
"Wife In Training - 3

With Shiro and Luna finally downstairs, I finally have a breather. I can't believe Shiro noticed my embarrassment; she looked worried. She probably though that I was in pain or something. But to think that Shiro herself wrapped the bandaged around me... In that area. Even now I can still feel the lingering feeling of her fingers that brushed against my breasts.


"On a scale of one to ten, what would you rate that, hmmm?"

"Probably a ten."

"Hah. So you can be honest as long as Shiro isn't around, huh?"

"Of course.

To be honest, the pain pretty much disappeared as I was more focused on trying to hide my embarrassment, trying to put on a strong face rather than the small spikes of pain. But look where that ended up. Thinking back on it once again, I end up covering my face in my hands, trying to cool my face off a bit.

"You know, this is the first time I've seen you like this. But Shiro huh?"

"Don't say anything. And stop with all the 'wife' jokes."


It's bad enough having to deal with this situation as is. I'm just glad that Shiro's oblivious to the wife jokes. She probably doesn't know what it means... Probably.

"I won't joke about it when Shiro is around."

"Thank you."

"But I will joke about it with you, haha."

"Haah~" I should've saw that one coming...

"Oh come on, Charlotte. You can't be upset. Your darling wife is trying her best making some tea for you as we speak."

"You're only saying all this 'cause you know I can't move properly."


I swear... I love Lisa to death, but once she sees an opportunity to tease me, she's right there. But she is one to keep her word... For the most part. So hopefully she does only joke about this only when around me.

Suddenly, a violent crack of lightning could be heard from outside, prompting both Lisa and I to turn our head to the window in the room.

"It sure it pouring out there."


Like Lisa said, it's been raining down quite heavily for a bit now. I guess it's been a while since it rained last time. I wonder what Shiro would make of the lightning though-

"Charlotte!" Speak of the devil.

Bursting into the room was none other than Shiro. But I can't help but notice that she doesn't have the tea with her. Did she seriously just run up here when she heard the lightning? How cute.

"Are you okay?!"

"Hehehe. I'm fine. It's just lightning."


"Yeah. That loud, cracking sound was lightning. We should be safe as long as we stay inside."

"Haahh~" Shiro breathes a sigh of relief. I can't help but smile at her being this worried about me. She didn't even ask Lisa if she was okay which I thought was pretty funny.


"Ah- coming! I'll be back soon Charlotte!"

After being called on my Luna from downstairs, Shiro darts back out of the room as I could hear her footsteps trail off.

"Cute wife you have there."


"Oh? So you admit it now?"

"Well it's true though."

"Fufu, I guess. She didn't even ask if I was okay. Favoritism much?"

After a bit of idly chatting with Lisa, both Shiro and Luna returned to the room after about ten minutes.

"Sorry it took a while..." Shiro looks a bit displeased.

"It's okay~ I think you did well for you first attempt." Luna however shoots her a smile as the both make their way closer to me.

"U-uhm... Here you go."

"Thank you, Shiro."

With some assistance of Lisa brings me back into a seating position, propping some pillows against my back, I took the tea from Shiro's hands. The gentle aroma of the tea that's mixed in with some blood makes for quite a pleasant experience. I can't help but feel my mouth pull up into a smile knowing that Shiro made this. And so, after taking in another whiff, I take a small sip of the tea as the familiar taste of tea fills my mouth.

As vampires, we mainly only drink blood to sustain ourselves as the majority of food and drinks we cannot even taste. However there are a few exceptions. Alcohol is one of them, although the 'alcoholic' taste is gone from it and it's impossible for me to get drunk. The same can be said for things with caffeine in it. It might not give me any energy like when it's consumed by other races, but I can still enjoy the taste of it. And this tea that Shiro made, I feel like it's the perfect balance. Very citrusy, but not too strong either, and the blood inside does rejuvenate me quite a bit. Looking up at Shiro, she seems to be eagerly waiting for something. Oh right!

"It's delicious, Shiro."


"Mhmm! Very." I say as I take another drink from the tea as a bright smile quickly grows on Shiro's face. If drinking Shiro's tea will give me a sight like this, I might get addicted to this.

"Fufu. Well done, Shiro." Luna pats Shiro on the shoulder, but Shiro seems too happy to even notice.

"Luna! Could you help me again?"

"Of course! I'll teach you everything that I know, hehe."

With excitement in her step, Shiro darts back out of the room with Luna. And here I thought she couldn't get any cuter...

"It's like Luna's teaching her to be a wife, haha. Your wife in training."

"As long as she's having fun, then I don't have any complaints." I say while taking another drink from Shiro's tea. Man... I hope they went back down there to make another one.

"Is that really all you think, hmmm? I think you're also having fun with this."


I won't lie that being taken care of by Shiro is quickly growing on me. Before I would've preferred being the one doing everything, looking after her. But after seeing how happy she is doing all this, nearly even breaking into a skip as she went back downstairs just before... I want to see more of her like this. That said, she did end up wrapping up my chest... No, no! Let's not recall that! I quickly take another drink of the tea, but after just one gulp, I reach the bottom of the cup.

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