
Chapter 03 : Sumeru

Lumine sighed and stretched as she rose from the bed. She had a busy day ahead of her, so she might as well start cracking now. Neuvillette had stayed somewhat late last night, pulling Lumine aside while Furina had set up their room with the supplies he had brought. When he told her that Wriothesley had called him down to give a warning that the recent inmates had spoken of a group intent on assassinating Furina, Lumine didn't think she would be able to sleep at all.

To her surprise, lulled by the soft, quiet snores of Furina and her face peaceful in the moonlight, she had fallen asleep.

As she got out of bed, she was pleased to find that neither her nor Furina had had any nightmares, Furina sleeping peacefully in her own bed under the window.

Lumine smiled, quietly tiptoeing over to cover Furina back up with a blanket, tucking her in gently, and biting back a coo as Furina buried herself deeper under the blanket, curled around a plush Blubberbeast.

Perhaps one day she could have Furina curled around her as well, but for now, breakfast sounded like a good plan.

She kept close to the wall, the stairs still old and creaky enough that she feared it would wake Furina. As she reached the dining room, she paused, listening above her for any sign of Furina awakening, pleased when she found none.

She grabbed a few logs she had placed by the fireplace, carrying them over to the wood burning stove and starting a fire as she contemplated what to make.

Something light and easy, perhaps, since they would be traveling to Sumeru today and were sure to be snacking throughout the Bazaar on the rich foods.

Maybe some Adventurer's Breakfast Sandwiches? She still had quite a bit of cured ham in her inventory and Neuvillette had brought an overabundance of eggs.

Lumine paused as she spied the quite frankly ridiculous amounts of Ajilenakh Nuts she had, remembering taking her frustrations in the Desert out on the trees.

Well, it would be rude to go empty handed to Sumeru when she was going to request a favor from Kaveh. And she was definitely going to visit Nahida, and that poor girl needed something sweet. Which meant she would probably run into The Wanderer, and his reactions were always amusing. And if she was going to see Kaveh, she should go and visit Alhaitham to ask if he knew of any recipe books in the library. Oh, and Furina would probably love Nilou's dancing.

And... and she was going to have to do quite a bit of baking.

With a new found determination she quickly made some Adventurer's Breakfast Sandwiches, showing one in her mouth and she began boiling the nuts to make all of the pastries she had in mind.

As she spread flour on the counter, beginning to prepare to make Baklava, Candied Ajilenakh Nut, and some Charcoal Baked Ajilenakh Cakes, she jumped, a pressure on her cheek. She turned with wide eyes to see Furina blushing profusely, a plate with a few breakfast sandwiches on it, held in her hands.

"I'm sorry. It's just you said yesterday about... I'm probably being a bit presumptuous that these are for me." Furina said, her hair endearingly frizzy and sleep mused around her, swimming in an oversized nightgown.

"Not at all, I made those for you. We've a busy day ahead. I was just startled because I didn't hear you." Lumine said with a warm smile, pushing the plate against Furina's chest.

"Ah... I can be quiet and unseen when I want to be." Furina said softly and Lumine squeezed her shoulder, biting her tongue to not say something stupid like, "I'll always be able to see you", when she hadn't until it was too late, Furina's trial fresh in her mind.

"Well, eat as much as you'd like, and let me know if you want more. I plan on taking us to Sumeru to get some supplies today, and Paimon and I often eat and snack as we walk around the Bazaar." Lumine said and Furina nodded, sitting on a stool at the wooden counter, watching Lumine and daintily eating one of her sandwiches.

"Will you tell me what she's like? The Dendro Archon, I mean. I'd like to meet her... if she is willing to meet me. It's not like I'm in a position of power or importance anymore." Furina said and Lumine stopped her kneading of the dough, staring at Furina intently.

"You are still important and powerful, not only to myself and Monsieur Neuvillette, but also the people of Fontaine, even if they don't recognize it. She would love to meet you regardless. She too had to suffer for her people and was kept in lonely isolation." Lumine said fiercely and Furina was slightly taken aback, but nodded.

