
Chapter 23: Just Between Us Alphas

Dane POV

With crossed arms, Dane blocked Jude from Azandra's Healing Ward. "You can't see him. He's still unconscious and Azandra wants him to rest."

Jude smelled like a strong, brisk wind that could knock a man over. Dane wondered how he himself smelled every time he battled a threat to Lilia.

"I just want to look at him."

"He's not going to change his appearance overnight.'

Jude smirked. "Who says you don't have a sense of humor?"

Dane leaned his back against the door to the Healing Wing. "I don't have one at the moment, not when a man I consider a brother is about to do something stupid. If it were Kyon or Dirge or any of my family, I'd stop him in his tracks too."

And they had all done outrageous and reckless things to protect and win their mates. He included himself in that.

"And I hope he would do the same for me," Dane added. "Moon Goddess knows that I haven't always acted wisely. I've let my wolf rule me when I should have used my brain."

"Our wolves are smarter than we are about certain things," Jude replied, raising a dark eyebrow and reminding Dane of Jiro.

"But the Goddess gave us minds and wits and reason too," Dane argued. 

Except when it came to mates.

He didn't want to think that Ravyn could be Jude's mate—not because he disapproved of Jude or wanted to deny either him or Ravyn the happiness they both deserved. But he knew that for Lilia, seeing Ravyn lose her heart to a new man would feel like a loss …

Especially since Ravyn would embark on a new life as Luna of the Silverpaw Pack.

Jude growled at being thwarted. "Dane, this man hurt your mate and your cherished mother. I'm baffled that you don't want to claw Daxius to ribbons!"

Dane bared his teeth. "I will if necessary once Ravyn is done with him. And just why is your fur in knots over this?"

He held his breath, feeling like he was on the edge of a cliff, waiting for Jude's answer.

Jude spun on his heel. "Run with me in the night air."

Dane shifted, and Jude right after him. They both raced through the halls. Dane didn't hear any of the children making noise upstairs–they must all be asleep. The others were all recovering from the intense battle, with Cyran, Naomi, Anneliese, Patch, Garnet, and Jiro putting their heads together to prepare for the fallout from the battle with Melisande–and any resulting problems with the Wildefell Witch Circle. Lilia and Ravyn were upstairs, and he'd give anything to know if they were talking about Melisande's revelation. His mate's emotions churned and swirled, a mix of grief, anger, and guilt. He needed to comfort her, but first, he needed answers from Jude–if his friend was in the mood to give them.

Outside in the night air with the moon shining upon them, Dane raced alongside Jude. His friend finally spoke, and Dane ran harder once he heard the words.

"Wise Women are maddening, aren't they? But in the end, they always guide us to what we need. I had no idea that I needed Ravyn. Emer always said I didn't know my own mind sometimes. But I know it now."

Dane growled loudly. "My mother-in-law! That's my mother you're talking about."

Jude sounded cheeky. "Let's just say I have a new appreciation for crystals!"

Bounding ahead of his friend, Dane felt lightheaded. A rare thing for him. 

"Out of all the women in the shifter territories and even in Lugdunum …"

"Take it up with the Moon Goddess."

Dane skidded to a halt in the wet grass and rotated around, slowly, to face Jude, nose to nose. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Jude stood straight with his tail erect and his head up, staring into Dane's eyes. "I tried to deny the mate pull, Dane. I can't. You know that it's impossible."

Dane growled. "So, Melisande was right. Fenrir's guts! That obnoxious woman has another weapon now."

"You can handle her. Don't tell me you can't."

In a moment of candor, Dane admitted, "I can. It's my mate's distress that I fear."

Jude stepped back, his golden eyes darkening with unhappiness. "You think she–"

"Jude. Lilia has been missing a piece of herself ever since that man walked out. She's clung to Ravyn as her only parent." Dane looked reflective. "She thinks the world of you, but she's protective of her mother."

Jiro slipped in, an elegant red shape stalking beside them. "That's why you didn't want anyone from Evenhide or too close to our family, isn't it? And yet you ended up feeling the mate pull with Ravyn anyway."

"Eavesdropping as usual," Jude grumbled, which made Dane smile.

"Yes–to protect the family and keep you all out of trouble." Jiro lifted his head, his long nose tilted up to the sky. "The mate sense is obvious when you know what to look for."

Jude looked both of them in the eye, then rolled over and exposed his throat. "I don't know what will happen with Ravyn–and she still has to sort out this enormous dilemma with Daxius. I don't even know if it's just passion on her part–"

Dane and Jiro growled and nipped him. "Ravyn is a witch, she doesn't give into 'just passion,'" Jiro argued.

"There's a first time for everything. But for me, it's not just passion. Ravyn is my mate." Jude's sharp white teeth flashed in a grin. "And I'll stand by her side when she faces Daxius. Any talk of a future together can wait until afterwards."

Dane was happy to put off that discussion, if only for a night. 

