
CHAPTER 72 Grace

  Celeste's POV

  I admit I had mixed feelings about the idea of meeting the Pack as myself and not the glamorous escort they had been used to. On one hand I felt excited at the prospect of making new friends, but on the opposite end I felt nervous.

  I decided to push these thoughts out of my mind for the time being, or else I would end up over thinking the possibilities of the evening and what turn it could take.

  Instead I thought I would go visit Amara, I hadn't seen her since leaving hospital and it would be wonderful to catch up. Hopefully her partner Julian would act more appropriate toward me this time. I didn't want to be part of an awkward situation where I had to tell Amara what a creep her boyfriend was.

  The walk to Amara's was pleasant, and it felt like I hadn't taken that route in such a while. Everything had felt familiar, even after a year in the coma things were falling back into place. 

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