

"Could you take me to see them?" Luna asked lightly, swinging her feet as she sat on the ledge near the covered bridge.

Adrian cocked one eyebrow, not looking at her as he pondered the lake far below.

"I think they're beautiful," Luna continued as if he had responded, "Just a bit misunderstood. Like Wakkamost."

"What's a Wakkamost?" Adrian asked, bemused, conjuring a small rock to throw from the bridge.

"Small orange creatures, they live in the cabbages and eat the mold." Luna informed him sagely, "People think they cause blights, but really they're trying to help."

Adrian had learned not to question the strange things Luna said, nor the strange seer like abilities she had displayed more than once.

"They aren't friendly, not like thestrals." Adrian warned quietly, "I don't think Hagrid broke the rules just for me to escort you to them later."

Luna huffed quietly, a disgruntled noise that was eerily similar to the scoffs Hedwig gave when he stopped her after her fourth treat. Luna paused, eying one strand of her hair which drifted between her eyes. She stuck out her bottom lip, exhaling quickly to puff the strand away gently.

"What's your Animagus form?" She asked abruptly, both hands raising to cup her chin and take the weight of her head. She turned, tilting her head slightly and glancing with her hazel eyes onto Adrian's scarred face.

"I-I beg your pardon?" Adrian blinked in surprise at the suddenly direct question. His tone of voice nearly squeaked, raising in pitch so quickly it was obvious he was taken aback.

"Animagus form, I thought you were trying to do that with the mandrake leaf under your tongue. Tricklibellies were all around you since the year started," She tilted her head sideways, "They like the smell of rosemary."

Adrian's mouth opened and closed wordlessly for a few seconds. After a pause, his entire expression slipped and fell flat, leaving her with something painfully blank, "So what if I was?"

Luna smiled, a large bemused expression overtaking her face, "I wondered what your form would be. I think you'd be a dashing otter."

Adrian gave a bark of laughter against his better judgement, cracking his facade, "An otter? Wherever would you get such an idea?"

Luna smiled knowingly, "No, perhaps you're right. Have you considered a badger?"

"I'm not a Hufflepuff."

"But you're so excellent with finding things out."

Adrian blinked quickly in lapse of anything else, "I don't see how that's relevant."

Luna giggled as if he had been the butt end of an inside joke. "Hufflepuff's are good at finding things."

"You should find a Hufflepuff then, hunt down your missing shoes." Adrian noted, pointing at her bare feet. Her toes wiggled on the cold stone for emphasis.

"Oh, it's not that cold anymore." She smiled softly, once more looking at him as if she knew all the answers to questions he hadn't asked yet. "they'll turn up eventually. My roommates think it's funny how my things go missing."

Adrian's teasing smile fell slightly. Luna didn't notice and instead hummed tunelessly and looked out over the lake.

"This is a pretty place," she mentioned casually, "I should make a necklace up here. Do you have any twine?"

"Your roommates treat you badly?" Adrian asked, his voice slightly pinched. Luna glanced at him from behind her hair, shaking her head slightly.

"You can't fix my problems, Adrian." She quietly murmured.

Adrian swallowed thickly, hands curling into tight fists, "What are their names?"

Luna giggled slightly, "I wonder how you're a Slytherin. You're so hotheaded you should be a Gryffindor,"

Adrian opened his mouth to argue, his words failed when he saw the look in Luna's eye, "Besides, I don't take help from those who can't fix their own problems.

Adrian scowled, "I don't have any-"

"I heard from a girl in Slytherin that you beat Draco Malfoy until he was coughing blood."

Adrian shook his head speechless. Luna twirled a strand of hair between her fingers, "I heard you also attacked her."

Adrian's head snapped up, "Why were you talking to Suz-"

"Anger makes you look ugly," Luna stiffened for a small second, twiddling a strand of her hair between her fingers. A draft of wind blew in through the hollow windows, tugging on Adrian's hair and sending a shiver through his spine. He twisted his wand, nearly shaking as he quietly cast a warming charm over his shoulders.

