
Enough Is Enough With The Conflict, Matatabi!


"Is this Konoha? It's really prosperous," Yugito said with an excited expression while walking down the streets of Konoha Village.

She had grown up in Cloud Shinobi Village and became a Jinchūriki at birth. With this status, she had never left Cloud Shinobi Village and couldn't go to places where people were concentrated. So, seeing the prosperity of Konoha and feeling the bustle of the crowd for the first time made Yugito very excited.

Boom! With a muffled sound, Yugito ran into a woman with long reddish-brown hair.

"Ouch~ You guy, don't you have eyes?" Yugito looked at the woman she almost knocked down with an angry expression.

"Snort! Obviously, you were walking without looking at the road. It's you who should apologize to me," the woman rubbed her aching chest. The guy opposite was really rude. It was obvious that he had hit someone, but he was still so confident.

"Apology? Kirigakure bastard, do you want a fight?" Yugito said somewhat unhappily, forgetting Darui's instructions.

"Igog... Cloud Shinobi Village is a bunch of bastards. Do you think I will be afraid of you?" the woman snorted.

"Okay, then you come with me." Yugito led the way towards the Hokage Rock, and the woman followed closely.

Soon, the two came to the dense forest above Hokage Rock. This place was off the beaten track and was a good place for a duel.

"Say it first, I won't be merciful later," Yugito said, taking out a kunai.

"Same words, I will give them to you too," the woman replied.

"Fire Style: Fire Rat Jade!" Yugito took the lead. A blue rat-shaped fireball quickly rushed towards the woman. Seeing the fireball coming, the woman quickly formed seals.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" A water dragon appeared and rushed towards the fireball.

"Snort!" Yugito sneered and then formed a seal with her hands. The rat-shaped fireball immediately dispersed into a large number of blue flame bombs. As soon as these flame bombs appeared, they rushed towards the woman from all directions.

Seeing this scene, the woman quickly retreated, but those fire bombs turned around in the air and hit the woman in mid-air. Boom! With a loud bang, the woman was hit by a fire bomb.

"With this little strength, how dare you be so arrogant?" Yugito curled her lips in disdain. The next second, in the air, the woman's body suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke.

"Lava Style: Monster Melting Technique!" The woman appeared behind Yugito with her hands forming seals. A large amount of highly corrosive acid was spat out of her mouth.

"Hateful!" Yugito's expression changed. At this distance, she couldn't dodge. "Matatabi!" In desperation, Yugito shouted. Her whole body was instantly covered with a coat of Chakra. Chi chi chi~~~ The acid hit the Chakra coat, emitting countless white smoke. Yugito quickly retreated, distancing herself from the woman before the acid could corrode the Chakra coat.

"Tailed beast coat?" The woman frowned. The arrogant guy in front of her turned out to be a Jinchūriki!

"Asshole, you pissed me off," Yugito said angrily. The battle had just begun, and she had been forced to use the power of the tailed beast.

"Hey, I'll teach you a lesson this time. Remember, don't be so arrogant next time," the woman said, not wanting to continue the fight. If the Jinchūriki went berserk, she would be in trouble.

"Stop preaching!" Yugito snorted, her feet and hands growing sharp claws, and she quickly rushed towards the woman. "What speed!" The woman's expression changed. Yugito's speed was beyond her expectation. Boom! Boom! Boom! The two struggled together. With the blessing of the Tailed Beast Chakra Coat, Yugito's speed, strength, and defense had greatly improved. In just a moment, this put the woman at a disadvantage. Boom! With a muffled sound, the woman was kicked out by Yugito.

"Water Style: Hidden Mist Technique!" Seeing Yugito preparing to charge again, the woman directly used the Hidden Mist Technique. A large amount of thick fog instantly swallowed up the two figures.

"Come out!" In the thick fog, Yugito completely lost her perception of the woman.

"Boil Style: Solid Fog Technique!" Compared to Yugito, the woman moved freely in the dense fog. After approaching Yugito, the woman silently exhaled a large amount of boiling high-heat mist. Tsk tsk tsk!!! As soon as the high-heat mist appeared, Yugito's Chakra coat quickly corroded.

"Asshole!" Corroded by the acid mist, Yugito was frightened and angry. In the thick fog, she could only be beaten passively. Even with a Chakra coat, it could only withstand the highly corrosive acid garden. If this continued, she would definitely lose.

"Matatabi, come out and help me!" "OK." After getting a positive answer, Yugito's body was taken over by Matatabi. Roar! With a huge roar, a cat demon with blue flames burning all over its body appeared in the thick fog. After Matatabi appeared, it opened its mouth and spat out a huge fireball. The scorching heat instantly evaporated the dense fog. The woman's figure also appeared in front of Matatabi.

"Hateful!" The woman was horrified to see Matatabi. The tailed beast's powerful and arrogant chakra and huge size made her feel a sense of despair from the bottom of her heart. Seeing the woman, Matatabi directly raised its paw and slapped her hard.

"Is it over?" Although Matatabi was large, it was extremely flexible. Facing its attack, the woman didn't even have a chance to dodge.

"Enough is enough, Two Tails." Just when the woman was about to be slapped to death by Matatabi, a magnetic voice sounded. Subsequently, a man stood in front of the woman and punched Matatabi away. That's right, it just flew out. The woman swore that she would never forget this scene in her life. An extremely handsome man appeared in front of her at her most dangerous moment and punched the huge tailed beast away! Boom! With a loud noise, Matatabi slid on the ground for nearly a hundred meters, then stood up unsteadily, looking at the man in front of him as if he were a monster. Isn't this human's strength too damn strong?!


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