"I see. Thank you." Furina said and Lumine began assembling some of the pastries and desserts.

"No thanks is needed." Lumine said, putting the cakes in the oven on an old tin sheet she found.

"I actually think the two of you will get along very well. Nahida is a great storyteller and her picture books are wonderful." Lumine said with a small secretive smile that Furina returned before depositing her plate in the sink and going to stand beside Lumine.

"Okay then, may I help? I assume you are bringing these to your friends in Sumeru?" Furina asked and Lumine nodded.

"Yes! I want to give them all some treats and use it as a trial run for our cafe! Neuvillette mentioned bringing over some art supplies last night, is there any chance you can make some packaging for these? Or perhaps a few Fontainian desserts and pastries they might like to try?" Lumine asked and Furina thought for a moment before nodding.

"How about some Blubber Profiterole? They should be light and easy to go with the other desserts. And... I think I have some old handkerchiefs we can use to package these in. We should find some sort of container while we are out shopping. I'd be happy to do the design." Furina said and Lumine smiled in delight.

The two of them worked quietly and comfortably together, bundling up the treats and cleaning up the kitchen, and when Paimon finally arrived, they set off for Sumeru.

"Oh, wow." Furina breathed, gazing up at the large tree in the heart of Sumeru City.

"I have heard tales of the large trees, and caught a faint glimmer of one from the very edge of Fontaine, but it is really quite different up close." Furina said and Lumine smiled at the entrance to the city, letting Furina look around in wonder and curiosity.

"If you really like the trees, I will take you to Gandharva Ville to visit the Forest Rangers who live in the trees." Lumine said as she took Furina's hand.

"For now, let's start shopping. It can get very busy and crowded, so do you mind if I hold your hand? It will keep us from being separated." Lumine asked, trying to not let the brief pang of grief color her voice as she was reminded of her twin's hand in hers before being separated.

Furina blushed but nodded, keeping close to Lumine as she made her way up to Puspa Café, letting Furina stop and look at a few stalls. As they left a stall with a few pieces of pottery, a dark shadow loomed over their heads.

Lumine looked up with a snort, already knowing who it was.

"Hello, Hat Guy." She greeted as the Wanderer hovered above them, his wide brimmed hat vaguely blocking out the sun.

He scoffed, landing in front of them.

"That's not my name and you know it. Buer requests your presence." He said and Lumine's smile only grew wider.

"Oh? Should I call you Kitten then?" Lumine teased and The Wanderer scowled before beginning to walk forward, expecting them to follow.

Furina gave an inquisitive look up at Lumine and Lumine chuckled as Paimon went to pester him.

"He's a wanderer that often works with Nahida. And, is very fun to tease." Lumine explained, hiding a grin as a flicker of jealousy shone in Furina's eyes.

"You're the one with the interesting reactions, Traveler. I am unfortunately used to putting up with nonsense." The Wanderer said breezily as they ascended to Nahida's residence.

They entered the glowing sanctuary, Nahida turning around with a smile and thanking the Wanderer.

"Lady Furina, I have wanted to meet you for a while now. Welcome to Sumeru." Nahida greeted, taking Furina's hand with a smile.

"I... oh... really? You've wanted to meet me? Thank you for the welcome, your nation and city are beautiful." Furina said softly and Nahida's smile grew.

"As are yours... or so I've heard and read." Nahida said and Furina gave a small, half smile.

"Ah, thank you, but they are no longer mine. I've abdicated my position as Archon and I am no longer needed. I am just a simple human now. Please, just Furina will do." Furina said and Nahida's eyes glimmered with knowledge.

"Yes, I have heard through Irminsul. It may not look like much has changed, but everything has changed, thanks to your sacrifice. I have a great admiration for you and your love for your people. You are truly special, Furina, and I would be honored if we could be friends. I know how lonely it can get." Nahida said calmly and Furina grew even more flustered.

"I... yes... I would like that very much. Thank you." Furina said and Nahida beamed, clapping her hands as The Wanderer had a glimmer of appreciation and approval in his eyes, nodding at Furina.

