

Tomura had a goal, he was looking for a scientist. One he had looked into extensively and had tried to locate.

Samuel Sterns.

When he was looking into Hulks transformation an interesting piece of information came up.

This man was a scientist who was infected with Hulks blood, not only was he infected by the blood, he also according to rumours had his intelligence heightened to a superhuman level.

He was a man with weak morals and hopefully weaker will power.

Tomura wanted him.

This man, could-no would bring his body to the next level in power, Tomura held his hand against his bruised ribs. He had to sleep under trees using his cloak as a blanket, it wasn't the best sleep of his life.

They had healed over night, but the gigantic bruise persisted. Gods, Thor was strong, Tomura grinned.

He would be stronger.

He needed to find Samuel Sterns.

But first, money. He didn't want to scam taxi drivers, it just felt so…pathetic.

He walked around the gigantic city of New York, the last known location of Sterns was deep in Harlem.

Tomura snorted as he watched hundreds of people walk by him without a care in the world.

This would be difficult.

No, he sighed and looked up at the blue sky. This would be impossible without significant resources.

He eyed a nearby tower, apparently a front for a criminal. Not just any criminal, probably the most successful one in all of New York.

Now what he researched might be false, but there are dozens of cases on the man, he's had over 6 court appearances.

He might not be a criminal but he definitely has money, and connections. He needs those.

He would take those.

He pushed the glass double doors open wide and walked straight past the receptionist who barely noticed his presence.

Time to rob a billionaire.


Fisk always had an open door policy, it was unusual and dangerous especially for someone of his standing.

But he found the best people to talk to were the ones with nothing to their name but ambitions and dreams.

Poverty forced them to become slaves to the corrupt system or rise above it, much like he himself did.

It was also perfectly safe, he truly believed he could handily take down anyone who wasn't superhuman.

It's a hell of a lot easier when your 6'8 and 450lbs of muscle. And when they're not an average person, armed or even with an entire crew.

He had 16 of the best armed soldiers you could hire arming the hallways with cameras lining every inch of the building. His desk would withstand a punch from the damn hulk and the amount of weapons nearby would make Stark blush.

Fisk lit a cigar and watched as a green light on his desk flashed two times.

Two times, a unplanned visitor.

He put out his cigar and placed it leaning against an ivory ashtray, he didn't want to be rude afterall.

He watched as what must be a 17 year old came through his large mahogany doors without a thought in the boys head.

His attire however caught his attention, all black, low quality clothes and a red cape.

He sighed to himself, a new super? His hand explored under the desk and wandered over to his sawed off shotgun.

"I hear your rich" the boy said with a greedy look in his red eyes as he met the Kingpins own beady eyes.

The Kingpin nodded, his eyes analysed the teenager infront of him with judgement already building in his mind.

A handsome enough teenager, 16-17, probably a mutant if he came in with a cape, maybe an experiment. Showing his face, either stupid or powerful and stupid.

Either way showing his face fearlessly, stupid.

"Okay, and you've got resources, you can find people who don't wanna be found" the teenager asked the man.

"Yes, I'm particularly adept at that" Wilson Fish's voice rolled like thunder, his shoulders as wide as an average man was tall. His defined arms were stretching against the white tight tailored suit he wore.

Tomura nodded and then sat down opposite the man. "So, your going to help me find a man. Samuel Sterns is his name." He practically demanded.

The Kingpins eyes narrowed, the boy was demanding of him. Sometimes survival of fittest really does make sense, someone should have put this runt out of his misery years ago.

"Was that a demand boy"

A few seconds passed with the only sound between them was a clock ticking.

Tomura stood, then leaned forward and placed both palms on the man's desk. "Why ask such a stupid thing, now get to finding Samuel Sterns"

With extreme speed the Kingpins hand raced towards the head of Tomura.

Extreme speed for an average human that is.

Tomura ducked underneath the meaty paw and heard it whoosh by his head. He then kicked out at the desk and sent it towards the giant man.

The Kingpin was sent off balance but before Tomura could take advantage of such a situation he heard the doors smash open with force behind him.

16 armed men came rushing into the room and quickly aimed at him, Tomura didn't even move. He just dropped to one knee and carefully placed his hand onto the expensive rug beneath him.

Before a single bullet could exit the guns of the men half of the Kingpins penthouse floor had been decayed and all the men were corpses or soon to be due to missing their legs.

Tomura turned to the wide eyed Kingpin. "Samuel Sterns"


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