
Overkill much?

"Well, at least you have the idea of what you're going to put on the rings, how to make the effects last, and how to manufacture them. That long talk a month back seems to have really helped you figure things out." Said pleasantly surprised and somewhat flabbergasted Nagini.



Aurelius muttered to himself as he continued his work, his mind racing with ideas and concerns. "I should develop a necklace or ring that activates with intent to protect when running away or if there's an inability to move. It must draw ambient mana or be actively recharged by a witch or wizard. The ring should indicate when it's ready, allowing a limited amount of spells to be used. It should protect against Confundus charms and potions and have countermeasures against the Killing Curse. Maybe a combination of the reflecting charm speculo, the shield charm Protego, a small mirror summoning charm, and a speed amplifier effect to increase the speed and power of the spell."


He paused, thinking deeply. "So, basically, the love protection spell, but on steroids. It should protect everyone and kill everyone else near the person who sent the spell and the sender, depending on whether I want to just send it back with amped-up speed or both."


His eyes lit up with an idea. "Perhaps the amped-up version of the system would be a combination of mirrors that orbit around the body. They'd center in front of the wand quickly, sending the spell back. Oooh, what if it was invisible, like disillusionment? Boom, your spell flew back for no reason, you can see, and now you're dead."


Aurelius scribbled down notes furiously. "So, an orbiting mirror ring with mana storage, disillusionment, notice-me-not charm, and a magic barrier that activates if an area-of-effect spell is near. A physical mirror that reflects spells back with increased speed, auto-tracking the wand tip and spell trajectory. Amped-up options, detection, and removal of confundus charms and mind-altering potions or spells like obliviate. A self-identification charm that resonates with the other rings, unremovable except by the wearer, and usability that cannot be transferred. It's theirs or no one's."


He rubbed his temples, thinking of all the possibilities. "A revulsion jinx for being tied up, physical enhancement for running faster, disillusionment spell, and a silencing spell. The rings should give a mental map of each individual, showing distance and direction. It should apparate you if you're trapped in a barrier. If a barrier ward arrives, it should detect and destroy it by sending enough magic to destroy the ward immediately if you want to. Self-healing, self-cleansing of poison... I'm unsure about healing dark spells, so I'll have to figure that out. Whether the traps set in the ward will go off... most likely, but I'd prefer being able to protect myself and my loved ones by giving them an out."


He stopped, considering his plans. "If a barrier ward doesn't contain a barrier against elf apparition, they should be immediately notified to enter, grab, and leave. No talking, just in and out. Hmm, how much should I make active and how much passive?"


Aurelius sighed, feeling the weight of his thoughts. He knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, but the safety of those he cared about made it all worth it.


Nagini came over, her voice filled with awe and concern. "I don't think you realize how insanely overpowered this is, Aurelius. You might be able to say you're a one-man army against wizards. Are you preparing for a war?"


"In a way, yes and no," Aurelius replied thoughtfully. "Will there be a war, possibly with Voldicunt? Maybe. Will I protect my family regardless? Absolutely. This works for both war and normal life. And not necessarily. It depends on the charge. At full charge, you'd be able to continue this for a duration of one hour or longer, depending on which spells aren't activated and if it's done in short bursts rather than continuous usage. Against a platoon of Voldicunt's minions, it would be easy work. This will be one of my creations for the family's sole use. My family will never be hunted down again."


"Perhaps I'll need an information system to protect everyone and failsafes that are darker. Like attaching something that effectively kills someone if they start to say 'avada kedavra'—their brain or heart explodes instantly?"


Nagini's eyes widened slightly. "Damn, that's dark, but I like it. It isn't extreme if you think about it. A lot of people taken to Azkaban take their own lives to avoid what is effectively constant torture while losing their sanity. And an unforgivable is immediate grounds for Azkaban. If it doesn't have a personal activation trigger, then it can't be abused."


"Yeah, my thoughts exactly," Aurelius nodded. "While I can't say I won't do dark things, it's important to have healthy systems that can't be abused and keep you in check. Granted, it can only be applied by touch, but a handshake will be sufficient, given I'm a noble. Heir and lord rings typically only contain curses targeted to those who attempt to wear them. Detect poison and potions, and detect and protect against mental attacks. The only people who have anything to defend against this specific setup would be the incredibly dangerous and paranoid Blacks, but in this case, their fear was warranted."


