"This wine has a very distinctive taste, somewhat like brandy, but it's different... Nonetheless, since it has received Mr. Chu's admiration, I conservatively estimate that this wine must be a genuine article worth at least a million. If that's the case, the range of possibilities narrows down significantly.
Among them, the premium whiskey from Petersburg Winery in France meets the criteria. Petersburg Winery has a collection of six bottles of 1900 vintage whiskey, each with a history of over a hundred years. Because they have been well-preserved, their flavor not only hasn't evaporated but has become even more mellow.
Five years ago, at an auction in Britain's grand cathedral, one of these premium whiskeys was sold for the astronomical price of 3.7 million... However, I've heard that these whiskeys, having traveled with ships around the world and drifted in the sea for years, have a faint scent of the ocean...
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