

Dumbledore surveyed the area two minutes after Aurelius had left and inspected the door that hid the mirror of Erised. The security charms he put on the door were destroyed; before the charm was destroyed, he had felt it was just a random spike of magic he assumed was caused by a child since small magic spikes can cause some interference, but so minor that it is almost undetectable. It's like noticing a pebble on a mountain while looking at the mountain from a distance. The most that his body reacted was a slight tensing of his stomach that could be interpreted as indigestion; after all, he wasn't exactly meant to be eating the heavier foods that Hogwarts provided, but he became so used to it that it felt wrong to eat anything else. Only five minutes later, he suddenly felt his charm on the door break, and the only thing found was an open door to the mirror. He quickly reached the mirror, placed his hand on it, and felt it still housed the stone.

'This room's location is inconspicuous enough that it'd be difficult to find randomly, so this act was deliberate. Chances are Tom is becoming impatient, or rather, Quirrell's body's decay is happening too quickly to wait. After all, from Hagrid's report, something was drinking unicorn blood. He will make another play for the stone, but now I must speed up my plans for young Potter. I would have preferred to look more into Galegold. According to Severus, the boy has more or less discovered the entire situation. The boy is likely smart enough to keep important information to himself, so he likely suspects my actions to be highly suspect; however, since he told a teacher that he knows so much, it is likely a warning to me to keep my plans from involving Mr. Galegold. The only thing the boy possibly doesn't know is my plans for Potter. I hoped to look more into the Galegold boy, but looking further than I already have will bring his ire, so I must be discreet.'


After what happened during the House Ceremony, he used his contacts to investigate the Galegold family and found very little. Much of the information about that family has been lost to time since the last written history was written by Cyprah Galegold, which was written over half a millennia ago. He asked his older teacher, Flamel, if he remembered anything about the family's history. He told him that a family was known for its innovations and wealth throughout history. In his youth, his friends made jokes that he must be part Galegold despite the family's disappearance centuries ago.

The Galegold family was founded by their ancestor, Siramon Galegold, even before the Sacred Twenty-Eight was established. A renowned family with only two passions: magic research and trade, whose profits they invested in their security and research. It is said that ten percent of all the magic known in the entire wizarding world to the present came from that family. They were so ahead of their time that it's said that they advanced the wizarding world by over 200 years.

They also had a keen eye for trade, making trades that were lucrative and fair for their partners, but they did not tolerate deception, swindling, or not being paid their dues. According to Flamel, there was a saying, "If you're going to be indebted, do it with a Galegold, but if you didn't intend to pay your dues, you were better off with the goblins." While this seemed like common sense since wizards have always been stronger than goblins, it instead referred to the extremes they'd go to be paid what is owed.

Time passed, and their numbers dwindled quickly. People pondered what could be the main reason, considering it wouldn't be surprising that they'd be targeted for their wealth and knowledge. Eventually, the time came when it was believed that the family would die with Cyrah Galegold since many thought of her being unable to have a family.

Supposedly, much of their wealth and knowledge disappeared with the last member, and no one knew where it had gone. Some theorized that it was in the hands of the goblins, wasted in a last-ditch effort by Cyprah to rekindle her line, or was used in a powerful ritual.

And then Aurelius appeared, almost a thousand years later, the last seed of the lineage. He establishes a new house at Hogwarts, gaining authority over the castle, and he will gain ownership upon reaching his age of maturity. The last two theories seem on point; perhaps it's time to visit the goblins.

"Why must my life be so complex and troublesome? First, it's Grindelwald, then Tom with his war, and now this whole prophecy nonsense that's forcing my hand; now I have a preteen youngster who shouldn't be more than dust that has enough power to kick me out of Hogwarts regardless of what the school board of governors says. Is this the world's way of flipping the bird at me?" he muttered to himself as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

He was just an old man who wanted to fix some of the mistakes he had made in the past before he died. Was that so wrong? 'Granted, my mistakes have cost many people's lives, and my attempts to remedy those mistakes have cost even more lives, but sacrificing a few to save the many mattered more than petty things like self-preservation. For the greater good indeed, my old friend.'

Christmas arrives.

Harry obtains part of his inheritance, the invisibility cloak. Next to the box is another box he overlooked, so Ron picks it up.

"Hey mate, I think this is for you. Also, I think my mom made you a jumper."

"Tell her thanks, and yeah. What is it?"

"Well, it's in a box, so you'll have to open it. He said jokingly. "There's a letter attached to it."

"Well, give it here then," said the excited boy.

Ron hands him the box, and Harry reads the note.

'Hey Harry, do you recall our discussion on the train at the beginning of the year? Well, this is it. It's got the seal of approval from a trained healer and a certified potions master and is registered. You're looking at the new potion I've dubbed the Nova Visio potion. You can say bye to those hideous glasses regardless of whether they're repaired with the oculus reparo charm. Try selling your glasses. I'm sure the "boy who lived glasses" would make a killing. No doubt in my mind, you could sell 'em for at least a thousand galleons to the right collector. You'll probably hit the hundreds of thousands range if you get the right buyer. Just talk with Fred and George; they should be able to hook you up. Tell 'em that Aurelius sent ya. They'll probably give you a reduction on the commission fee. Cheers, and Happy Christmas

p.s. The potion effects will make your eyes feel itchy for the next couple of hours and feel like they're crawling a little, so get yourself mentally ready for that. Before you forget when you see the potion, there should also be a couple of enchanted animal soap bars in the box. Just ask any of the girls in your house about it.'

