

ELIA Targeryon POV()

It has been 12 years , since we came to dorne after the fall of Kings Landing, thanks to some of the loyal men of Dorne, It was truly a haunting day if not for the help of those Smugglers in the sea whole Westeros would have known we were in Dorne.

That Fire Caused by us in the red keep really helped, Now there is no proof of me and my Children being alive, the old lion must have presented some innocents dead bodies to the Usurper to save his own Skin or gain Favour.

But were they wrong to Rebel , The Mad KING di killed Lord Stark and his Heir, and Now my Children are training and preparing for the war to Re-take the Iron Throne.

Doran is planning to get as much as power as he can through my Children , it would be good if I can live with my Children peacefully but the Rebels have been searching for us maybe the Spider also knows but he had not Contacted us, good I never trusted that Man.

Aegon is living as a bastard of one of our Cousins and Rhaenys with her dornish looks live in the Plain sight as oberyns Bastard.

It is Hard to live like this but with my family and friends Support it has been bearable atleast I can see my Son every few months but my friend Ashara she lost her Child when he was only 2 years old sent to the Starks.

But who knew even the honorable stark would usurp his Nephew, no matter what Reasons they give but everyone knows brandon and Ashara was married, and not only that lord Stark left him in Riverland and the news I heard from our Spies he is not treated well , living as a bastard in the south is not easy.

Ashara she was just lost for few years but with the birth of her other Children , two beautiful Daughters she has found Solace in them.

Lord Yorkwood never allowed her to visit Riverland, the other kingdoms are not safe for Dornish yet and Ashara has always been Close with me, tywin may try to find me through her and after she got pregnant and had a Child, going to Riverland was almost a impossibility, she was devasted when she heard the news of Alexander gone missing, it took 2 years to hear any news of him Doran said the Child King in the Essos Resembles Alexander but he has not Confirmed the news since After slavees bay and the fall of Volantis the boy went towrds Yiti and only his Army remained and focus on trade and war with those Dothraki Savages , Ashara will be Coming today hope Doran has Some News of the Child

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