
Coming Closer To Myself

After our day in the other world with Luna, Charlotte and I, along with Lisa returned back home. It was honestly so much fun being able to go out together as one group like that. Charlotte of course gives me so much, but to have her family with us as well makes it just that much better. I find myself looking forward to whatever this swimming thing is this weekend.

"Shit!" Suddenly, Lisa says as she looks at the time. "Sorry, I gotta go-"

"Wait, we'll come with you." But what's more surprising is that Charlotte also wants to go?


"I figured we should narrow down on figuring out Shiro's other half."

That was the topic when we were at Luna's... I'm also curious about it as I do want to learn more about myself, but does that mean I have to go back to that place?

"...Alright. Grab your things and lets go."


We quickly got changed as all three of us are now dressed in our uniform, driving towards the facility. Due to how rushed we were, Charlotte helped me put on the top as it was by far the hardest thing to put on among all my clothes.

"You know-" Lisa beings speaking during the drive. "They most likely already done these tests already."

"I just want to make sure."

"Fufu, you really don't trust those guys, huh."

"Of course not. Not after what they did to Shiro."

Those guys? Does she mean the people that used to chop off my limbs? Fearing that I might have to go through that again, I end up clenching onto the seat I'm sitting on.

"Well you'll be on your own with that. I have other business to take care of. We'll meet at the foyer after we're done."

"Alright... Shiro?" Finishing her talk with Lisa, Charlotte looks towards the back seat as her eyes widen a bit. "You okay?"

"Do I have to go back... To that room?"

"Never. I'm just going to be asking questions, that's all." Hearing that, I loosen my grip on the seat as I internally breathe a sigh of relief. "They might do some tests, but it won't be anything like that."

"Nn... Okay."

We share a smile with one another as Charlotte looks back towards the from as I end up looking out one of the side windows, trying to distract myself from those thoughts.

"Alright, there you go."

Arriving at the entrance of the facility, Charlotte puts my mask back on as I feel my head grow lighter as I almost lose my footing. To think I used to like wearing this mask... Now all it does is give me pain. Funny how things are reversed now.

"You alright?"


With that, we all head inside as both Charlotte and I soon split off from Lisa. Walking through the halls, the people that saw me were quick to look away, as if they fear me... I never really noticed it before, but when we were out in public buying clothes and trying on swimsuits, eating at a café, no one in any of those places looked at me like these people do... It really does make me feel like I'm some sort of monster, but I know now that that's not true. Maybe the old me was truly a monster, but not anymore.

We soon arrive inside a room with a desk inside. A man stood behind it as he too looked visibly displeased upon looking at me.

"Lieutenant Ilaria. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like a copy of all the information you have on Shiro."


"Yes." Charlotte ends up looking towards me as the man also does the same. I forget that I didn't have a name before meeting Charlotte...

"I'm sorry, but I cannot disclose that information to you."

"Then whos the person that can?"

"You wish to speak with the Captain?"


"...One moment."

The man then picks up some sort of device, brining it to his left ear as he begins talking.

"Yes. Lieutenant Ilaria is here. She wishes to speak with you regarding the girl." Despite Charlotte giving him my name, he refers to me like that... "Yes... Yes, alright."

He puts the device down as he looks back in our direction.

"He'll be here shortly."

After roughly five minutes of Charlotte and I waiting, entering through the same door that Charlotte and I came through was a man in transparent glasses, wearing a white coat. And almost immediately upon seeing Charlotte, his eyes sharpen in anger.

"What is it? You've never asked anything from me before." His voice also has a hint of anger behind it, making me tense up as I stick close to Charlotte's side.

"I need all the information you have about Shiro."

"The girl? Pah! Do you know much we have? And what use would it do you anyways?"

"..." Charlotte isn't letting it show on her face, but I can feel her body grow tense at his words. "I need any information about who her mother was."

"Are you stupid? Don't you think you already would've known if we had? You and that Major took her away before we could get anywhere close."

His comment only seemed to anger Charlotte more as Charlotte ends up grabbing my hand quite tightly, almost like she's trying to seek some comfort. it's a bit painful, but it's nothing I can't handle.

"You say that, yet I know all your experiments weren't anything to do with finding out who her mother was."

"Why would we care? It won't do us any good trying to figure out the past. All I car about is trying to better mankind with what we have now. I'm not wasting time for useless matters such as who her mother was."


Fearing that Charlotte might snap, I squeeze Charlotte's hand back, which made her divert her gaze away from the man and back to me. Her face quickly returning back to a relaxed state as she ends up shooting me a soft smile.

"Hah~" She sighs softly before returning her gaze back to the man, her hand now a bit more loose as she continues to hold my hand. "Then how would you like to run some tests on her?"


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