Without a thought, he cast another, encompassing Luna in a comfortable warmth.

"Thank you," she smiled softly, "Do you think that the Grindylows in the lake sleep when it freezes?"

Adrian appreciated it, the sudden random changes in topics to things he possibly knew.

"No, the lake doesn't freeze at the bottom where they live during the summer."

Luna nodded as if it made perfect sense, and then turned to look at him with a questioning look. She tilted her head and squinted, leaning forward to an unsettlingly close degree.

"What is it, do I have Horndrakers in my ears?" Adrian asked dryly, trying not to smile at the made-up creature.

She huffed, understanding his light jab but instead of that, she reached out with one finger to move aside a stray piece of his fringe.

"You have a scar," she mentioned quietly, "it's unusual. And it's cold."

Adrian rolled his eyes, "Merlin would be amazed at your observation. I am covered in scars."

"No," he argued sadly, "Those are warm and sting. This one is cold, empty. It makes me sad."

Adrian shrugged his shoulder and looked at her with a frown, "You say you're sad a lot around me."

"Maybe you make me sad."

"Why do you follow me around then?"

"You're the only one who would ever feed the Thestrals with me," she shrugged quietly, "You need a friend."

Adrian scoffed, "I already have a friend."

"No, you don't, not really." Luna sagely added, "but now you do."

Adrian pushed away from the stone wall, heading towards the extravagant front doors to the castle. Luna didn't make way to follow him, instead she started humming her single tune all over again, watching the sparkling water far below.

Adrian had made his way nearly through to the outer courtyards when he heard the commotion. Draco was standing there, panting and disheveled while for some reason pawing at his clothing. Draco gasped something strangled, flushing red in frustration or anger. He huffed, righting himself and visibly glaring at one tall adult in question- Professor Mad Eye Moody.

What had Adrian stumbled in on.

Draco spat something, inaudible over the distance. He turned as if to storm off, catching sight of Adrian.

Instantly his countenance changed, his hunched stance shifted to something stretched and arched as if prepared to leap. His hand was near his wand but now it grasped the wood tightly, as if facing Nagini on a hunt.

His skin had paled also, a slight tremor that must have been noticeable for even over the distance Adrian could see it.

Draco didn't comment, he didn't start his usual banter or curses thrown carefree around. Instead, he shoved past, not even acknowledging Adrian with his haste to get away.

Adrian didn't know how to feel, or how to acknowledge the twist in his gut.

The crowd turned to see what had made Draco storm off, and almost instantly dispelled with a few murmurs.

Skylar was there (when wasn't he?) and brightened on sight when he saw the Slytherin.

"Mate!" Skylar gasped, excitedly. He lurched towards Adrian, one hand landing on Adrian's shoulder and tugging him in an opposite direction eagerly, "Can I... Look, I need your help."

Adrian hunkered down and shouldered past, "No, I'm not in the-"

"Mr. Selwyn!" Professor Moody barked, shoving through the crowd with his lumbering walk and his sharp ended cane, "Come along!"

Moody was somehow in along with Skylar, shite that meant he had no hope of getting out of whatever mess Skylar made.

Adrian flinched and looked at Skylar who seemed apologetic. Skylar made haste to run after, Adrian following more resigned.

Moody led them through the hallways, clearing a wide berth with his ratty cloak and gnarled walking stick. Far too many times had students the misfortune of a single good whack from the wood, even this early in the year everyone knew to stay out of the path.

They eventually meandered their way to his office; Moody sighed in relief and dropped heavily on his chair with a grunt. Skylar walked in and took the opposite chair with the ease of having visited before.

That was peculiar, Skylar visiting Moody often. Obviously, it could be something to do with Dumbledore, Moody would be an excellent tutor for Skylar assuming they were somehow training him.

That only gave more questions, especially as to why Adrian was suddenly invited to these meetings.

"So!" Moody grunted, hoisting his prosthetic leg onto the nearest stool as if bearing weight pained him. Adrian wouldn't be surprised if it was all an act. "Potter here tells me you know a thing or two."

He...did. That didn't explain why he was here- was Moody wanting to know any information he had? His deals used to have a confidentiality exchange, there wasn't a way for Moody to ask about past transactions without possible harm to Adrian. Surely a teacher wouldn't endanger a student so carelessly.

Adrian shifted to stand solidly and coldly by the entryway to the office, not at all comfortable with the man. "I do." He stated coldly, trying to subtly ease his way to the exit passageway.

Moody grunted foully and waved his wand, locking the door in place. So much for subtly.

"Settle down there, Selwyn." Moody grunted with a scowl, "Stop glaring- makes your ugly mug look even worse."

Skylar winced and Adrian's face twitched.

"I've been making sure Potter here stays alive," Moody grimaced, pointing at Adrian straight off, "I've been told you have ways to get information."

So that's what this was. Moody was acting independent of Dumbledore- that was odd. Adrian thought that Dumbledore would have confided in Moody, or the two would work closely together.

This was...Why was Skylar confiding in Moody for information and not asking his father or Sirius for advice?

"I don't do it for free." Adrian slowly spoke, wetting his lips quickly.

Moody slammed his fist on his desk office with a bang, Skylar jumped quickly.

Skylar wouldn't have jumped- he shouldn't have jumped; didn't Moody constantly reinforce to be vigilant?

"You think I'm going to pay you for this? This isn't my first show, Selwyn, I know a curse scar when I see one!" Moody practically spat.

"Professor…" Skylar lamely started to try and calm the man.

"No! You're lucky I don't try and get you out of this school, Albus owes me a few favors anyways. Word around here already gives him enough reason to kick you out, in my opinion straight to Azkaban!"

What? What?

He...He couldn't do that. There was- there was no-

"Professor!" Skylar shouted, jumping to his feet and standing between the two with a sharp frown, "I just need some help."

Adrian exhaled shakily, managing to scrounge up the effort for a monumental glare at the teacher. "What's wrong Potter," Adrian bit out sourly, rattled from such accusations, "Your bookworm gone rogue?"

Skylar looked sad, and not his usual pout. It was a genuine expression of sadness, like something terrible had happened.

How...out of character. The entire situation.

"Hermione and Ron aren't talking to me." Skylar confessed quietly, looking at his hands as they wrung together, "Look, I know the first task is Dragons but I don't know anything about the bloody lizards."

Ah, so if Ron Weasley wasn't talking to Skylar, then Skylar would assume he wouldn't be allowed to reach out to the relative who trained dragons. Which left Skylar going to the only magical creature expert he knew.

"And I do." Adrian summarized quietly.

Adrian crossed his arms smoothly, sending a single glare at Moody before he looked back at Skylar considering, "I do know a lot of things."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake…" Moody grumbled, grasping for his wand to no doubt charm or hex him with something petty.

"Look mate," Skylar jumped in between once again, "I just need some help. You're the best bloke I know, even if the Professor doesn't think that you're that useful."

Now that was insulting his reputation.

Adrian looked past Skylar and right at Moody, focusing on his natural eye. Adrian's lip curled as he stared at the auror, wishing he had Lutain on him.

Despite that, he didn't need a snake just to piss someone off.

Adrian's mouth twisted into a smirk, "Bite me, Professor."

Moody's grim expression shifted into something pleasantly pissed off, and without any stumble on his prosthetic he snatched up his wand and pressed the tip under Adrian's jaw, flush to his jugular.

"Listen here, brat." Moody growled lowly, "I have dealt with enough of your shite. I have heard everything from the rest of the staff about your performance. If you don't think you're not hanging by a thread to even stay here, then you're in for a rough year." Moody grinned viciously, fake eye lolling in his socket.

Adrian swallowed thickly, and without saying anything else leant forward, pressing his throat even further against the wand. Moody's real eye widened a micro fraction- surprise.

Adrian was used to bluffs; this in comparison was pitiful.

