
Chapter 077

While Harry was somewhat ambivalent about the Dursleys not being fully punished for still beating him, even though he now understood why, he never mentioned the psychological abuse they heaped on him. He just wanted them out of his life and he out of theirs.

No, the reason he spoke up for them and not-so-subtly laid the blame for their treatment of him on Dumbledore, was because he knew Dumbledore to be the greater threat. The more he could get it into the minds of the Wizengamot 'it's Dumbledore's fault' the better, as far as he was concerned.




As expected the combined Dursleys' trial was long enough that it was then too late in the day to move on to another. Therefore, the closing of the Dursley trial meant the three teens, after first being escorted to see Madam Bones for an informal chat, had the three walking up the path from the Hogwarts gate to the castle as dinner approached.

From the time he had spoken seemingly in defence of his relatives he could see that Hermione wanted to talk to him about it. She finally could hold on no longer and asked just after they walked in through the gates.

"Harry," she tentatively began. "Why?"

"Why what?" he asked back.

"Why did you say you did not want the Dursleys punished," she pressed. "After what they did to you... and you even made it known during the first task... why?"

"Because, as both Vernon and Petunia said, most of their behaviour towards me was as a direct result of Dumbledore forcing me on them. Yes, they didn't have to treat me that way. But, I also recognise they would not have had any chance to treat me that way if it wasn't for Dumbledore forcing me on them.

"I've now read my parents' Wills. In it is included a list of those to whom I should have been handed to for them to raise me and the Dursleys were not on that list. And the only reason I wasn't handed off to one of them is because Dumbledore directly and deliberately interfered, by blocking their Wills from being... ummm... probated, I think is the term."

"It is," she nodded.

"Right. So it was because Dumbledore interfered I went to the Dursleys, even against their own wishes, and was then... not treated all that well."

"From the looks on the Wizengamot Members' faces when we re-entered the courtroom I think you're downplaying a lot of that by saying you 'weren't treated all that well', Harry," she said.

"And that's my choice," he returned.

While walking she gave him another of those direct looks, but didn't push it.

Neville finally spoke up and asked, "So, your strategy then was to have most of what the Dursleys did to you blamed on Dumbledore?"

"Not just Dumbledore; but, yes," he nodded. "Don't forget; I also blamed the Wizengamot Members for letting Dumbledore do it in the first place. They ignored the law that was in place, for a reason, and just decided to let Dumbledore deal with me.

"If they had refused Dumbledore simply by citing the law, then Dumbledore would have had no choice but to hand me over to the people who should have rightfully raised me. I just never mentioned that might not have been the right idea, either."

"Who was first on the list, Harry?" asked Hermione. "That is, if you're willing to share."

She'd learned from him cutting her down about asking questions she shouldn't a few days earlier.

Harry thought about it for a few moments before he softly replied, "Neville's parents."

That had Neville almost trip over his own feet, so great was his surprise.

"Really?!" he squeaked.

"Yeah, Nev; really," he quietly replied. "Don't forget; your parents and you weren't attacked until five days after what happened to my parents. I should have been with you, by then."

"I..." the boy stuttered. "Wow."

Hermione had gone quiet and, when Harry looked at her, he could see she was furious but keeping it to herself. He knew she was processing what she'd learned.

Neville didn't appear as angry, but Harry could see the boy was still quite perturbed by what he'd heard.

"You and I should have grown up as brothers," he eventually said.


"Dumbledore's a bastard," the boy finally said.


Hermione never said a word to tell him off for his language.




That evening's meal had Professor Flitwick again stand and given an announcement at what the determinations had been as a result of the trials.

"That means the following," he said. "Professor Pomona Sprout will be returning to teach classes and also managed to retain her position as Head of House Hufflepuff. Both Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall will not be returning. Severus Snape has been sentenced to Life in Azkaban, while Minerva McGonagall was sacked and allowed to immediately retire to her home in the Scottish Highlands. She has been forbidden from ever holding a teaching position, again.

"That means we are down the following: We do not have a Deputy Headmistress, or Head of three Houses. We are also down Professors to teach Transfiguration, Potions, Care of Magical Creatures and, of course, Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"Professor Sprout, the only current Head of a Hogwarts House - and, therefore, the current most senior member of staff - is, at this moment, in talks with the School Board as to how we proceed from here. Both her and I believe we do not have the capacity to recommence classes in the near future. And that is what she will be telling them.







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