
Chapter 19 Hades and the Sea Empress (Moon tickets +10)

Ever since the Divine King returned to Olympus, the once urgent passage of time at the turn of the era began to slow.

Zeus selectively announced the results of this journey, and the end of the Titan war was quickly declared.

With Hestia's help, the three Hekatonkheires finally captured the Titan god Atlas. This fearless deity was not willing to surrender, but remembering Cronus's final words before his departure, he ultimately accepted the task of holding up the sky.

Thus, after a fall of six days, with a thunderous noise, the western sky finally ceased its descent.

Atlas revealed his divine true form, and when he merged with the symbol of sky-bearing, as long as he continued to fulfill his mission, the world no longer restrained his divine power. Hence, under the Titan's strength, the sky slowly rose again, but it could never return to its original height.

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