Father Tang said, "The use of water is orderly, today it's your family's turn, tomorrow mine, and the day after, someone else's."
"During the hot and dry summer days, even when it's your turn to use water, you still have to watch out for others stealthily diverting it to their own fields in the middle of the night. People wouldn't sleep, staying in the fields with the adults to guard against water theft. We call this guarding the water."
"Just imagine, it's pitch dark at night, with only the faint moonlight, and if you get sleepy in the wee hours, you'd lie down on the ridge, letting the clumpy soil press against your back, cushioned only by a few handfuls of straw, surrounded by the buzzing of mosquitoes, mixed with the croaking of frogs."
Just by listening to Father Tang's description, Tang Xiaoxin could imagine how hard it was: "Wow, stealing water is kind of bad."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: