

ummer vanished all too quickly. The last month of the summer hols was quickly disappearing with daily duels with Bella, studies to increase his spell vocabulary, as well as hours each day to improve his occlumency.

His occlumency was progressing at a steady rate. The concept of Occlumency on its own was difficult, however when he focused on it alongside using the liquid magic in his blood, it created a thin layer, an almost electric barrier around his thoughts. Building that first wall was the most difficult, but now he had to construct enough to prevent a full mental assault.

The added benefit of managing to clear his mind was that it was the first step of achieving his Animagus form. He hadn't the time to actually brew the potion, although given Rabastan's strange sources he could likely obtain the potion for a hefty sum.

The Nagini tattoo wriggled under his flesh, it was a surreal sensation since he could feel each of the muscles tensing and flexing under the muscle of his back. He sometimes watched in a mirror as the skin seemed to split open and the snake slid out of the 'hole'. It would do laps around the length of his body, down one leg before backtracking up and around his neck and shoulders, then it would sink below the skin again; he could feel it moving inside his wrist.

At last it was time to return to Hogwarts. Hedwig screeched and glared with her falcon eyes as Adrian crammed her into a small cage and strapped the cage to a trolley, available just outside the floo point.

The Hogwarts Express loomed large. Billowing clouds of white steam covered the platform. There was a tension in the air, a mixture of anxious shouts and excited squeals of students both eager and not to return to school.

Since Adrian couldn't take a compartment for himself, he instead took a seat next to a now fourth year Slytherin. He had helped this boy the year before with charming an owl into sunshine yellow.

They didn't speak to each other, except once the other Slytherin left due to the urging of a Ravenclaw girl. The compartment slid shut and Adrian relaxed.

"You can come out now, Lutain." Adrian smiled, watching as his familiar slid out of a notch in the side of his trunk. Lutain had grown over the summer, filling out into what was likely his full length. Lutain was long, but thin, having a sinuous and lithe body.

"Was there someone here?" Lutain asked, scenting the air near where the other boy had sat.

"Only a student and he's gone," Adrian assured, smiling at his familiar who yawned wide.

"I had a warm nap. Very nice, very warm," Lutain emphasized, looking directly at Adrian, "You could always make me warm."

"But then you wouldn't hang around my neck like a living scarf," Adrian teased. Lutain gave a low guttural hiss, something similar to a snort.

"Master I am scales not creature-skins."

"Actually I'm wearing cotton, which Is a plant."

Lutain flicked his tongue closer, tasting the edge of his robe which neared the snake's body. "I do not like vegetables."

Adrian failed to stifle a rather unappealing snort, although Lutain seemed very pleased with himself.

The compartment door clicked loudly in warning before sliding open. Adrian looked up at the same red haired girl who he had seen in the bookstore.

"Oh, sorry." She blinked and looking close to tears. "I was- sorry-"

"It's no problem," Adrian soothed, gesturing for her to come inside. "You're upset. Tell me what's wrong."

She sniffed and balled her hands into little fists, her eyes were filled with determination as she pushed her hair behind one ear. "I- I can't find my brother and, and we were running late-"

"Your brother, he's a Weasley?"

The girl nodded. "Yeah, my name is Ginny." She hesitated a beat, almost unnoticeably. "You were at the Flourish and Blotts?"

Adrian nodded. "Hermione and I have made a few deals, nothing to concern yourself over. Which brother is this?"

"Ron," she explained, "And, and Skylar Potter."

Adrian tried very carefully to not have his face twitch.

Ginny also took the moment to scream as she noticed Lutain, weaving between Adrian's feet. She yanked herself backwards on the seat, pulling her knees to her chest in alarm.

"That's Lutain," Adrian introduced. "He's my familiar, he won't hurt you. He's very docile."

Lutain, now proficient with verbal English obliged and coiled non threateningly around Adrian's leg.

"Now, Skylar Potter is very important, so nothing bad will happen to him and your brother." Adrian assured. "You can stay here with me if you like?"

Ginny shook her head. "Thank you, but I have a seat with Hermione-"

Adrian nodded and absentmindedly reached out with the magic in his blood, bored for now. He tensed when he felt the same abnormality as he felt in the book shop, which meant that-

"Do you have something in your pocket?"