Nagini chuckled softly. "You're a terrifying kid, you know that?"


"Hmm, not really," Aurelius muttered. "I'm just more well-versed in reality with the intelligence and knowledge to fight against it without shame or detection. We need to build an information network. The most appropriate way that I know of is to build businesses in a wide array of industries so that I can cast a wider and tighter net. Have the information transferred to me through someone who can filter that information. That way, we won't rely on people feeding us false information, working with those whose pockets they dig deepest into. What do you think?"


Nagini nodded, considering his words. "It has merit, but that will take a lot of time. We have to filter out people to find quality individuals, find those we can trust, and then protect them from mind-altering spells or potions. We must also ensure they can't be forced, such as their family being held captive. Nobles are smart enough to work through proxies to get the dirty work done. The only question is, can they get a person strong enough for the job without weakening themselves enough during the process that it isn't worth it? But things like extreme pride and anger can blind even the competent. So I recommend placing at least powerful charms and runes to protect them from most threats."


"Excellent point. I agree," Aurelius said, nodding. "To protect us, we need information. Eliminating all the grunts until the head is the only option available won't work. This will either cause them to stick out their head to be cut down or burrow down and wait to reset the board again with us none the wiser. So perhaps we should toss in a tongue-tying hex, expelliarmus, incarcerous, a memory-stealing spell, and an Obliviate set for the past hour. That way, we can gain information instead of destroying them with their spell. But to be honest, I think that should be a secondary, separate ring. One is for attack, while the other is for subjugation and information gathering. Should these rings be scannable?"


Nagini pondered for a moment. "I think that should be an activated effect because it can simply be considered a ring. But the offensive one is far more conspicuous, so there is no real helping with that one."


"Okay, and what do you think if they're seen by someone watching in the shadows while this is occurring?" Aurelius asked.


"Perhaps add a detection spell that marks them for later?" Nagini suggested.


Aurelius shook his head. "I don't think that would matter because the information is already known by then."


Nagini's eyes gleamed with a mixture of admiration and caution as she addressed Aurelius. "Is that so bad? It means that your family is effectively untouchable, both literally and in the minds of others. If anyone dares to challenge you, they do so at their own risk. That's why many people don't touch nobles even though many are incompetent in self-defense—the consequences are not worth it if they're found out."


"If they're found out," Aurelius muttered.


"Yes, that's always a possibility, but your ring makes it nigh impossible to capture, harm, kill, or target you without being found out, killed upon attacking, and leaking information. Granted, the people who see it will be salivating at the power, but with a healthy dose of respect and wariness. And the people who are greedy and stupid enough will suffer the consequences immediately upon attempt."


"Hmm, perhaps I should place protections on my homes, businesses, and the castle," Aurelius pondered. "And what about people who try to steal it through legal means?"


"Well," Nagini replied thoughtfully, "nobles' property can't be taken away unless the person is taken to Azkaban, but only if possible. For example, despite the only heir, Black, sitting in Azkaban, none of the Black's wealth, magic, or property has been taken by the Wizengamot or the Ministry. If they took your stuff, it would set a precedent that all self-defense items that could cause potential harm or death to their attackers would be seized immediately, meaning every single home with wards would be taken—literally every magical house in existence. The Black House is arguably the most dangerous to be in if you weren't invited. The Black family would've been the perfect choice to target, but the situation made it politically impossible to pull off. So you're protected by law, politics, your equipment, and your awareness. The closest thing that could deal with you are strong magical beasts with spell-resistant hides, but since you have your transfiguration skills, you've effectively covered all your bases. Your weaknesses are the people around you, and you've armored them to the point that they could hardly be called weaknesses—arguably more like hidden blades."


