
Chapter 3: Detailed Info about Revival

As I pondered my next move, the system chimed in abruptly.


"Host," the Revival System interjected, "let me clarify something about the Cooldown Reducer. After 4 hours of use, it will disappear."


I cursed inwardly, realizing my miscalculation. "Damn, I thought I could use it for 24 hours."


"Don't jest, host," the system retorted, "it's clearly stated that it will disappear after 4 hours of use."


Skeptical, I challenged the system. "Are you sure? It didn't mention 4 hours of use before."


The Revival System remained adamant. "Host, I wouldn't deceive you. You can verify it yourself."


"Fine, show me then," I demanded.


"Affirmative, displaying Cooldown Reducer details," the system complied.



[Cooldown Reducer

Function: This item reduces the current cooldown time by 50%, allowing for quicker revivals. After Four hour of use, it will disappear.

Cost: 5 Revival Points.]





The sudden appearance of a 4-hour limit on the Cooldown Reducer caught me off guard. I couldn't help but wonder why it wasn't mentioned before. Despite my confusion, I had no evidence to dispute it, so I reluctantly accepted it with a sighed.


Just then, the system offered reassurance. "Don't fret, host. You have a beginner's pack."


"Really?" I questioned.


"Yes, host. Shall I open it for you?" the system replied.


"Yes, please do," I eagerly agreed.


The system presented the contents of my beginner's pack in a clear and straightforward manner:


Emergency Revival Token: Allows for instant revival in case of death, providing a safety net during challenging situations.


Revival Resource Pack: Provides essential resources such as weapons and potions upon revival, ensuring readiness for subsequent challenges.


Revival Shield : Grants the user temporary invincibility for 30 seconds post-revival, offering a valuable window to escape dangerous encounters unscathed.


Cooldown Reducer (80%) :This item reduces the current cooldown time by 80%, significantly speeding up revivals. After 3 hour of use, it will disappear.



With these items in hand, I'm feeling prepared for anything. But before I dive into action, let's make sure this goes smoothly.


Then I decided to prioritize opening my Revival Resource Pack first.


"System, open my Revival Resource Pack," I commanded smoothly.


"Affirmative, host. Initiating... ding," the system responded.


[Revival Resource Pack

Function: Provides essential resources such as weapons and potions upon revival, ensuring readiness for subsequent challenges.]



I crossed my fingers, silently hoping for a weapon. "Please, let it be a weapon," I muttered under my breath.



With a sense of exhilaration, the system revealed my acquisition—a machete. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed. With this weapon in hand, I felt empowered and ready to take on any obstacle that crossed my path.



However, a nagging concern crept into my mind. "System, what will happen to my machete if I die and revive again?"



The system reassured me, "It will simply be dropped at the location of your death, host. But if you store it in your inventory before you perish, it will remain there upon revival."



Relieved by the system's response, I expressed my gratitude. "Thank you, system! That's a huge relief." With my newfound weapon and the system's guidance, I felt more confident in facing the challenges ahead.



Before getting ready, I wanted to clear up how my revival power worked with the system. "Can you explain the cooldowns to me?" I asked.


The system responded, "Okay, host, I'll reveal your power and explain it in a way even your supposedly 'little brain' could understand."



"Hey, I don't have a little brain," I retorted.



The system continued, "Initiating... ding."



Then it unveiled the details of my revival power, detailing how the cooldown increased with each death.


Revival Power:


Function: This ability grants the user the power to revive after death, a crucial lifeline in this perilous world. However, there's a catch: with each death, the cooldown for revival increases.


Cooldown Progression:


First Death: No cooldown; I can immediately revive and get back into action.


Second Death: A brief 3-minute cooldown before I can return to the fray.


Third Death: A slightly longer 5-minute cooldown period.


Fourth Death: The cooldown extends to 10 minutes, signaling a more significant delay.


Fifth Death: The cooldown further increases to 30 minutes, requiring more patience before revival.


Sixth Death: A substantial jump to a 1-hour cooldown, emphasizing the growing stakes.


Seventh Death: The cooldown escalates to 6 hours, marking a significant hurdle in my ability to quickly rejoin the fight.


