
You’ve got this

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of banging pots and pans. I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, hoping the noise would go away. But it didn't. Instead, it got louder, accompanied by the sound of Tyron singing terribly off-key.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty! It's a brand new day!" Tyron's voice boomed from the kitchen.

I peeked out from under the blanket to see Tyron standing in the doorway, holding a spatula like a microphone. He was wearing an apron that read "Kiss the Cook" and a goofy grin on his face.

"Come on, Elena! Up and at 'em! Breakfast is almost ready!" he said, flipping the spatula dramatically.

I couldn't help but laugh at the sight. "Alright, alright, I'm up!" I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "What's all this about?"

Tyron sauntered over to the bed and struck a pose. "I thought you could use a little cheering up, so I'm making my famous pancakes!"

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