
Chapter 1731 - What Is Right? (1)

Chapter 1731. What is Right? (1)


"I'll change the bandages for you."


Tang Soso carefully began unwrapping Baek Cheon's bandages. As Baek Cheon's emaciated arm slowly came into view, Tang Soso's eyes filled with sadness.


She spoke calmly, "You're healing quickly. The external wounds have almost healed."


"...Really?" Baek Cheon responded.


"Yes. From now on, it's up to how consistently you work at it."


"Do you think I'll recover?"


"Of course. You'll definitely get better."


Baek Cheon opened his eyes wide in surprise at Tang Soso's confident response, then gave a bitter smile. "...But the Tang Family's head said it would be difficult."


"He's a quack."




Tang Soso added firmly, "He's just a quack. He knows how to mix poisons, but he's no expert in medicine."


Baek Cheon, who had been staring at her blankly, suddenly burst into laughter. It had been days since he last laughed so heartily.


Tang Soso frowned, "Do you think I'm joking? My father is the Poison King, not a divine healer. You don't have to believe everything he says."


Hearing her words, Baek Cheon was even more taken aback. But Tang Soso met his gaze confidently, as if she had said nothing out of the ordinary.


"...You're right. That might be true."


"Yes, so just keep working at it. If you continue, the feeling in your fingers will eventually return."


As she spoke, Tang Soso swiftly wrapped new bandages around his arm. Everyone knew it was a meaningless ritual to bandage an arm whose wounds had already healed, but Tang Soso did it with utmost care, leaving no room for negligence.


The same diligence she expected from Baek Cheon in his recovery.


"All done."


Baek Cheon, who had been quietly watching Tang Soso gather the used bandages, nodded his head. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble."


"Huh? What a strange thing to say. It's the least I could do."


She quickly arranged the items she had brought. "Now, take these pills with every meal, and make sure to drink all the medicinal decoctions you're given. It'll help you recover faster."




Baek Cheon answered calmly, but Tang Soso did not back down. She stared directly into his eyes.


Feeling puzzled, Baek Cheon was about to ask why she was looking at him like that when she spoke in a deeply serious tone.






"What do you think a doctor should say to a patient who believes they can no longer be healed?"




Baek Cheon couldn't answer right away. What should be said? What should a doctor tell a patient they can't cure?


"Maybe... 'I'm sorry'?"




Tang Soso shook her head firmly. "That's just an excuse. It's something a doctor should never say."


"...Then what?"


"If you were facing an enemy you couldn't defeat, what would you do?"


"...I'd keep trying."




"Because only by trying can I eventually win."




Tang Soso nodded emphatically. "Even if it's difficult now, I'll work hard and find a way to heal you. I promise."




"So until then, don't give up. Don't let my efforts be in vain. Understand?"


Finally realizing her intention, Baek Cheon smiled gently. He couldn't help but smile.


"I'll keep that in mind."


"Good, then I'll be going now."


Tang Soso gathered her tools and stood up.


"If you need anything, just call me anytime."




Though she wanted to stay by Baek Cheon's side a little longer, she knew she couldn't. That wouldn't be a kindness to Baek Cheon. He was likely in so much pain that even being with someone else was unbearable right now.


Without looking back, Tang Soso left the room with firm steps. However, her confident pace gradually slowed down. When she finally closed the door behind her and faced the darkening sky, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her hand.


Her body trembled as if it might collapse.


'I can't.'


She couldn't show weakness. She couldn't let Baek Cheon see her waver or grieve.


A doctor's face is a mirror to the patient. If she despaired, so would he. A doctor cannot afford to despair.


The image of Baek Cheon's emaciated arm, trembling shoulders, and the shadow of sorrow hidden behind his calm face lingered in her mind like a haunting vision.


Was it possible? Could she truly heal Baek Cheon's arm as she had confidently promised?


Tears welled up in Tang Soso's large eyes. If only she had never set foot on the path of a healer, perhaps her heart wouldn't ache so much now.


Even if it was possible, it would require countless hours. And during that long time, Baek Cheon would have to live with deep despair.


How cruel fate could be.


She looked up at the sky and swallowed her tears, letting out a deep sigh to calm herself. Then, she started walking toward her lodging.


After a long walk, she finally reached the area near the room Wudang had provided her. A familiar voice pierced her ears.


"Is it true?"


"Yes, I'm telling you!"


"Wait! Say it again properly! Are you saying Sasuk can be healed?"


Tang Soso's head whipped around sharply.


There was no time to think. Tang Soso hurriedly opened the door in front of her.




"So, Soso?"


The familiar faces inside the room stared at her in shock. Even Baek Sang, who was being grabbed by the collar by Jo Gul, looked at her blankly.


With a face as if she had been possessed, Tang Soso asked, "What are you talking about?"


Everyone's expressions hardened.


"...A miraculous medicine that can heal Sasuk's body."


Yoon Jong muttered as if in disbelief. He never thought such a thing could actually exist, and so close by, no less.


"Those bastards from the Southern Edge! They should have given it to us sooner if they had something like that!"


Jo Gul slammed the floor in anger. Yoon Jong tried to calm him down.


"They say it's the treasure of the Southern Edge Sect."


"But still! Are objects more important than people?"


Yoon Jong sighed deeply. Now wasn't the time for such debates. The important thing was whether the news Baek Sang had brought was true or not.




"...Yes, Sahyung?"


"What do you think? Does it sound like it could be true?"


Tang Soso remained silent for a long time, her brows furrowed in deep thought. Eventually, she nodded gravely.


