
Chapter 137: Closure For Hades?

Ravyn POV

She didn't want to confirm what Kelara had seen. But the vision felt inescapable. Unless they embraced their former enemy, the Dark Goddess would always take advantage of him, always use him and other tortured souls like him to create her own dark army. 

She took a deep breath, speaking in the stunned silence that filled the council chamber.

"There is a concept in witchcraft of the Qliphoth–the Tree of Death."

"Never heard of it," Valentina said suspiciously.

Jiro, not surprisingly, raised a hand. "I have, and Patch has read about it in the Witch Circle Library in Wildefell. 'Qliphoth' in the witch Old Tongue means 'Tree of Death.'"

Thessi trembled. Ravyn didn't know why she'd chosen to attend the council meeting, except that the wood elf was very sensitive to things these days because of her pregnancy. "The Tree of Death is taboo in wood elf circles," she said. "It's the only tree we would actively avoid. It's dangerous."

"You mean it's a physical tree?" Garnet's eyes widened. "I thought it was more of a spiritual concept."

Thessi's face darkened. "It's both. The Qliphoth is supposed to help you break through all the illusions of life and to proceed to enlightenment. Unfortunately, over the centuries, the Dark Goddess has turned it into a poison tree, with links to her dark realm."

The council all sat silent, their mouths hanging open. 

Ravyn commented, "Hades' prophecy connects to the Qliphoth. 'Only when the twenty-four belong to the dark will the darkness slide across the world. Only when orcs lose their minds and shifters put leashes on humans will the darkness claim the realm. Unless the crystal heart of the world beneath the tree of fire is filled, the darkness will always seek to conquer.'"

She looked at the council members, Jiro, and Garnet. "Another name for the Qliphoth is 'The Tree of Fire' because it burns away illusions."

Stunned silence reigned once again.

Tulaska, Roslynn, and Eirika all supported Ravyn. "It's not quite clear-cut," Roslynn commented. "But we all sense the need to heal this wound and stop the sickness from reawakening."

"Where is this Qliphoth?" burst out Ferrian. "We should chop it down so the Dark Goddess can't use it to hurt anyone."

Thessi trembled. "No one knows. Even the oldest wood elves will never tell you, and neither will the trees. They're all too afraid."

Ravyn glanced at each of the council members. "The one thing that can weaken the power of the Qliphoth is love. Love, forgiveness, compassion. If we could find it in our hearts to at least acknowledge Hades' sacrifice with a public ritual, that would be a start."

"Outrageous," Ferrian hissed. "To publicly forgive him–"

"Which is NOT condoning what he did," Jude argued.

Ferrian's eyes blazed red. "Tell that to his victims."

Cyran's voice was quiet. "And what of my victims? I was given the opportunity to make amends. Without that, Hades might have pulled me back into the Dark Goddess' tender loving embrace."

Valentina Vermello paused. "You make a good point, Cyran. But you can understand how Hades' other victims feel. How so many shifters feel."

"Of course!" Cyran extended his hands, his palms open. "I know that. I couldn't control it when I'd hurt so many people. And Hades' evil stretches back centuries … there's no telling how many lives he AND the Dark Goddess have ruined. But in the end, he refused to play her game. For the first time in centuries, he didn't think about bargaining with her."

"And how do you know this?" Valentina asked, emotional.

Thessi agreed. "She's right, Cyran. He's a master manipulator."

Ravyn's eyebrows shot up. Thessi wasn't one to just condemn people. She had a sweet personality–but damage her trees, hurt her forest and now her pack, and she would turn on you. 

Thessi continued. "He and the Dark Goddess destroyed Drannor Glynthyra and his family, killed trees, endangered all of us time and again." She looked at Dane, who by now had joined the forum. "The pack is everything, isn't that what you all say?"

Jiro sighed. "It is … but this is far bigger than the pack or the elves, Thessi. If Ravyn and Kelara are right, it may be Hades' best chance to really rest. Maybe he is seeking that forgiveness … maybe that's why he could never really die. As a wood elf connected to all life, I'd expect you to understand."

"And you're the Alpha whose packs were nearly destroyed," Thessi shot back. 

Jiro's eyes turned the red of a sunset. "Yes. I AM the Alpha. Tread carefully, Princess."

"HEY," Dirge protested.

Dane weighed in. "He threatened to kick me out of the territory when I went after Cyran. He is the Alpha and he has the right to determine what's allowed and what's not in his territory."

Jude agreed, as did Alpha Caden Wolfbane. "If you don't respect the Alpha of the territory–"

"I don't need a lesson in that," Dirge shot back.

Patch folded his arms. "There's only room for one troublemaker in this family, Dirge, and even I know a lost cause when I see it. Give it a rest before Jiro explodes."

Ravyn took advantage of Jiro's authority as Alpha. "Jiro … do you need the council's vote on this?"

Hesitating, Jiro smelled like the wind blowing dust all over. As if he didn't know which way to go in this situation. Seeing the stony and fiery opposition on this divisive issue had to make even the strongest Alpha doubt his judgment.

"Luna Ravyn," he said formally, "every pack is different. The Silverpaws might handle this issue in their own way. I have to do what's best for my pack, and issuing an order that's so unpopular is not something I do lightly."

"But you exiled Cyran's followers three years ago," Valentina pointed out.

Jiro grimaced. "Yes, but there was a clear and present danger everyone agreed on. I don't doubt Luna Ravyn or Luna Kelara, but there isn't an imminent threat to the pack."

"You can't wait until then," Jude argued. "By the time you see the threat, it's often too late."

Jiro paused, considering.

Ravyn felt a wave of impatience that surprised her. Why was he, one of the most decisive Alphas, dithering on this issue?

Suddenly, nothing else mattered but forgiving Hades.

* * * * *

Jiro POV

This felt like one of the most consequential issues of his reign as Alpha.

Other Alphas might not bother. Hades was an enemy. He died. That was the end of it.

But something in Jiro's heart that he couldn't rationalize told him that Hades' sacrifice needed to be acknowledged. A ritual. A public ritual to heal the past. Otherwise, Hades' soul might never find closure, and the Dark Goddess could keep picking at that open wound so that it kept festering.

"I have the authority to order this," he said in his calmest voice. "But I'd like the council's blessing."

Valentina nodded, pressing the sphere so that it howled. "Councilwoman Ferrian has called for a vote. Do I have a second?"

"Second," Councilman Scipio called out.

Valentina squared her small shoulders. "All in favor?"

A handful of "Ayes" answered her, including Roslynn Rossa and Beta Barrett and, surprisingly, former Hades cult member Zillah.


"NAY," the majority of the council yelled.

Valentina turned to Jiro. "The decision is yours, Alpha."

Jiro took a deep breath, and Garnet squeezed his hand. "I understand your resistance, but this is necessary for our pack to move forward. The ritual will take place this afternoon. I want the entire pack to attend. Gather everyone in the public square."

Dane stood straighter, and so did Jude, both supporting Jiro's decision. Alpha Caden nodded thoughtfully. Jiro breathed a sigh of relief.

As he met Ravyn's gaze, he hoped he hadn't made the biggest mistake of his leadership.

The Qliphoth is real. It is said to be the Tree of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. The lore behind it is fascinating.

Jiro does have the authority to do pretty much anything except going to war without the council's permission. However, he's smart enough to know that this is a divisive issue because of the history.

Ravyn's support does stem from her vision and compassion as a witch...but there may be more involved...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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