
Chapter 560: The Cinereous Vulture That Couldn't Fly

After the chorus, shaking their heads was not the end of the ritual.

Some flamingos spread their wings, showing off for three or four seconds before drawing them back in and beginning to preen their pink feathers.

But this preening was different from their previous vanity!

Before, they meticulously preened their feathers, spreading the grease evenly, over and over, to make themselves look more splendid, which took a long time.

Now, they twisted their heads to one side of their body and quickly slapped their wings then folded them back in, pretending to groom their feathers with their beaks for a moment or two.

Their movements appeared somewhat stiff and rigid, the sort meant for display.

Other flamingos stretched their necks forward until their tails rose above their shoulders, then they spread their wings and placed them behind their backs, tips pointing towards the sky, in a ninja-like pose, before striking a pose.


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