

They got back to Xavier's by nightfall, the jet landed with a thud and the doors opened with a mechanical whoosh.

They both got out of the Jet, the ride had been semi awkward at best. Tomura sighed and looked over to the shorter man.

"Logan" he said and the man came to a stop "Listen I, know you love her and I didn't mean to screw you over, your my friend I would-"

"Don't worry kid, I've been in love with more women than I can count." Logan put a hand on the kids shoulder "But I can't count many people who have done as much for me as you have"

The man lit a cigar that he must have left on the jet and took a large inhale.

"Thanks Logan, I appreciate it" Tomura said as he walked past the man.

"Nomu let's get going" Tomura said as his eyes slid to the large humanoid.

"Wait, you're not staying for a victory drink?" Logan asked as he exhaled a large amount of smoke into the cold night air.

They were both covered head to toe in blood. Tomura gestured down to his whole body as he raised his eyebrows.

"Just get a shower before, come on" Logan said as he walked into the front door of the school.

Tomura sighed as he followed behind. Before he entered he turned to Nomu. "You can stay with me or head home if you want" The Nomu disappeared in a blur.

Tomura walked into the school, he winced as occasionally a drop of blood fell onto the floor beneath him.

He walked down a corridor, he was pretty sure he was lost again.

His eyes slid to a form at the end of the corridor, Jean.

She sighed when she saw him and walked over to him wearing green pyjamas, she went to take the bloody cloak of his shoulders.

He stopped her "Don't, you'll get your clothes dirty." He said as he took a step back "You know where a shower is?"

She smiled "Yeah, come on" she took his bloodstained hand in her own soft one and started to walk with him in tow.

They arrived outside her bedroom door, he followed her inside and she gestured towards her en-suite shower.

He took off the bloody cloak and dropped it onto the tiled floor below, he looked down at his clothes and sighed.

He felt Jean press her body against his back as her head rested on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his torso.

"Jean you'll get dirty" he said as pretty much every part of his body had blood covering it.

"I don't care" she said softly as her arms tightened.

He realised something at that moment "Jean, can you send a message through to Nomu?" He asked.

"Hmm, why?" She asked.

"I don't have any other clothes, don't think this'll wash out anytime soon either." He said as he gestured down at his whole body.

"Done" she said, her voice brushed past his ear and he realised.

Even covered in blood and adrenaline still high he was content, he felt relaxed.


He got out the shower and got dressed, Nomu had dropped off his black compression shirt and black jeans with the red cloak and he was ready to finally have that drink.

His eyes met Jeans, she was laying on her bed scrolling through a phone. "You wanna sleep over?" She asked casually.

His eyes widened "Sure" he answered quickly "But I think Logan's gonna want me drunk"

"Oh better, drunk you is very generous" she said as her smile grew.

He snorted and left the room and walked towards the kitchen, well tried he was lost again for fuck-

'Two lefts and the second right' Jeans voice rung through his head and his smile turned to a grin.

He followed the directions and long and behold Logan was sat at the kitchen counter with a bottle of whisky in his hands.

"Drink" Logan said as he handed Tomura a bottle of whisky.


He was in Veinna. Being an Avenger turns out he needs to be in fucking Vienna.

He sighed as he looked around the large United Nations building. An older black man approached him. "Mr Shigaraki" the man said with a nod.

Tomura nodded back "Sorry, I don't know your name, I don't follow politics" he added on at the end to try to explain his lack of knowledge.

The man didn't smile "I am King T'Chaka, and you are an Avenger. I see Captain Roger's is not here."

Oh…oh the Wakandan king.

"Ah, my bad." He noticed a passing older man wince at his words "I gotta thank you for the Vibranium though, made me quite rich" Tomura said with a genuine smile.

The man frowned "I'm glad the exploitation of my country has made you richer, Avenger" he said the word Avenger as if it was acid on his tongue.

Tomura winced "Ah, sorry I'm not used to diplomacy" he said as he readjusted his new cloak, it was a thick royal red that ran down to the back of his thighs.

T'Chaka nodded "I understand it can be difficult at times"

"Yeah, I mean I'm more used to killing Kings than talking to them" he saw the look on the surrounding peoples faces and hastily explained "In space and other dimensions , I haven't killed any kings on earth" he explained hoping that would alleviate the sudden tension.

It didn't.

He sighed "Yeah anyway" he nodded towards the King and walked to his seat.

When he walked to his pre assigned seat he saw an odd man sitting in the seat next to his.

Saying odd was an understatement.

A more apt word would be infamous.

The Monarch of Latveria.

Doctor Doom

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