
Chapter 93: A Spontaneous Wedding

Daxius POV

Ravyn's exit was quick. She didn't look at Hades, who was getting a whispered earful from Patch and Anneliese. The Blackthorns and Morgana also guarded Hades, shielding him. Kelara Blackthorn's air elemental powers created a barrier above Hades, one he couldn't easily break in his weakened state. Garnet stood at a distance, ready to step in. Daxius already liked Jiro's mate and queen, and he hoped Hades didn't touch her with his evil. Not after all she'd been through.

Clasping Marieke's fleshy hand, he stared down at her with tenderness. "I knew Ravyn would heal you. She's the best."

Her hands gripped his, and she clung to him, vulnerable. This woman had survived a shipwreck, years of coaxing him out of his shadowy prison and into the light, enslavement by Hades/Melisande, and the world coming apart. 

She was a strong-minded individual. Maybe the world wouldn't understand or appreciate her strength, but Daxius admired her greatly. And she hadn't asked anything of him except his love. She'd been through h*ll.

"Do you love her?" Marieke asked. "She's your wife–"

"Was. She's Jude's mate now. Alphas don't share. And despite his stubbornness, he and Ravyn will patch things up."

"You and Ravyn have a child together."

Daxius projected calm. "Yes, and she's grown, and she accepts you in my life. She's embraced Jude as her stepfather."

Marieke gazed at him. "You and Ravyn still look right together."

"PLEASE. Don't doubt my love for you." He covered her hands in his, noticing his long, strong wizard's fingers curving around her soft ones. "Marieke, it won't work."

"What won't?"

"Testing me repeatedly to see if you get a different answer. That I'll sudden;y be tripped up–"

" Tripped up'? Daxius!" Her voice was indignant. "I'm not trying to trick you."

"But you want to be sure of my love. You keep going on about Ravyn and I having been married once. Yes, I married her. I loved her. And I also abandoned her–"

Her eyes flared with even greater indignation. "It wasn't your fault."

"I know that, and I also know you spent so many years alone." He reached out one hand and caressed her dark hair, letting it glide through his fingers, loving the silkiness. "So, maybe you have a reason to doubt me. But you know I'm not one to back away from a commitment. That when I make a promise, I mean it. And I promised to marry you."

"When you were free." Marieke's eyes locked on his. "But you're not marrying me out of pity. I do have some pride. You're no longer bound by guilt. You can do what you want. Be with whom you want."

Marieke had waited long enough for him to finally be able to call her his wife. He pledged to marry her once he made things right with Ravyn. It wasn't just an empty promise. Brave Marieke, willing to fight all those years. Laughing with him, building a home, swimming in the coves, cuddling with him, dreaming of their wedding.

The answer hit him so hard he knew the Goddess Brigid had sent it to get his attention.

Waving Ravyn over frantically, he said, "Ravyn, I have a favor to ask. Gather all the family."

Ravyn's eyes were pure violet curiosity. "Anything for you, Daxius. And you, Marieke. You're one of the family now."

* * * * *

Jude POV

The chapel in the palace couldn't hold a candle to the peace he felt praying to the Moon Goddess in the woods or in a room in Faolan Castle, but Jude appreciated the blue-and-white mosaics, the stained glass, and the centuries of history. This chapel had been part of the original castle and survived many attacks and raids. It smelled of tallow candles, old books, births, marriages, and tears. 

Granted permission by Odo, Giselberthe, and the palace priest, Ravyn stood in front of the altar, ready to marry her former husband to his fiancee. 

Jude tried not to fidget with his collar while he stood beside Daxius as his best man. Dane and Jiro were groomsmen, Anneliese a bridesmaid. As maid of honor, Lilia walked down the aisle in front of Marieke, the bride. All the Crestas and their extended family watched Marieke, still pale but somehow glowing, walk toward Daxius, wearing a simple, lacy white dress.

Ravyn herself looked radiant and beautiful as a priestess, and there was a light in her eyes that looked genuinely pleased for her former husband and his wife-to-be. 

Before the ceremony, Jude had caught Patch, Jiro, Garnet, and Anneliese whispering together in front of the altar. Their expressions and their smells were too spicy for a discussion of the architecture or the spirituality of this space. Jude raised eyebrows at them, a question in his eyes. Anneliese grinned, naughty. "We were just thinking that you and Daxius would make a good harem for Ravyn if things don't work out with Marieke."

Rolling his eyes, Jude said, "PLEASE. We're in a human church."

