
CHAPTER 85 The Trap

  Celeste's POV

  I tossed and turned in Liam's bed, unable to get any position comfortable. I grew too hot, so threw the duvet off me. But soon after I would become too cold so I grabbed the covers and snuggled under them again. This game continued a few times before I had become so exhausted with how my mind felt. I had to go find Liam.

  As quietly as I could, I slipped out of Liam's bed and dressed myself. Tip toeing across the bedroom floor, I managed to avoid most of the creaky floorboards after memorising most of them.

  I knew Nathaniel would be asleep, he had taken the guest room after I insisted that he rest tonight, if anything were to happen to me, my screams would alert Nate.

  Successfully escaping the house without notice, I pulled the napkin out of my pocket and read the address again as I held it out below a nearby streetlamp. 42 Crescent Avenue. It hadn't changed since I last looked

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