
Imprisoned The Second Queen?

"It must have been some kind of mistake." Lily rubbed her fingers on her lower lips. She was right though, the second queen won't do something as careless as that, especially to the King, plus, it wasn't time to get rid of her yet, so she wouldn't put the blame on her.

"A setup, perhaps." She raised her eyes to her father, and with a slight bow, she stood up, "I wish to handle this matter, Your Majesty."

"On what ground?" He placed his hand on his chin. His blue eyes that seemed to know all, emotionlessly rested on her.

"On the grounds that I am the victim of this sham."

"Even though it was intended for me?"

"Then see it as a way for me to prove myself worthy." She paused, her lips curling up slight, "Worthy of being the Crown Princess."

"Hahaha!" The king burst into a heavy feat of laughter, but Lily's stance barely faltered. "You're quite an ambitious one. No different from your mother, I guess the blood of the greedy Southerners never runs dry." He stood up and rang the bell that sat on his desk.

As soon as a servant came through the door, the king ordered, "Inform Count Herald to hand the investigation over to the princess."

Lily scoffed internally; the king had purposely gave Count Herald the case to handle from the start, he knew she would ask for this. After all, Count Herald was well known as a very difficult man, it would be a miracle if he didn't make things worse for her instead of peacefully handing the case over. And with his great inferiority complex to other nobles, he would rather add to her stress than help her.

Lily clenched her fist and bowed to her father before leaving his study. The man who enjoyed watching his family suffer, but unlike her past life, this one wouldn't be the same; she knew Count Herald too well now.

                           * ~ *

Lily walked into her drawing room where the Count was already seated, his gaunt face had a haughty expression plastered on it, sunken eyes and thin lips with a pencil-pointed nose, his brown tacky hair and sideburns were similarly to that of a low-burn noble. Plus, he barely even acknowledged her presence. Such disrespect was due, considering what he had in contrast to what she had, and he was a useful asset to the king. Hence, trying to prove her position in the same way she did with the servants would be extremely futile and would even yield negative results.

"Hello, Count." She sat on the couch opposite him and served the tea herself, "Nice to meet you. I am Prin-"

"Inform the King that you wish to redraw from this case." He interrupted her self-introduction.

"I am Princess Lily, First Princess of Kingdom Florania." She smiled, completing her self-introduction as she placed the teacup down, "And I am to assist you with the investigation."

"That's not the order I was given! You want to handle the entire investigation on your own!" He yelled, banging the table with his thin hands, causing the freshly brewed tea to spill over.

"I am in charge of the investigation, so I decide if I want to assist or take full control of it." Lily carefully raised her teacup and sipped from it, ignoring the tea that had spilled all over the table.

"Why would I allow a spoilt brat to handle a royal investigation alongside me?" He glared at her as she placed the teacup down.

With a slight intake of air, Lily glared back at him, "Am I to remind you that I am very much royalty and not a 'spoilt brat'? You seem to have forgotten who your master is, Count Herald."

"Y-you..." He stuttered, that seemingly calm blue eyes now looked as cold as the deep cold North Continent sea. The only person who had ever pulled off this look was the King, and the brat in front of him was barely even ten years old.

"You're part of the neutral nobility group, aren't you?" She picked up the teacup again, "A Count with as much power as you in neutral ground, and a Queen who wants her son to be King, who do you think is more suspicious?"

His eyes widened at her indirect accusation, "Ha! What are you talking about?"

"You can hardly even hide your hatred for royalty, Count Herald." She paused, "Ah! No." Then with a smirk, she added, "You can barely hide your hatred for the King. Why? Did he take your wife? Since that's his greatest speciality or, perhaps killed your brother?"

"Are you accusing me-?"

"Of poisoning the King? Yes." Lily interrupted, "I should rephrase that; of poisoning me, yes. And that was quite a stupid move, the king already suspects you, and your attitude towards me further proves that you want to handle the case so you can hide your unkempt tracks."

"Y-you..." His eyes widened as his knees trembled. It was obvious that his fear for the King was just as great as his hatred.

"Do you think the king does not know about this? If yes...then you underestimated him." Lily then stood up and rubbed her sweaty palm on her dress, "I'll help you clear yours and mother's name, so come to me when you make your decision."

She left the drawing room as soon as she finished speaking. It was a risky move, considering the fact that Count Herald could switch factions at any moment, but certain risks has to be taken in order to achieve her goals. What she needed to find out now was why Count Herald hated the king, so as to have him under her control. And since the king had so many haters, maybe building up her power wouldn't be as hard as she thought.

× She made her way to the dungeon and stopped at the place in which the second queen was held.


"Camille!" Queen Shannon jerked up.

"Unfortunately, Mother. It is just I." Lily placed her now gloved hands on the bars.

"You, you witch. You put me in here!" Queen Shannon yelled, cursing as she glared at Lily's dark figure with hatred.

"I was poisoned, Mother." Lily gulped as of expecting something different, her hands clenched into fist and she repeatedly muttered calming words in her head to disperse the pooling tears.

"Why didn't you just die?!"

"Ha!" Lily scoffed, running her hand through her hair.

'What a waste of time.' She thought, before speaking, "I'll get you out of here soon since you're clearly innocent." The emotions that had welled up in her chest completely cleared out.

"What makes you think I didn't poison you?! You dared to even go against me!"

"The poison was meant for his majesty, and I'm oddly sure that mother's plan wouldn't be that tacky." Lily turned around and with a few final words, she left the dungeon.

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