"Well, what is it, and who is it from?" asked the curious redhead.

"It's from Aurelius, and it's the potion we discussed on the trolley and some bars of soap. He said I should ask the girls of our house about them." Said the bespectacled tween.

'I know I'm famous, and famous people's possessions are sold as memorabilia, but am I that famous?' thought the bewildered boy.

"That's it? And what do the soap bars have to do with the girls? And what does the potion do? And why didn't he send me a gift?"

"Well, it's supposed to fix my eyes so that I won't need glasses anymore, and I don't know about the soap bars. And Ron, I think most people have noticed that he doesn't like you very much, if not dislike you." Said Harry

"What's not to like?"

"… No comment." Said the boy who didn't want to lose his closest friend.


Aurelius had sent some standard jokester equipment to the twins.

He sent Hermione books that he translated into English from his library.

He sent books about rune craft to the new craftswoman Silvia.

And he sent his mothers bars of soap, pepper-up potions, and boxes of various candies only available in Hogsmeade.

...Two weeks later…

For the past two weeks, due to people noticing Harry's changed appearance, the word spread about Aurelius's potion. The potion sales have increased due to students requesting their parents purchase the potion for them, both for those with glasses and those who couldn't see well. Since he could make it in bulk with his equipment, he was able to fill all the orders quickly. The twins also enjoyed the galleons raking in from their partnership with Aurelius and celebrated with butterbeer. Nasty stuff, it's like butterscotch was diluted using seltzer and then topped off with whipped cream.

Some girls even got asked out now that their large glasses were no longer covering their faces.

After finally becoming a healthy weight and getting reacquainted with all the books she was given, she decided to read. Nagini was finally ready enough to start training her body and magic training.

"It's amazing what a month can do for the mind and body," I said while admiring her form.

"Perv," she said jokingly but appreciating his gaze.

"Well, anyway, were there any complications with Diagon Alley?"

"Nothing in particular; I was able to get the bag and the wand; however, Ollivander gave me a complicated look. I think I gave the man flashbacks, but he gave no other indications of his recognizing me. I think he recognized me but then almost immediately ruled it out since I would be only a little younger than him, meaning I'd either be dead or an old hag." She said, half serious and half-jokingly.

"Let's get to physical training and some wand work. I think you're just rusty with wand work so that you can do that on your own time. If you have any issues, come to me after each training session."

"Works for me, bossman," she said jokingly.

"Huh, bossman. I like it. Let's go with that." I said, actually considering it

"I was joking, but yeah, let's."

They go on to train her body and increase the difficulty as her body gradually can handle more.


….Two months passed….


"Hagrid?" Aurelius was surprised to find the half-giant in the library. Only after seeing the books did he remember what the reason could be.

How to identify a dragon egg? By Balthazar Vicks.How to feed and care for a baby dragon, by Fan Kierton.

"Aurelius!" Hagrid hid the books in his mole clothes in surprise. "Just found some stories to read to Fang. You know, so that he sleeps better. He's been having a hard time falling asleep for a few days, and I thought it would be a good idea."

"I see." Aurelius smiled and didn't give it away.

"Although I don't know what stories Fang likes, I don't recommend those. I have read them, and while they are informative, they are not soporific, so perhaps you should look for others."

"Really?" Hagrid didn't expect him to rebuttal. "Huff, it seems I can't keep it from ya, but can you help me?"

"Sure, if not, I can at least point you in the right direction. Can you describe the egg to me after I tell you the topic?"


10 minutes later

"It's a Norwegian Ridgeback, no doubt about it, but a couple of questions: how'd you get it, and what reserve are you gonna send it to?" I told the half-giant.

"A Norwegian ridgeback, huh? I won it in a game of cards at the pub. The bloke didn't have any money left, so he offered the egg for the next round. And what do you mean sending the babe away?" the man asked curiously.

"Well, for one, it's illegal to own dragons in Scotland and Britain, so you'll need to find a reserve willing to take it in. And the forbidden forest isn't a great option for a dragon, let alone a newborn."

"Aw, do I have to? And what am I supposed to do? I don't know anybody in them reserves and if I remember the ridgeback is one of the more aggressive types ain't it? Also, the egg's gonna hatch in a few days while sitting in the fire, so I'll need to take care of it while we wait."

"You should feed it a mixture of chicken blood and fire whisky when it hatches, and do you mind if I see it while it hatches? As for finding a place, I think I can get in touch with someone," Aurelius told him.

"Sure, and all right, I'll be counting on ya." He said hopefully.

'Harry still sees Hagrid now and then, and I am doubtful that the canon will deviate enough for him not to see Quirrellmort in the forest due to detention. It depends on whether it will be because of the dragon or not because I've set the things in motion for the dragon to be picked up. And I wouldn't do it in the stupidest way possible, but I could set up the meeting and make a statement that I couldn't do it, and Harry would likely volunteer. Since it is Ron's brother, it's just about guaranteed.'

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