
Crown Prince Philip II

"Rebellion?" I frowned, confused by what he meant. "The prince hasn't ascended to the throne yet, has he? Shouldn't it be the king she rebels against, not you?"

Philip gave a thin smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I understand what you're thinking, Johan," he said, turning back to sit in his chair. He appeared calm, but there was an underlying worry etched on his face.

"What?" I was taken aback by his sudden composure.

Philip let out a long sigh before continuing, "Rosaria, along with my father and mother, have been conspiring behind my back. Technically, it's easy for my father to transfer my position as the crown prince to Rosaria. However, it's not as simple as it seems because I have many influential supporters in this kingdom."

The quiet library suddenly felt heavier with this revelation. I could sense the complexity of the situation. Behind his friendly smile, Philip was hiding significant concerns and burdens. "Why would they want to do that?" I asked, trying to understand further.

Philip tidied up the stack of books nearby, as if searching for a way to better explain his situation. "My father believes that Rosaria is easier to control than I am. My mother also has her own ambitions and sees my sister as a tool to achieve her goals. They think that if Rosaria becomes the heir, they can control the kingdom more easily."

I felt a mix of disbelief and sympathy for Philip. "So, they are trying to overthrow you even though you are the rightful heir?"

Philip nodded slowly. "Yes, that's the reality. I have to remain vigilant, not just against external enemies but also my own family."

I sat in a chair next to him, trying to digest all this information. The library, which initially felt like a place of refuge, now seemed like a battleground full of intrigue and betrayal.

In truth, Philip's problem wasn't something I needed to worry about right now. However, there was a reason I came to the library so late at night. This system guided me here.


{Special Mission Detected}

Go to the royal library and meet a man there.


"That's the content of the mission. Besides feeling strange about the tense atmosphere in the kingdom, it's this system that guides me. It feels odd, this nonsensical thing suddenly giving me a mission. I wonder what its purpose is. I need to understand the characteristics of the man in front of me before deciding whether to accept the mission or not.

Humans are the greatest actors of all living creatures. It's easy for them to wear two masks in their lives. Therefore, to prove his intentions, I have to throw some trap questions.

Philip looked at me with a curious gaze, sensing the sudden silence that enveloped the room. "Is there something you want to ask, Johan?" His voice remained soft, but there was an unmistakable tension hidden within.

I nodded, carefully crafting my words. "Philip, I can't help but notice the palace's full of intrigues. I need to know more before deciding on the next step. Why are they so determined to bring you down?"

Philip gave a thin smile, but his eyes were filled with caution. "You want to delve deeper into palace politics, huh? Alright, I'll explain. My father and mother see Rosaria as a more easily controlled successor. They feel that with Rosaria on the throne, they can carry out their agendas without much resistance."

I nodded, taking note of every word he uttered. "So, do you think they don't trust you because you have different ideologies? Or perhaps because you have more influence among the nobility?"

Philip sighed deeply, his gaze wandering momentarily before meeting mine again. "Both, actually. My father views my more reformist views as a threat to the status quo. Many nobles support me because they also desire change, but that goes against my father's and mother's wishes."

I listened attentively, trying to detect any signs of deception in his speech. "So, what's your plan, Philip? How do you intend to confront them?"

Philip leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped on the table. "My plan is to gather as much support as possible. Whether it's from nobles or commoners, it's all for the sake of change in this kingdom," he said, his voice filled with determination. "My parents aren't good people. They're hungry and greedy for power, enjoying oppressing the weak. Such dictatorial tendencies have been running since my father ascended the throne. He didn't ascend because he deserved it, but because my uncle died in war. Even the decision to summon you, heroes from another world, is evidence that my father is a coward."

I felt waves of information Philip shared. His handsome face looked tired, but his eyes shone with a fighting spirit. He continued, "My father always chooses the easiest path, even if it means sacrificing others. He summoned you, heroes, not because he wants to save the kingdom, but because he's afraid to face threats with our own strength."

I unconsciously clenched my fists so tightly that cracks began to form on the wooden table in front of me. 'Damn! Just as I suspected, there's something seriously wrong with this kingdom.'

Philip's eyes glanced at the cracks on the table and shook his head slowly. "Yes, I know how you feel."

"Then, how long has this war been going on, and what creatures are you fighting against?" I asked in a low voice, trying to control my anger.

Philip took a long breath before answering. "This war has been going on for two centuries. Initially, it started because of exploration by the continent across the sea called Arx. The creatures inhabiting that continent are the result of crossbreeding between dragons and humans, known as Drakonians."

I tried to digest that information. "So, dragons who didn't want those tabooed bloods to be on this continent dumped them into the Arx continent, and because Drakonians' breeding rate is similar to humans, their numbers keep increasing."

Philip nodded, his face looking more serious. "Exactly. Those dragons, considered to have tainted their pure blood with humans, expelled the Drakonians to the Arx continent. And in just a few centuries, their numbers skyrocketed."

I furrowed my brow. "Wait a minute, how could these Drakonians breed? Shouldn't if the dragons and humans conducting these experiments only give birth to one creature?"

Philip shook his head again. "No, they didn't just give birth to one Drakonian. They gave birth to twin children..."

"Twins..." I murmured, beginning to grasp the complexity of the situation. "So, these twins acted like Adam and Eve, managed to survive, and produced many offspring. Because the Arx continent wasn't suitable for living, they started invading?"

"That's correct..." Philip replied in a flat tone.

"Haah... Damn, so why don't those dragons take responsibility for their actions?" I asked in frustration.

"It's not that they don't want to take responsibility, but they have a rule not to kill their own kind even if they're hybrids," Philip answered, his voice sounding bitter.

I felt angry and desperate. "So, they created this problem, and now we have to bear the consequences? This is insane!"

Philip nodded slowly, his eyes showing a deep understanding of the situation. "I understand your anger, Johan. But that's the reality. The situation in my kingdom isn't good right now. The reason why I can't stop your summoning is because the King made the summoning secretly, creating a scenario as if the gods predicted your arrival only to make you all fight for him."

I fell silent for a moment, digesting the information. "So, we're just pawns in the King's power game? This is truly insane."

Philip leaned back in his chair, looking tired. "Yes, that's the truth. My father is a master manipulator. He uses false prophecies to justify his actions. With your arrival, he hopes to win the war against the Drakonians and solidify his position as King."

I clenched my fists, feeling angry and betrayed. "We were sent here without preparation, without knowing what's really going on. This isn't fate or a divine calling; this is just a power game."

The crown prince stood up with a book in his hand, looking elegant despite his weariness. "I'm glad I could share all this with you," he said as he turned towards the bookshelf, the sound of his footsteps echoing in the quiet library. "Now you know the real truth, don't you?"

Philip paused as I said, "Wait..."

He turned back, his attentive eyes once again focusing on me. "There's one thing I have to tell you."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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