"Professor," Skylar choked out, sounding winding and borderline panicking, "I ah, I appreciate the effort but you really don't need to threaten Adrian."

Moody chuffed, his breath was foul. "Never hurts to be prepared, Mr. Potter."

Moody slowly dragged his wand back, yet never lowered it all the way.

Adrian could breathe again, and found himself whirling from how chaotic everything was. He just got threatened, by a teacher.

A teacher that he knew was a high-level wizard, capable of hundreds of spells Adrian had never even heard of.

A teacher…

A teacher that hadn't even flinched when displaying the unforgivable.


"Adrian?" Skylar asked inquiring, still sounding pinched and worried.

Right, the dragons.

"There are four dragons. They're randomly assigned to a champion. There's a Swedish Short Snout, a Peruvian Vipertooth, a Catalonian Fireball, a Ukrainian Ironbelly."

Skylar blinked obliviously. Of course, it was too much to hope for that Skylar knew the species.

"The youngest is the Ironbelly, but is unaffected by spells. The Fireball spits fire, which is considerably more dangerous than breathing fire. The Short Snout can break stone by ramming, and the longest reach with its fire. The Vipertooth has venom and a speed advantage." Adrian grudgingly added.

Moody blinked in slight surprise before grinning crookedly in satisfaction. What a complete flip from before.

"Well, I'll be damned, you were right, Potter." Moody gave a nod of appreciation, "Which one is slowest?"

"The Ironbelly," Adrian instantly responded, "Short Snout would try to follow you, the Fireball and Vipertooth won't even try."

Moody let out a wave of laughter, forcefully patting Skylar and nearly sending the boy sprawling, "There you go Potter!"

Skylar grimaced but had a thankful look in his eye, "Thanks mate, a real lifesaver you are."

Moody was...something was wrong.

Adrian sniffed, pausing and staring at Moody with a pause, "Of course. You know where I am."

Something buzzed in the back of Adrian's mind, the niggling thoughts of a terrible idea.

He hadn't ever tried something of this caliber, yet he did have blind faith in the formidable barriers and construction his father had built so long ago.

After all, how different was legilimency than Occlumency? He already knew his father had implanted the formidable defenses, logically shouldn't the same theory be applied for legilimency? Moody didn't have Occlumency barriers; Legilimency was rare.

He gathered the barriers, twisting the intangible strands and sharpening it like a mental spear. Adrian heard a sound like water filling his ears. He gathered it and pushed…

There was an unsettling pressure between Adrian's eyes. It was different than headaches or migraines he had experienced before, and instead felt almost tangible. A cold slimy texture, like he was pressing his hand through a bowl of gelatin. [2] He pressed, almost feeling a non-existential limb reach out as he pressed and pressed…

Moody flinched and grumbled suddenly, breaking eye contact and slapping Skylar on the back.

"Hurry on, Potter. I want a few words with Selwyn here."


Skylar gave him another thankful smile before rushing off and through Moody's office doors, closing it softly behind him.

The door magically locked; it sounded very loud in the sudden silence.

Shite. Think.

Moody was an experienced dueler, but he didn't know about Adrian's affinity for controlled accidental magic. He could try and distract the man long enough to set the office ablaze. Unless...unless when he was antagonizing Draco earlier that day, he somehow knew Draco had been injured.

He had his wand, he could fight- but his dueling ability was severely limited while under Hogwart's wards. Even Lutain wasn't nearby, his Animagus form wasn't even physical yet.

Adrian waited two seconds, nearly trembling where he stood, before looking at Moody once more.

Moody frowned, narrowing his one real eye and focusing his magical one directly on him.

"You're not wearing a glamour," Moody grumbled, crossing his arm with a scowl, "No student should know legilimency, spy."

Adrian's throat closed. He knew what Legilimency was- and he had combated Adrian's attempt.

"Huh?" Moody asked, rising to stand and peer down at Adrian with a curl of his mouth, "Who are you working for? Didn't know scum started at your age."