Eighth Death: The cooldown doubles to 12 hours, significantly impacting my responsiveness in critical situations.


Ninth Death: A full day of cooldown; this is where the gravity of consecutive deaths truly sets in.


Tenth Death: The most severe consequence yet, a daunting 2-day cooldown period before I can revive again.




Now I think I understand. If I die, for example, on my third death, I'll have to wait five minutes to revive. It's the same with the ninth death; after I die 9 times, I'll have to wait for a whole day to revive again.



Man, that means after one day, I'll be back in action. I can't afford to die too many times; if it happens ten times, I'll be down for two days. By the time I revive, my friends might already be dead. This is terrible!



But luckily, I have the Cooldown Reducer. After all, this item reduces the current cooldown time by 50%. and also the other Cooldown Reducer which is 80% Sheesh.



So, I asked the system, "If I use the cooldown reducer, how many minutes before I get revived now compared to before?"



After a moment, the system replied with the adjusted cooldown times:



First Death: No cooldown (immediate revival)

Second Death: 1.5-minute cooldown (originally 3 minutes, halved to 1.5 minutes)

Third Death: 2.5-minute cooldown (originally 5 minutes, halved to 2.5 minutes)

Fourth Death: 5-minute cooldown (originally 10 minutes, halved to 5 minutes)

Fifth Death: 15-minute cooldown (originally 30 minutes, halved to 15 minutes)

Sixth Death: 30-minute cooldown (originally 1 hour, halved to 30 minutes)

Seventh Death: 3-hour cooldown (originally 6 hours, halved to 3 hours)

Eighth Death: 6-hour cooldown (originally 12 hours, halved to 6 hours)

Ninth Death: 12-hour cooldown (originally 1 day, halved to 12 hours)

Tenth Death: 1-day cooldown period for revival (originally 2 days, halved to 1 day)



I muttered, "It's not bad, but still too long. How about 80 percent?"



"Affirmative, host," the system replied. "Initiating... ding."


"Then, it detailed the revised cooldown times"


First Death: No cooldown (immediate revival)

Second Death: 36-second cooldown (originally 3 minutes, reduced to 36 seconds)

Third Death: 1-minute cooldown (originally 5 minutes, reduced to 1 minute)

Fourth Death: 2-minute cooldown (originally 10 minutes, reduced to 2 minutes)

Fifth Death: 6-minute cooldown (originally 30 minutes, reduced to 6 minutes)

Sixth Death: 12-minute cooldown (originally 1 hour, reduced to 12 minutes)

Seventh Death: 1-hour, 12-minute cooldown (originally 6 hours, reduced to 1 hour 12 minutes)

Eighth Death: 2-hour, 24-minute cooldown (originally 12 hours, reduced to 2 hours 24 minutes)

Ninth Death: 4-hour, 48-minute cooldown (originally 1 day, reduced to 4 hours 48 minutes)

Tenth Death: 9-hour, 36-minute cooldown period for revival (originally 2 days, reduced to 9 hours 36 minutes)


Knowing that using my cooldown reducer would cut down the wait time by 80 percent, I felt really confident. With this advantage, I was totally ready to deal with whatever came my way. It was time to get moving and do something about it.



And with the machete gripped tightly in my hands, I felt a surge of determination. Finally, I could take down those cannibals who dared to cross my path.



But there was something else bubbling within me—a fierce anger, a burning desire for revenge. It puzzled me at first, but then it dawned on me. Adam, the original owner of this body, was fused with me. His memories, his desires, they were now a part of me. And Adam wanted vengeance for Uncle Joe's death.



You see, Uncle Joe wasn't just a guardian to Adam; he was Adam's savior when he was just a child. As a priest, Uncle Joe didn't have children of his own, but he embraced Adam like a son from the moment he was born. After Adam's father passed away and his mother died giving birth to him, Uncle Joe stepped in without hesitation to care for him. His love and guidance shaped Adam into the person he became, instilling in him values of kindness, compassion, and strength.



Now, fueled by Adam's memories of Uncle Joe's unwavering love and support, I was ready to confront those responsible for his death. With each swing of the machete, I would honor Uncle Joe's memory and bring justice to his killers.


To be continued

Next chapter