His voice must have changed, because Ginny instantly looked suspicious and alarmed. Her hand flew to her front right pocket, her hand folding over against the rough shape of-

Well, it was hardly unexpected that she had a book with her. She was just a scared firstie. She probably had a copy of Hogwarts: A History in her robe. That was hardly unique to her. Adrien remembered overhearing Hermione mentioning random facts from the book prior to their own Sorting last year.

"Never mind," Adrian said. He offered her a smile. "I was thinking of something else. Best of luck to yourself and your brother."

Ginny nodded and scampered away rather quickly.

The strange cooing sensation lingered a bit longer before it too faded.

Adrian didn't see Ronald Weasley or Skylar Potter at the Welcome Feast that night. He did however hear the most baffling story of a flying car. The next morning that story was confirmed true, in the form of a bright red Howler.

A roar of sound filled the huge hall, shaking dust from the ceiling which thankfully did not land in any food and for a minute it was so loud that Adrian couldn't pick out any actual words.

"-Stealing the car, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd expelled you, you wait until I get a hold of you, I don't suppose you stopped to think what your father and I went through when we saw it was gone-"

Mrs. Weasley's voice seemed to be amplified many times over until the shrill woman could rattle the spoons and glasses of milk and pumpkin juice on the tables.

Adrian smiled and buttered his toast.

"-Letter from Dumbledore last night, I thought your father would die of shame, we didn't bring you up to behave like this, you and Skylar could have died-"

Adrian almost laughed when he spotted Skylar slink lower in his seat. Draco let out a barely audible laugh.

"-Absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line we'll bring you straight back home!"

There was a loud ringing silence as the last word echoed off the stone walls. Then the howler burst into flames and curled into small ashes which landed in Ron's porridge.

Adrian gently clicked his spoon against a glass cup, the sound loud and triggering a collection of snickers up and down the table.

"What if Master's father sent such loud paper?" Lutain hissed, thoroughly amused although not looking to have understood everything in the Howler.

Adrian tried very hard not to think about it, but ultimately fell into snickers. He threw an apple at Draco whose jaw had dropped, having witnessed such a strange sight.

Transfiguration classes consisted of transforming a beetle into a button. Adrian waited patiently and timed his well, only when Daphne, the resident expert in transfiguration, managed to complete the change, did Adrian allow himself to do the same.

He had already been changing paper scraps into rats.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was indescribable.

Adrian was in utter shock when their new teacher, Lockhart, handed out a lengthy test filled with questions ranging from the most self-absorbed information (What Is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite food?) to downright ridiculous.

Then, to top the class, the man had launched into a speech about how he was prepared to reveal to them their deepest darkest fears within the walls of the classroom.

Millicent was shaking with laughter by the time he was done.

"Behold!" He shouted dramatically. With a flourish, pulling a sparkling blue cloth from a large cage. "Cornish Pixies!"

Draco arched his eyebrow. "Pixies, sir?"

Lockhart nodded solemnly, not understanding the expressions of disbelief on Crabbe and Goyle's face and misinterpreted it as fear.

"Yes, Cornish Pixies, a truly heartless creature." He dramatically inhaled. "Let's see how you fare!"

Adrian scrambled to his feet as the small vicious blue creatures flew out in dizzying speeds. Lutain perked up, hissing and jerking his head wildly as too many creatures buzzed by for him to understand the heat signatures.

"Don't bite," Adrian bit out, snatching his wand and pointing it into the swarm. "Incendio."

He could have done it silently or wandlessly, but he didn't want to reveal his abilities with the media hound that was their new teacher.

A pixie let out a garbled cry as its wings burnt up and it landed on the floor. Millicent jumped over a desk and stomped the creature like a bug.

Draco used a freezing charm to get three of the pixies in the air at once. The creatures were moving in slow motion, Daphne easily snatched them and shoved them back in the cage.

"That's it!" Lockhart shouted eagerly, not taking a single step to actually help them. "Just like that! I'd do it myself, but-" He let out a loud chuckle, which grated on Adrian's nerves.

"Git," Theo grunted, ducking nearby under a desk as one pixie snatched an inkwell and flung it his direction. "He wouldn't know a single spell I bet!"

"String him up like lights," Lutain hissed eagerly, spitting and hissing loudly enough to prevent pixies from getting too close to Adrian.

Adrian smiled and stared at Lockhart, focusing and exhaling slowly as his blood sang. Lockhart cried out suddenly as he was yanked upwards by invisible hands; he swung from the chandelier.

Adrian sent another pixie on fire. Theo and Blaise followed his example, lighting the small creature until the room was filled with gibberish shouting fireballs.

