
CHAPTER 96 Breaking the Curse

  Celeste's POV

  I shifted back to my human form, the feeling of Savannah's blood crusting my head left me feeling disgusting, but there were important matters to deal with right now.

  "The books in the car!" I shouted to Nathaniel "Go get it while I prepare Savannah's body," 

  My eyes shifted to Julian "Go with him, you can bring the fuel can," I knew how prepared Liam had packed the car in order to execute this plan "It's in the trunk,"

  I could tell by the pale tone to Nathaniel's flesh he wasn't going to argue with me now, I watched as both he and Julian left the room immediately to retrieve the things I needed. They had both seen a side to me they probably never imagined existed, and I knew from now on they would treat me differently. I wasn't a little girl, I was a strong woman.

  "Celeste," Liam exhaled as he scooped me into his arms "Baby, you did it," he nuzzled his lips into my neck "I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I ever doubted you,"

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