"You've certainly done more than other Archons I have known for their people." The Wanderer muttered and Lumine wondered if Nahida had told him, due to his change against fates' design.

Perhaps he and Furina could be friends, but Lumine found an odd stirring of possessiveness stirring in her gut, not wanting to share Furina. She's given up so much, couldn't she be selfish for once and be the closest to Furina?

"Then, shall we walk around the city? I am sorry for interrupting your shopping." Nahida said, drawing Lumine's attention. Lumine smiled, bending down to hug her before pulling out the treats she had made for Nahida, unable to help the fondness she had for Nahida.

"Furina and I are opening a cafe and are getting supplies. Please let us know how these taste. I made them specially for you." Lumine said before looking up at The Wanderer with a sly look, tossing a bag at him, to his surprise. He caught it easily, looking at it with curiosity.

"I had a feeling we would run into you, so I made some for you as well. Don't worry though, they aren't very sweet, and are more on the bitter side." Lumine said and The Wanderer inclined his head in gratitude and acknowledgement.

"Oh! Are these a Fontainian dessert?" Nahida asked as she opened her handkerchief, seeing the Blubber Profiterole on top.

"Yes! Furina made them." Lumine said and Furina fidgeted slightly as Nahida popped one in her mouth, her eyes growing wide.

"Delicious! Your cafe is sure to be a success!" Nahida said, quickly eating another and nibbling at the treats Lumine made. Furina gave a small, pleased smile while Paimon whined.

"Ah, watching you eat is making Paimon hungry! Hat Guy! Share!" Paimon demanded and The Wanderer stuck out his tongue, tucking his package away.

"Ugh! Why you!" Paimon huffed, stomping in the air and Lumine snorted, reaching up and tugging on her leg.

"C'mon, I'll buy you something at Puspa, before you destroy Sumeru." Lumine said and The Wanderer snorted.

"Please, I am perfectly in control and would not cause a disaster because of a pesky pixie." The Wanderer said and Paimon stuck out her tongue.

Lumine sighed as Nahida giggled, taking Furina's hand.

"Then let us walk!" Nahida declared, leading them out of her sanctuary.

While Nahida and Furina quietly chatted about their favorite stories, Lumine spied Alhaitham about to walk into the Akademiya.

"Alhaitham!" She called out, running over to him before he could walk in. He tilted his head in acknowledgement.

"Traveler. I thought you were in Fontaine." Alhaitham greeted and Lumine smiled, presenting him with a bundle of treats.

"I am, but I am visiting Sumeru for the day to stock up on supplies. I have a favor to ask of you." She said and Alhaitham looked beyond her as her companions approached.

"Forgive me if I am a bit wary, given the entourage you have assembled behind you. I hope that the favor does not involve something that would require copious amounts of paperwork. I do not know if I have time for another coup at the moment." Alhaitham said wryly and Lumine giggled.

"No, no, nothing like that. You see, my partner and I are opening up a cafe, and I was wondering if you might know of any cookbooks I could borrow, as well as where to obtain the lovely coffee beans you and Kaveh sent. And where Kaveh is." Lumine said, reaching behind her to pull Furina forward.

"I do have a few personal cookbooks I can loan you that have a few pastries. I have memorized them already and altered the recipes to my taste, so feel free to borrow them as long as you'd like. As for the coffee beans, they were from a traveling merchant in Caravan Ribat, so you would have to go there. And Kaveh… you're in luck, I do actually know where he is today. He said he was finalizing a few plans with a client in the Akademiya." Alhaitham stated, crossing his arms and Lumine nodded. They probably wouldn't have time to visit the desert today and she didn't think Furina would fair very well in the desert, so she would have to hold off on those coffee beans and visiting Cyno and Dehya, unless they happened to be in the city today. A sudden thought of Neuvillette absolutely melting in the desert crossed her mind and she had to hold back a giggle, vowing to tell Furina later as they were going to bed.

"Nahida, Wanderer, I actually have a few things I wish to discuss with you in my office, since you're here now, it saves me the paper." Alhaitham said and Nahida smiled, walking over to him with The Wanderer following behind.