Patch shrugged. "I doubt the Moon Goddess cares."

Her cheeks pinkening, Anneliese murmured, "Besides, I've met some priests and nuns who can be earthy, to put it mildly."

Jude and Daxius in a reverse harem? He supposed it was possible, if the Moon Goddess had a sense of humor. And if Ravyn had to have a second mate, Jude much preferred Daxius to any other candidate. 

Standing before the same altar now, he looked at Marieke's glowing face and observed the way Daxius only had eyes for her as she moved gracefully along in her bridal procession towards him. His relationship with Ravyn was a cherished memory from his past. 

He reached out his pale hand and Marieke gave him her sun-bronzed one. Rotating, they faced Ravyn, who began. "We are gathered here in this sacred space to unite this wizard and this woman in the bonds of marriage." She held out an unlit candle. "A candle flame is as bright as the Goddess Brigid's smile. Jude, the candle, if you please."

Jude lit a candle and handed it to Daxius. He hoped he was doing it right. Meanwhile, Lilia lit her white candle and passed it to Marieke. They both lit the candle in Ravyn's hand.

As the flame sputtered, then grew strong, Ravyn chanted,

"When fires are bright and hearths are warm,

Let this candle burn even in the storm,

Goddess Brigid, keep our love's sweet flame

Ever blazing. We praise your blessed name.

Let our marriage know both shade and sun,

And as with these candle flames, our lives are one."

Ravyn placed the candle in the candleholder on the altar and turned to Marieke and Daxius with a smile. "You have joined your lives, just as you have merged your candle fires. The divine masculine and the divine feminine have united. And yet, just as many candles are lit from a single flame, your love will light the world. When you walk in the world together and apart, you'll both shine in the darkness. Your love will multiply, and so will your blessings."

Jude had been to Patch's and Anneliese's witch wedding in Wildefell, and the ceremony came back to him. Patch had been earthy, and Anneliese full of her typical wicked wit. The Crestas didn't bother to hold back their laughter. Emer had sobbed through the entire wedding. He had to admit that the words and sentiments spoke to him, then and now. 

Daxius and Marieke exchanged rings and promises to love, honor, and cherish each other. Marieke said in a trembling voice, "I pledge my heart to you, Daxius Ariosto Houdini, because you think I saved you, but we rescued each other."

Daxius responded in a smooth, calm voice, "I pledge my heart and life to you, Marieke Adalie Wind, because you did save me, and yes, we sheltered each other and embarked on a journey that I can't wait to continue."

Jude caught sight of Daxius' brilliant smile, and also noticed Bram grinning at him, proud. 

Ravyn bound Daxius' and Marieke's hands with the belt from the bathrobe Marieke had worn while lying in the Healing Ward. "I bind you together in this life and the next. Daxius and Marieke, you are now married! Daxius, you may kiss your bride."

Still bound together with the cream belt, Daxius and Marieke obeyed Ravyn's command, to enthusiastic applause. Jude started to howl, then turned it into a whoop and glanced around to see if any humans had heard. He smirked when he noticed that Jiro, Dane, Patch and Bram also turned their howls into non-wolfy sounds. 

After the kiss, everything went by in a blur. Jude remembered slapping Daxius on the back and feeling the wizard's willowy body stand remarkably strong. He gave Marieke a kiss on the cheek and gruffly congratulated her. Lilia hugged her. Patch made a quip about how he knew humans were slightly mad, and Garnet gently kicked him. King Odo and Queen Giselberthe, as well as Lord and Lady Blackthorn, offered their congratulations, and everyone wound up drinking a toast in one of the palace parlors. Pregnant Lilia had elf nectar instead of wine. They all looked thrilled to share this simple joy in the middle of all the turmoil.

Jude smiled, seeing the spirit of celebration and feeling Ravyn's contentment. He toasted Daxius and Marieke. "May you both have a long-deserved honeymoon together–away from cursed islands!"

"And away from Hades," Garnet said grimly, pressing her hands to her head. "I can feel him. He's awake. He's giving me a headache, he's so unhappy."

Jude glanced around and saw Jiro, the Blackthorns, Anneliese, Morgana, and Lilia all holding their heads. He felt a throbbing pain behind his eyes from Ravyn.

Something had to be done about Hades!

Ravyn's invocation is inspired by Irish blessings and also poems about the Goddess Brigid.

Daxius and Marieke are married! I did consider a reverse harem romance for Ravyn, living happily with Jude and Daxius...if his marriage to Marieke doesn't work out, who knows?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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