Grateful, Dane nuzzled Jude, followed by Jiro, their noses bumping against him. "He's going to be sorry he ever set foot in our territory," Dane vowed, and the three of them howled their pledge to the heavens.

When they returned to Cresta House, Lilia was waiting, and he could feel the strain and exhaustion through the bond. "Mother has gone to bed," Lilia said. "I suggest all of you do the same–tomorrow will be interesting."

Dane shifted back to human form, swept her up, and carried her off to their bedroom to shut out the world for the night.

* * * * *

Jude POV

Nothing had been settled with Dane Cresta, but Jude hadn't been beaten within an inch of his life, either. In fact, Jude liked to think Dane approved of his match with Ravyn. Even if he didn't, he'd just have to get used to it … but you couldn't say that to a man when his mate was in distress.

Consumed with these thoughts, Jude lingered outside Ravyn's room the next morning. He didn't want to intrude–but he had been up for hours and couldn't stay away from her any longer. With his revelation to Dane last night and with Daxius under the same roof, he felt energized and his mind refused to be quiet. His wolf was antsy to a degree Jude had never felt before.

He listened at the door for any sound and heard her walking around, muttering prayers to her Goddess, which made him smile. He knocked on the door and murmured, "Ravyn, it's me."

After a long, anxiety-filled moment, the door opened and Jude slipped in quietly, listening in the hall for any sign anyone heard him skulking about. Nothing. Quietly, he shut the door behind him. 

Ravyn paced the room, looking as restless as he felt. "Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that." He walked over and pulled her, unresisting, into his arms. He felt her warmth against him and cuddled her close. "You looked as restless as my wolf."

She choked back what might have been either laughter or a sob, he couldn't tell which. "I imagine shifting and going for a run can be freeing."

"I did that last night with Dane, who was worried about you and his mate."

He rested his chin on her soft hair and wondered what it would be like to do this every day. To hold her and know she belonged to him. 

The idea didn't make him want to flee the way it had a week ago. 

She nestled against him, which made his wolf dance with joy. "What did he say about what Melisande said?"

"I don't care what that hag said."

She laughed softly. "Most witches hate the term 'hag.' Even if it's appropriate."

"Dane was more interested in … in my attitude towards you. It's very mate-like, apparently." He rubbed his chin against her soft hair and stroked her skin. 

"Your touch is mate-like too," she murmured. 

"Is it?"

She growled. "You know it is. Jude, you wanted–"

"I was a fool. I should have realized that before Queen Ylavi made it so blatantly obvious."

Ravyn sighed. "I should have, too. I could blame the man currently in our Healing Ward, and I could say that I worried about Lilia's feelings … that's all true. But the truth is … I was frightened. And I've been alone so long I've gotten used to it."

A startling and brave admission, but no less than he expected from her. What a woman. 

"I saw the way Lilia looked at us." He leaned back to look at Ravyn and saw the joy and worry warring all over her face. "As if she'd just been thrust into a deep forest and felt lost."

Ravyn sighed. "Yes, and Daxius reappearing just has her scrambling to find her way … and I admitted what everyone can see between us … I told her all of that can wait until after we deal with her father."

The same fear and delight clashed inside him. "Wise."

"You proposed something similar to Dane, didn't you?"

He burst out laughing, even though the situation wasn't funny. "Moon Goddess, Ravyn … I can never get away with anything, can I?"

"Now, now, you've spent enough time with this family to know the answer to that. And I think your family is the same."

Unable to resist any longer, he kissed her with all the passion and longing he felt. Her body molded to his and he felt the first sign of something that he thought had died with Emer.

Joy. Hope for the future. Really living.

Ravyn trembled in his arms, and stepped back, anger on her face.

Jude felt hurt by her rejection. "I should go," he snarled, and spun on his heel.

"Jude, wait."

The vulnerability in her voice made him turn around, and he softened.

She took a deep breath. "Waiting by the window."


"I waited by the window of my shop for years. When I wasn't waiting, I was searching. I don't remember when I stopped doing that, probably when Lilia turned ten. But in some ways, I've been waiting by that window all these years, even though my life is completely different."

Blushing, he admitted, "I think I've done the same in a way. I'm sorry to compare …"

"No, it's the same. Emer left suddenly–even though it wasn't her fault. She was taken too soon. And people pushed me to remarry for Lilia's sake over the years." She smiled a little. "Not Edna and Graydon, of course … they understood. I'm sorry I didn't understand you."

"You did, better than anyone else." He smiled a little. "Are you still waiting by that window?"

"I'm done waiting, Jude. So is Lilia. This cloud has hung over our lives for far too long." Ravyn lifted her head. "Please get me a cup of Serra's coffee, and tell Dane to gather everyone in the Great Hall as soon as Daxius wakes up."

Next up: Daxius may wish he stayed away!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AmandaMaddencreators' thoughts
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