Lumine snickered as they entered the Akademiya, hearing a few scholars cry out "Hat Guy! Look it's Hat Guy!", much to The Wanderer's ire. The trio departed and Lumine wandered further into the Akademiya, hand in Furina's as she looked around in delight.

When she spied a familiar blonde waving off a client and gathering a few papers, she quickly approached.

"Kaveh!" She said, accepting Kaveh's warm embrace.

"Traveler!" He greeted before releasing her and bowing to Furina, kissing her hand.

"Lady Furina, it is a pleasure to meet you. What brings the two of you here?" Kaveh said and Furina gave them both a confused look.

"Ah, forgive me. My mother went to Fontaine, so I was curious about the culture there. I came across one of your performance posters and instantly recognized you." Kaveh explained and Furina gave a quiet "o-oh" of understanding.

"Kaveh, I want to hire you for a project. If you have the time! Money is no issue." Lumine said and Kaveh blinked, gesturing for them to sit at the table.

"I would be more than happy to help a friend, but please, I wouldn't feel comfortable accepting money from a friend." Kaveh said and Lumine huffed.

"You don't even know what the project is yet! I want to compensate you for your time and expertise." Lumine argued and Kaveh smiled.

"Well, what is the project? I am curious and eager to hear." He asked and Lumine pulled a few photos out from her Kamera, putting them on the table in front of Kaveh.

"Furina and I are opening a cafe in the wilds of Fontaine. I was hoping you could help us with some ideas on how to expand it?" Lumine asked and the excitement grew on Kaveh's face, Mehrak chirping happily.

"This is incredible! I would be honored." Kaveh said and Lumine smiled in relief.

"Wonderful. We would pay half up front and half after, if that is agreeable to you, Monsieur Kaveh. It's custom for traditions in Fontaine in this way, as well as a contract. I have one drafted right here and-" Furina started to say, pulling out a scroll from her jacket before Kaveh cut her off with a wave.

"You two are trustworthy, and I will not accept payment from friends, especially on such a wonderful project." Kaveh said and it was Furina's turn to huff.

"Yes, but surely you must take pleasure and pride in your work to know your worth and celebrate it. We can not have you do it for free." Furina said and Kaveh chuckled.

"Very well then my stubborn friends, how about this? I propose an exchange of information then as payment. Lady Furina, I understand that you are very familiar with the stage, I would love to get my hands on some books for constructing elaborate stage sets. I have a few clients who would like to construct theaters here and in Port Ormos with moveable stage sets." Kaveh offered and Furina blinked.

"Oh, well in that case, I have quite a few that I am finished with, if you are sure of this exchange. I also have a few books on Fontainian architecture, if that would please you. My only condition is that you let us know when these stages are constructed so that we might see the performances." Furina said and Kaveh smiled.

"I would love that. Then, I will get to work constructing some plans. Are the two of you living together? Would you like me to add another bedroom? I am sure though that Lady Furina is a far better roommate than my own terrible roommate" Kaveh said before wincing in pain as Alhaitham threw his keys down at his head with a teasing smile.

"Since I'm such a terrible roommate." Alhaitham said and Kaveh glared.

"Traveler! Furina! Nilou is going to be performing soon! We should go and watch." Nahida called out with a wave and Lumine stood.

"Yeah! And Paimon still wants food!" Paimon declared, Kaveh's stomach growling and causing him to blush. Alhaitham sighed above them.

"Come. We'll eat and gather supplies and watch the performance. You too, Kaveh." Alhaitham said before walking away. Kaveh huffed and followed and Lumine snickered, Furina leaning close to her to whisper.

"Forgive me if it is the Fontainian in me hungry for gossip, but are those two…" She trailed off in a whisper and Paimon let out an impish giggle.

"That's what Paimon thinks too." Paimon said and Lumine shrugged, swinging hers and Furina's joined hands.

"As long as they are happy. They definitely care for one another." Lumine said, stealing a glance at Furina who hummed in contemplation.

She could only hope that she would make Furina happy one day.

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