
Chapter 1 - Wake Up, Selena!

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft golden hue over the worn-down neighborhood where Helena and Selena Willis lived. Helena pulled the curtains aside, allowing the light to spill into their small, cluttered room.

"Selena! Wake up!" Helena called, glancing over at her younger sister, who was still buried under a pile of mismatched blankets.

Selena groaned, her head barely emerging as she squinted against the brightness. "Five more minutes, Helena! Just five more…"

"Not unless you want to be late for school again!" Helena replied, trying to suppress a smile. It was a routine they both knew well. Selena had a penchant for pushing her luck with time, always testing the limits of their morning schedule.

Selena sighed dramatically and sat up, stretching her arms above her head. "Fine, I'm up! But you owe me a pancake when we get home."

"Deal," Helena chuckled, tossing a pair of socks at her. "Now hurry! I'll make breakfast."

As Helena moved into the small kitchen area, the familiar scent of the day's first coffee brewed, mingling with the aroma of a simple breakfast—oatmeal, their staple. The kitchen was nothing fancy; a small stove, a sink with chipped porcelain, and a table with two mismatched chairs. But it was their sanctuary.

"Did you finish your homework last night?" Helena called over her shoulder, trying to distract herself from the weight of their situation.

Selena appeared in the doorway, her hair a tangled mess, but her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Of course! I'm a genius!"

"Right, a genius who always waits until the last minute," Helena teased, pouring the oatmeal into two bowls. "You really need to take this seriously, Selena. Mr. Carson is going to be watching us today."

"Why? Because we're the 'impoverished sisters' in his class?" Selena replied, a hint of defiance in her tone. "We can't help it if our lives aren't as… 'flavorful' as everyone else's."

Helena paused, looking at her sister with a mix of pride and concern. Selena had always had a way of turning their struggles into something almost poetic. But beneath her playful demeanor lay a seriousness that Helena couldn't ignore.

"Just promise me you'll focus, okay?" Helena said softly. "I want you to have a shot at getting that scholarship."

Selena's expression shifted from playful to earnest. "I know, I know. I just want to have a little fun before we have to start our adulthood, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Helena said, handing her a bowl of oatmeal. "But we have to make the most of our situation, right? We're in this together."

The sisters shared a smile, a moment of understanding passing between them. They had each other, and that made the day ahead a little less daunting.

After breakfast, the girls quickly gathered their things. Helena made sure to pack the books they needed for the day, while Selena tossed in a sketchbook—a habit of hers that helped her escape the pressures of reality.

Stepping outside, they were greeted by the cacophony of their neighborhood: distant voices, barking dogs, and the ever-present hum of traffic.

"Race you to the bus stop!" Selena shouted, sprinting ahead with a playful laugh.

"Hey! Not fair!" Helena called, chasing after her.

The girls dashed down the cracked pavement, their laughter echoing through the air. For a moment, they forgot about their struggles, their worries, and the challenges waiting for them at school. They were just two sisters, racing against the world.

At the bus stop, they paused to catch their breath, their cheeks flushed with excitement. Helena leaned against the lamppost, glancing at the other students who gathered around, all with their own stories and backgrounds.

"Look," Selena whispered, nodding toward a group of girls who were dressed in the latest trends, their laughter light and carefree. "Do you think they even notice us?"

Helena frowned, her heart sinking. "Maybe not. But that's okay. We have each other, and that's what matters."

"Yeah, but wouldn't it be nice to be one of them? Just for a day?" Selena mused, biting her lip.

The bus arrived with a loud hiss of brakes, interrupting their conversation. As they boarded, Helena felt a familiar mix of determination and unease. Today would be different, she vowed. They had dreams to chase, and no amount of adversity would stop them.

"Let's make this day flavorful," Helena declared as they settled into their seats.

"Agreed!" Selena grinned, her spirit lifting. "And I'm going to draw the best picture ever when we get home."

As the bus rumbled along the road, Helena watched the scenery pass by—dilapidated buildings, struggling families, and the occasional burst of color from street vendors. Life may not have been easy, but it was certainly rich in experiences.

With her sister by her side and the promise of a new day ahead, Helena felt ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Hello dear readers! Welcome to my novel~~ Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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