
Chapter 129: A Big Sister At My Age?

Lilia POV

Her mother was pregnant?

No. That couldn't be.

Staring at the very virile and outrageously oversexed Jude, Lilia couldn't even form a response.

Dane just curled his hands around his coffee mug and took a long sip. He seemed glad of the distraction and the excuse to not talk.

Her mother … pregnant?

"Say something," Ravyn urged.

Lilia wanted to shower her mother with love and affection, just as her mother did with her pregnancy. How could she do anything less? 

But a little sibling, at this stage in her life? A little sister or brother, or maybe both, playing with Lilia's triplets and the other Cresta babies?

She couldn't wrap her mind around it. A baby, at her mother's age? Hundred-year-old witches had babies. Lilia just never thought Ravyn would be one of them. And her put-together, careful mother had gotten pregnant the first time Jude claimed her … 

"It's … it's remarkable," she said. "It's a miracle."

Ravyn's stiff posture relaxed. "Do you really approve?"

"Ravyn," Jude said in a calm way. "She's taken aback. This is quite a development."

"I'm happy for you," Lilia burst out.

What else could she say?

Dane reached over and gripped Jude's hand. "Congratulations! The Alpha blood always prevails," he said in a cheerful voice.

As a full-blooded shifter, Dane understood the power of pups, and especially the special place they held in the pack. An Alpha's pups were especially prized because they represented the strength of the pack. Lilia understood this … or, at least, she thought she did.

"Yes," Lilia agreed wholeheartedly. "I'm so happy for both of you. And I know the rest of the family will be, too. Have you told Bram and Mali?"

As far as she knew, Bram, Mali, and Eamon were either asleep or on a morning run.

Jude shook his head. "We wanted you two to be the first to know. This is your house, and Ravyn is a Cresta … and we're good friends as well as family."

Ravyn's eyes searched Lilia's, and her hand groped for her daughter's. "You're truly happy for us? Happy about a baby brother or sister?"

What could Lilia say? She lectured her mother about the duties of a Luna. Well, one of the duties of a Luna was to have children, usually. To increase the pack. It might not apply with a second mate when both the Alpha and Luna had grown children. On the other hand, shifters always loved more pups.

"Of course I am." She smiled. "I always wanted siblings."

Pain flashed in Ravyn's eyes. "Your father and I tried …"

Lilia shook her head, frustrated. She had the feeling that nothing she could say would be good enough.


"Lilia Evangeline Rolfe Cresta, don't take that tone–"

Dane and Jude both jumped in to resolve the problem.

"That's not what she meant, Ravyn," Jude said. "There's no 'tone.'"

Dane agreed. "Lilia, I'm sure this is an adjustment, but you really are happy for Ravyn and Jude, right?"

Clinging to Dane's strong arm, Lilia said, "Of course I am. You know that, Mother."

Ravyn's eyes fixed on hers with that intensity that could make grown men cower. "Are you sure?"

Lilia smiled with all her might. "Why wouldn't I be? Pups are important to any pack! My pups will be thrilled to have my little sibling to play with …"

And her put-on smile crumbled.

Ravyn sighed. "You're handling this well, but–"

"It's fine. I'll go get some more coffee, and some pastries and fruit." 

Lilia leapt up, her limbs itching to move, to carry her to the heated sanctuary of the kitchen. A moment. She just needed a moment to get her head on straight.

* * * * *

Jude POV

Watching his daughter-in-law rabbit to the kitchen, Jude stood. "I'll help her."

With his Alpha instincts on high alert, Dane growled, "I can–"

"NO, Dane. You may be her mate, but she's my daughter-in-law." Jude nipped Dane's arm just to show he meant business. "I didn't think all this through. I didn't even consider that Ravyn could get pregnant. Never crossed my mind."

With a wisp of a smile, Ravyn said, "I didn't either. Lilia accepted us being together, and gave her blessing to Daxius remarrying. She's coped with massive changes about as well as anyone can."

Jude shoved Dane down in his seat, feeling the muscles ripple and tense beneath his hand. "Stay there, Dane."

"Who is the Alpha here?" But Dane's grumble was a token protest.

Chuckling, Jude ventured into the kitchen, where Lilia had her back turned to him, filling coffee cups. He could see the straightness in her posture and the stubborn set to her shoulders. Her movements as controlled as a slow-moving lizard, she muttered to herself. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Of course I'm fine."

His heart squeezed. Lilia had had to cope with so much over the last month. Not that her life as Luna of the Evenhide Pack had ever been dull. Still, the changes made even his head spin. Sometimes, the events on Abandonnado Island and in the human royal palace didn't seem real.

"You should slice some of those winter plums before they spoil," he said, looking at the silvery-skinned plums in the fruit bowl. "They'll go perfectly with Serra's pastries."

Lilia's shoulders tensed. "I was going to do that."

"I will."

Even as a guest here, he still knew how to project the authority of an Alpha. He selected several plums that were getting overripe and washed them, then sliced them. Enjoying the sweet scent of the freshly sliced fruit, he arranged the slices on a plate, and placed several of Serra's jam tarts on it. 

"You've gone through more in one month than anyone should have to," he began.

"JUDE. I'm fine."

He put his arm around her. "It's alright not to be fine."

"I'm happy for you both."

Her innocent words made his heart squeeze.

"But?" he prodded.

Lilia shook her head vehemently. "I wasn't exactly warm and welcoming about you two being a couple. I'm not going to do anything to cause my mother more distress."

"Lilia." He hugged her tightly. "It would be normal for you to feel uncertain and a little mixed about having much younger siblings."

She buried her blonde head in his shoulder. "It sounds stupid."

He stroked her soft hair. "It doesn't in the least. All of a sudden, your parents are married or mated to other people, and now your mother is pregnant. Even the strongest she-wolf would grapple with that one. Our people may love pups, but we have the same feelings as anyone else."

It was in his interest to keep Lilia happy. He needed her on his side.

Lilia sighed. "You're right, of course. It's just that I want her to know I support her. But to have pups younger than mine as siblings?"

"Trust me, the pups won't care."

Lilia snorted with laughter. "They keep life in perspective, don't they? One look at their innocent little faces, and all my overthinking melts away. I do overthink things."

"You have to, because Dane can pounce too quickly and find himself in a dragon's nest."

Lilia roared at that. "He's gotten better."

Smiling, Jude kissed the top of her head. "You'll adapt just fine. I promise. So will Bram and Mali–they wanted more siblings too."

"I'd say Bram will be even more effusive than I am. He'll probably be picking out names and getting presents for the little one."

Now, that was the Lilia he knew and loved. His new daughter. 

"Our family isn't conventional, by witch or shifter standards," she went on. "We have wizards, witches, humans, elves, and a whole host of people, mixed in with wolves."

He still could feel her unease, and knew he shouldn't push her too hard to embrace the situation. Picking up the tray full of breakfast goodies while she took charge of the coffee, they walked back to the dining room where Dane and Ravyn sat, now joined by Kyon and Jiro.

The other two looked up, with big smiles. "I hear congratulations are in order," Kyon said. 

Jude glared at Dane, who shrugged. "He heard it from Azandra."

Lilia put on a huge smile. "I think it's wonderful news. Jude, you serve this crowd, I'll get two more cups of coffee."

And as he turned away to do her bidding, he couldn't help noticing that Lilia looked emotional.

I wanted Lilia's reaction to be human but not over-the-top bratty. I don't see her as a brat, just someone dealing with unusual family situations. What do you think?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AmandaMaddencreators' thoughts
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