
Chapter 235: Let the Man of Steam Work

"I've already stated the price. I will replace the God of Steam and Machinery in the Fourth Epoch. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation at that time," Lynn repeated what he had just said, smiling.

"I also need your help in promoting technological reform. I need you to follow a path similar to that of the original history, so I won't change your fate as a Savant..."

"And you want to become the Demon of Knowledge..." Roselle continued Lynn's words. "So I can't reach Sequence 0 on the Savant or Mystery Pryer pathways. At most, after you become an Great Old One, I can advance to the King of Angels of a certain pathway, or, like now, forcefully advance to Sequence 0 of a non-adjacent pathway at the risk of going half-mad."

"Yes," Lynn nodded, not hiding this matter. He didn't mind helping Roselle a bit, but he wouldn't abandon his original plan for Roselle.

"Then I wouldn't have to give up anything?" Roselle seemed relieved as he leaned back in the giant iron-black high-back chair. "I was scared. I thought I would have to trade half my soul like in fairy tales with the devil. But it's just this?"

"You don't mind?" Lynn pinched his chin, looking at Roselle in surprise.

"Mind what? Do you think I should resent you because you won't make way for me? Don't be ridiculous. I, Roselle, am an upright man. I wouldn't do such an ungrateful thing," Roselle glared at Lynn, speaking irritably.

"Here's a simple truth: without your presence, I would not only have to recklessly advance through the sequences but also be unable to rid myself of the corruption of the Mother Goddess of Depravity. I would live in a muddled state and might completely fall apart one day."

"But with your help, I can not only get rid of the corruption from the Primordial Moon but also change Bonova's state. Other than that, I will just maintain a similar status to before. It's a huge gain."

"I'm not someone who doesn't know contentment, nor am I ungrateful. You and I are at most fellow transmigrator. Helping me to this extent is already far beyond my expectations." As Roselle spoke, his expression turned solemn. He looked at Lynn and said, "Perhaps you don't need this 'thank you,' but I still want to say it... thank you!"

Lynn blinked. He could tell that Roselle was sincere and genuinely thought this way. He also realized that Roselle was deliberately saying these words to ease his mind. This made Lynn smile as well. "You're welcome."

"Then it's happily decided..." Lynn said with a smile as he looked at Roselle. "If you have any other questions, you can ask them now. I'm in a good mood and might answer them."

"...If you successfully replace the God of Steam and Machinery and become the Paragon, how do you plan to deal with the original God of Steam?" Roselle hesitated for a few seconds before asking.

"Why, are you very concerned?" Lynn pinched his chin, looking at Roselle with interest. "Is it true, as the rumors say, that you have a thing with the Steam Maiden?"

"No, what is this Steam Maiden?" Roselle was stunned, then quickly shook his head. "I have nothing inappropriate with it. It's just that..."

Roselle's expression turned a bit melancholic as he recalled some past events. His eyes became distant. "Although I've had a fallout with the God of Steam and Machinery, I can't deny that I couldn't have grown without the help of the Evernight Church and Him..."

Despite their fallout, Roselle never denied his past with the Evernight Church and the God of Steam and Machinery. Their relationship was always too complex to be explained in a few words.

Just as the Evernight Church still promotes Roselle and holds Roselle exhibitions, carefully preserving his relics, Roselle's feelings towards the Evernight Church and the God of Steam and Machinery are equally complex.

This complexity prevents Roselle from helping the God of Steam and Machinery as he once did, but he also can't bear to see Him die.

"So the Evernight Church's tradition of loyalty is indeed inherited," Lynn commented with a remark that Roselle didn't understand. He then smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not one to eradicate completely. As long as the God of Steam and Machinery doesn't act recklessly, I won't do anything to Him. If He's willing to become an angel under me, all the better. I need all the help I can get."

Lynn indeed didn't plan on eradicating the God of Steam and Machinery. They had no deep hatred, and considering that the God of Steam and Machinery had been maintaining order in the supernatural realm, He had contributed significantly to the world.

Under such circumstances, as long as the God of Steam and Machinery didn't act foolishly, Lynn wouldn't deliberately kill Him.

Moreover, Lynn needed the God of Steam and Machinery for certain tasks—like persuading the fanatical believers of the God of Steam and Machinery to change their faith, which would help him take over the Church of Steam and Machinery more smoothly.

"Speaking of which, you should know the God of Steam and Machinery better than I do. Do you think He would retaliate desperately after I usurp His godhood, or would He accept reality and work for me?" Lynn suddenly thought of this and looked at Roselle, asking.

How could he forget that, as someone who had been closest to the God of Steam and Machinery, Roselle was one of the people who knew Him best?

Roselle was taken aback by the question but then showed a subtle expression and said, "He should accept reality and work for you."

Roselle suddenly realized he might not need to worry about the God of Steam and Machinery's safety. After all, He wasn't the type to be stubbornly defiant. Roselle had always thought that the God of Steam and Machinery had a rather easygoing nature. Otherwise, He wouldn't have been a god for so many years without figuring out how to fully embody the role of a Paragon.

So, when faced with an obviously overpowered being like Lynn, the God of Steam and Machinery would most likely accept reality and work for Lynn, at best trying to become a King of Angels.

"If that's the case, then that's perfect!" Lynn smiled. Although it was still just a possibility, Roselle's answer made him feel pleased.

"Oh, right..." In this pleasant state, Lynn naturally thought of the upcoming Roselle exhibition and couldn't help but look at Roselle. "I should be meeting your daughter Bernadette soon. Do you have anything you want me to convey to her?"

(End of Chapter)

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