Aurelius nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "That depends. My assistance only goes so far and only to family. My allies would be considered liabilities as much as they are assets. I've protected myself from traitors, but I won't be providing my impenetrable shields to even allies. The most I'd do is protect their minds and keep their loyalty through contracts and consistent assistance, but I will not protect them further than that. The only people I will protect to that extent would be people I know I will pursue as family. Hermione is a prime candidate. After all, a secretary is basically a wife without the affection."


Nagini's voice took on a teasing tone. "That is true. So why do you not treat me as such?"


"Come again?" Aurelius responded, caught off guard.


Nagini's eyes sparkled with amusement. "You heard me. If a secretary is like a wife without the affection, what does that make me? Your guardian, trusted confidante, your ally, your... partner in crime?"


Aurelius chuckled softly. "You are far more than just an ally or a partner in crime, Nagini. You are my guardian, advisor, and, in many ways, my closest friend. Our bond goes beyond any simplistic comparison. Besides, I can't imagine anyone else who would endure my constant muttering and scheming."


"Flattery will get you everywhere, young master," Nagini said with a smirk. "But remember, while weaving your webs and planning your strategies, don't forget to live a little. Power and protection are important, but so are the moments that make life worth living."


Aurelius nodded the weight of her words sinking in.


Nagini's voice was softer, almost tender. "And my role as your totem guardian is far more complicated than we realized. Not only am I loyalty-bound by trust and assistance, but it's also in desire. So, I am quite literally yours in mind and body. The freedom you grant me makes me something more akin to a wife, but either way, that doesn't change the reality."


Aurelius blinked, taken aback. "Wow, okay, I didn't know that. I know I've been drawn to you, but I hadn't realized it was in the romantic sense."


"Perhaps it's due to the lack of physical maturity," Nagini suggested. "Then again, I didn't expect anything to happen until you're older. I expect it to happen gradually or randomly as simple nights of passion."


"Sorry, my brain just short-circuited for a second there. Are you saying you'd be a concubine?"


"More or less. After all, you're a noble. It's expected to have a wife or wives and perhaps concubines. Especially since you are the last of your line, I wouldn't be surprised if you had at least a couple dozen kids."


Aurelius nearly choked. "Excuse me, what?! Did you say two dozen or more?"


"Yes, I wouldn't be surprised. Given your family's history, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few families have marriage contracts that they owe, functioning more as partnerships to join houses. Essentially, various concubines, while those whom you actually choose to pursue as an individual, would likely be your wives. If earnest, then I'm surprised this didn't come to mind."


"I mean, I thought maybe," Aurelius admitted, "but I assumed most of it was meant to be a hanging axe over their necks should they cross the line, a threat, and they'd be focused on development to the point it'd be arguably an obsession."


"Hmm, that's a good point. You're probably right now that I think about it. But it's at least a valid option to continue your line. While my statistics may be off, you should have at least a dozen kids. Besides, you don't have to divide the wealth as a given but more like an investor in their future successful businesses, allowing them to care for themselves and the family."


"That was likely how the Galegold of old did it," Aurelius mused, "otherwise, the vaults of the Galegold would have run dry a long time ago."


"And as for us in the future?" Nagini asked, her tone light but serious.


"Let's leave that to future us," Aurelius replied, smiling. "But yes, I think it will be the most accurate future. However, this will need to be explained to each future spouse or concubine. Man, are those conversations going to be rough."


Nagini chuckled. "Indeed. But you'll handle it. You always do."


Aurelius sighed, leaning back in his seat. "I hope so. For now, let's focus on our immediate plans. We have a lot to prepare."


Nagini giggled. "Indeed, but at least if you pick competent spouses, the workload will decrease, and you can spend 'quality time' with the ones who aren't busy." She said this seductively, sending chills down Aurelius' back.


"And if we're all busy but still need that release?" Aurelius asked, trying to keep his voice steady.


"Then make the time and pamper all of them," Nagini replied with a mischievous smile. "And who's to say that this can't be simultaneous?" She gave him a knowing look.


'If I were an anime character, I'd die of a nosebleed while having a hard-on,' Aurelius thought, feeling his face heat up.


"Agreed," he managed to say, struggling to hold down a massive blush. He employed Occlumency and his weaker metamorph abilities, and even then, it was hard to maintain composure.

Next chapter