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During the Divine Manifestation of the Great Shun Dynasty, no matter how good external forces were, they were just an aid. Whether one could withstand the scourging of the Power of Collective Will depended primarily on the Spirit Refining Practitioner themselves.

As the Power of Collective Will converged, the "Heavenly Demon Form" gradually took shape. It appeared with an upper body pinching flowers and sneering, while its lower half had writhing tentacles.

The Empress Dowager watched with wide eyes as such a horrific and strange "heart mirror image" formed, showing not the slightest discomfort.

She was certain about what kind of person she was.

The Empress Dowager was confident that she was a mean and graceless woman, one who was vindictive to the point of spite.

So what if she was? Could a person really hate the reflection in the mirror~

At that moment, countless voices cursed and swore at her:


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