The clock struck, signaling the end of class. The Slytherins made a calculated retreat from the room, leaving Lockhart shouting for help with the assault of the remaining pixies.

If one of them accidentally lit him on fire, it certainly wasn't Adrian's fault.

Draco had boasted rather readily that his father had funded the Slytherin House team, supplying the team with new brooms for the upcoming Quidditch season.

Adrian himself hadn't flown on a broom since he was young, very young in fact, and had no desire to do so again.

Draco had been pleased that he had been awarded the position of Seeker on the Slytherin team by Marcus Flint. Not only that, he had Pansy check out the Gryffindor Quidditch post times and gotten a signed letter from Snape, giving the team permission to take the field directly during Gryffindor practice times.

Adrian had looked at Draco flatly as the blond fool told Adrian of the plans. Draco had, after all, waved goodbye to the element of surprise the new brooms would've afforded them. In a dry voice, Adrian had asked, "Aren't you taking this rivalry too far?"

"It's never too far!"

They had returned after the practice, everyone much too pleased with themselves for just kicking off Gryffindor.

"What happened?" Theo asked eagerly, obviously sensing something different in the air.

"Weasley spelled himself!" Draco laughed. "You should have seen it! The idiot was belching slugs!"

Adrian looked at Draco in amazement. "Weasley? As in, Ronald Weasley?" Draco nodded, snickering. "Considering he's already on a tight leash, what in Merlin's name did you say to get him that angry?"

Draco's expression darkened. "The Granger girl said I bought my way onto the team!" Draco bit sharply. "I told her that she's a filthy mudblood and-"

Adrian raised a hand, "You called her a mudblood?"

Theo let out a low whistle.

"Draco," Adrian tried not to laugh. "I think Granger may call in a deal if she's that upset. Or maybe Weasley-"

"He's poor!" Draco squawked.

"You know I don't only deal in gold."

Adrian's grin was spreading. Draco scowled and stood up and stomped to his room, leaving Theo staring at Adrian in speculation. "You would curse him, wouldn't you?"

Adrian shrugged. "Someone needs to show him his place."

Against Adrian's expectations, neither of the two approached him. So instead he focused on his Occlumency shields; the four walls of defense were still developing but he was getting there.

The animagus potion was the true thing that had drawn his attention. To Owl Order it pre-made from Knockturn Alley was seven galleons, but he only had four to spare since business had been rather slow. He was walking in populated areas to get to class, hopeful that his presence would give someone the motivation to address him but nobody came his way and it was infuriating.

Adrian spent some time on the covered bridge after sunset. It was getting colder once again signaling winter was well on it's way. It was also a good place to clear his mind and reign in emotional control behind the barriers he was creating.

He hadn't found the strange sensation around Ginny. It had mysteriously vanished. He still had no idea what it was that could affect him so strongly yet no other, but it was almost always on his constant mind.

Lutain shivered under his robe, tightening against the cold.

"Let's go inside," Adrian sighed, turning and leaving the darkness of the covered bridge for the safety of the castle.

He was passing nearby the classrooms when he heard something strange, something whispery but foreign.

"Master?" Lutain hissed, poking his head out and scenting the air quickly. "Master there is something big."

"What?" Adrian mumbled, walking closer to the wall and listening harder. "What is it?"

"I don't know--"

"Come…Come to me…"

Adrian flinched, head jerking back from the stone wall. His hands fluttered over the stone, trying to figure out where the old feminine voice was coming from. Lutain was scenting wildly; he too could not figure it out.

"…Let me rip you…"

"Where is it?" Adrian mumbled, eyes flickering over the shadows the torches casted. Was it a python? It sounded as big as Nagini for sure.

"…Let me tear you…"

Adrian glanced up and down the hallway, there wasn't anyone actually approaching.

"Serpent!" Adrian hissed as loudly as he dared, still trying to figure out how this creature was managing to avoid him so adeptly. "Answer my call!"

"…Let me kill you…"

The voice was faint. It trailed off and the hallway felt suddenly much colder than it had been before.

Adrian waited, sinking to the ground in disbelief and staring at the wall in front of him. He felt a vague sense of loss- he was confident that whatever it was would yield to him. Did it not hear him?

"Master, I do not scent it." Lutain flickered his tongue uneasy. "Only wet earth."

Adrian leant forward, pressing his forehead against the stone just shy of a torch sconce.

What was that?

Next chapter