
Chapter 16 CHAPTER

As soon as I spotted Vernon, I snatched his hand and we walked out of the school premises. Walking into his Harley, he looked confused and dumbfounded.

“I still have another class to get too. What’s going on?” he asked not looking at me.

“Is that you Vernon?” I asked sarcastically because the Vernon I knew didn’t know what study means. “Since when did you study?”

He smiled. A smile that will make a girl fall in love except for me, of course. “Let’s just say, I’m inspired.” He said, finally looked up to see my face.

“Shit, don’t tell me you’re in love.”

He shrugged his shoulders and tapped mine gently. “I’ll get going.” And then he’s gone.

What the hell?

I went back inside the school to find my next class but I’m lost. I don’t know where in the world I am right now.

As I walked by, the 12th guy who whistled at me earned a death glare and I flicked my long brown hair over my shoulder muttering fuck off to him.

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