Adrian swallowed and knew making a movement for his wand wouldn't end well.

Damn, where was Lutain?

"You've got Occlumency as well," Moody sneered, his attempt must have been so small that Adrian didn't even feel it on his borders- Moody was a legilimens? No- he...he only had his magical eye. He only had a magical eye.

"Who are you?" Moody growled lowly, drawing and pointing his wand instantly towards Adrian's neck, "Eh?"

Something in Adrian's mind assured him that this time, Moody wouldn't miss.

This- Moody was a Legilimens, shouldn't his attempt have been slightly more... more powerful? Why wasn't the man taking him to Dumbledore, why didn't he try and interrogate him when Skylar was in the room?

Why was Moody working only with Skylar, and not using other family members? Why was Moody working independent of Dumbledore?

(Moody wasn't supposed to be a legilimens.)

"I don't know what you're talking about," Adrian fumbled to explain, raising his arms slowly to show he wasn't armed.

Moody sneered, "I don't believe that, Death Eater spawn. I've locked up enough of your kind to know them when I see them."

Something was strange about this situation, something was wrong.

Moody had displayed all three unforgivable curses in class and never flinched, never even grimaced. He had broken rules of Hogwarts in punishing students.

Moody didn't have legilimency. Adrian knew that- it was why he tortured captured dark wizards.

He couldn't have learnt it, he couldn't have that quickly.

Moody didn't flinch at Dark Magic.

"No," Adrian spoke, his voice low like a whisper, "No, you're the imposter."

Moody froze, that lapse in his demeanor was evidence that Adrian was right.

Adrian felt a breathless grin spread across his face, eyes wide in delight of finding out what he knew, "You are the one. You know who- you helped put Skylar's name in the Goblet, you did it."

Moody shoved him against the wall with one hand near his throat, pushing him forcefully against the stone.

"Listen here, boy." Moody sneered, nose wrinkling into a snarl, "You have no idea…"

"Do I know you?" Adrian laughed, a wheezing noise considering that an arm was pressing so forcefully against his trachea, "Did Bella ever talk about you?"

"Bella?" Moody's expression was masked, something shifting unnoticed behind his fake eye.

"Who do..."

Adrian gathered the whispering tendrils of his father, gathered the smoke as if a spear and with his mind he pushed…

And oh, oh what beautiful tangible power thrummed beneath his fingers and his eyes. Flashes and tunnels of light like Apparition through his skull and pushing-

Moody howled, stumbling backwards with both hands rising to dig into his head, just shy of his real eye.

Adrian breathed heavily, hands shaking and blinking incessantly, "You…"

"How," Moody groaned out, wincing and shaking his head like a dog, "Not, not even Albus…"

Because he would have been paranoid around Dumbledore, but not around a student. Not paranoid or cautious around a child.

"You're a follower," Adrian breathed brokenly, head still pulsing and beginning the pangs of a migraine, "You serve him."

Moody drew his wand with a snarl and Adrian shook his head and struggled to think of something to say, "I'm Bellatrix's child."

Moody paused with an unreadable expression on his face, "Nonsense, Lestrange doesn't have a child."

And that confirmed it. Dumbledore would have confided in his friend, only someone outside of the Order itself would not know.

"I..." If only he had Wormtail with him, then he could have an alibi or someone to back him up, "I serve him too. The Lord, I'm his spy."

Moody snarled and twisted his wrist to press the tip of his wand to the underside of Adrian's jaw. "I don't serve anyone, boy."

Adrian almost laughed, he grinned, a breathless look, and stared at Moody in the eye, "Nagini would love you."

Moody froze, stiffening before yanking his wand away in a single fluid movement. He stepped back, observing Adrian with an unreadable expression.

"Go," He grunted, pointing to the door with a silent snarl, "Get out of here, brat."

He knew Nagini. He knew Nagini.

Adrian nodded, leaving in a somewhat dazed state.

Until he resolved whatever had just happened, Lutain was to stay by his side no matter what.

He needed protection.

Next chapter