agent would not dare to keep such a large amount of money. He would not dare to gamble on the dark side of his own psychology. It would be too dangerous.

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