"...It might be possible."




Jo Gul, excited, asked again, and Tang Soso nodded once more.


"If everything the Sect Leader of the Southern Edge Sect said is true... there's a good chance."


"Amitabha. How could that be? Even the Sichuan Tang Family's leader, known as the best physician, said there was no hope..."


"Medicine was more advanced in the past than it is now."


Hye Yeon looked at Tang Soso with curiosity, as if he wanted further explanation.


"Well, I'm not saying that medicine has regressed. Of course, the medical practices passed down to the public have improved over time. But..."


"The best of the best were different, is that what you're saying?"


"Yes, Sahyung. That's exactly it."


"Is that even possible?"


Jo Gul still seemed unconvinced, tilting his head in confusion. Yoon Jong shrugged his shoulders.


"If you think about it, it's not so strange. Even here at Wudang, no one has been able to glimpse the level of Master Sambong since the sect was founded, right?"


"Ah... that's true. The same goes for Shaolin."


"Amitabha... sadly, it's a fact."


Understanding dawned on them.


"So, that place... the Sage Master's place, does it hold such a position in the medical world?"


"Yes. The medical skills of the Sage Master have been passed down as legends in the medical world to this day. And if we could obtain the Sage Master's miraculous medicine..."


Everyone's eyes were fixed on Tang Soso.


"It might be possible to cure Sasuk's body."


A long silence fell over them.


We can cure him. We can cure Baek Cheon's body.


That thought echoed like thunder in their minds.


Suddenly, Jo Gul sprang to his feet. Yoon Jong was startled.


"What are you doing, Gul? Where are you going?"


"What do you mean, where? We need to go meet him!"




"Who else? The Southern Edge Sect's leader!"


"Sit down, you fool! Don't be rash!"


"Rash? Are you kidding? We've found a way to heal Sasuk! Whether we have to beg, beat them up, or steal it, we have to get it by any means necessary!"


"Stop it, you idiot!"


Yoon Jong finally chased after him and grabbed his sleeve roughly. Jo Gul glared at him without backing down.


Yoon Jong shouted.


"This is information we overheard, wasn't it? If we act recklessly in this situation...."


"Then what are we supposed to do? Just sit here and wait?"


"That's not what I'm saying! My point is...."


"I know! I know, damn it! But just sitting here won't solve anything!"


Jo Gul's eyes were bloodshot.


"Didn't you hear the condition they laid out?"


Yoon Jong clamped his mouth shut, momentarily speechless.


That condition—because of it, despite the good news, they couldn't bring themselves to say anything.


"To become a disciple of the Southern Edge Sect? What kind of nonsense is that?"


Jo Gul's eyes burned with anger.


"If they were decent human beings, they wouldn't act like this! After everything we've done for the Southern Edge Sect!"


"It's not incomprehensible."




"This isn't just any ordinary medicine. It's the Southern Edge Sect's treasure. They can't just give it out freely. Naturally, only a disciple of the Southern Edge Sect would be permitted to use it."




"If that's what their ancestors decreed, the Sect Leader of the Southern Edge Sect can't go against it, either."


"Then why didn't they just keep their mouths shut? What's the point of offering such an unreasonable condition?"


"Isn't it better to know than not?"


At Yoon Jong's sigh-filled response, Jo Gul's eyes turned as cold as ice.


"Sahyung. What are you thinking right now?"


"...What do you mean, what am I thinking?"


"Don't tell me you're considering having Sasuk join the Southern Edge Sect, are you?"


"What kind of nonsense are you spouting? How could Sasuk go to the Southern Edge Sect?"


"Then why are you so calm? Tell me. Those bastards are playing with us by dangling a cure for Sasuk right in front of us. Even if we have to storm the Southern Edge Sect and break all their heads open, we have to get it!"


"Just be realistic!"


Jo Gul and Yoon Jong clashed violently.


Watching this fierce argument, the others couldn't intervene or add anything.


Finding a way to save Baek Cheon was undoubtedly great news. Even if the possibility wasn't fully certain.


But the condition attached was too harsh.


"No, if we can just get that medicine, everything else can be dealt with later. So first...."


"Didn't you hear?"


Baek Sang, who had been silent ever since the news was delivered, finally spoke up.


"Sahyung already refused."




"Even if we steal the medicine from the Southern Edge Sect, do you think Sasuk would willingly take it? That stubborn man! He'd probably just turn his back and stare at the wall!"


"Even if we have to force him...."


Jo Gul, muttering as if he wouldn't back down, soon trailed off and shook his head. He knew how meaningless his words were.


"Then what should we do?"


"I don't know, that's why I'm here with you all, trying to figure it out! Because I don't know what to do."


Jo Gul ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Finding a solution only made him more anxious.


"Isn't there some way to get it? By offering something in exchange, perhaps?"


"It won't work. If it's a matter of sect rules, even the Sect Leader of the Southern Edge Sect can't do anything about it. This isn't a matter of value, it's a matter of principle."


Just as Jo Gul was about to let out a deep sigh, something happened.


"...What if we go?"




"...What did you say?"


All eyes turned to one person.


Tang Soso looked directly at them and spoke again.


"If Sasuk becomes a member of the Southern Edge Sect, wouldn't that solve everything?"




"Then Sasuk could be healed...."




At that moment, a loud roar burst from Jo Gul's mouth. His face twisted with anger.


"What... what did you just say?"


For the first time, a fierce, untamed anger directed at her surged from him.

Next chapter