
''Villainous Intruders''

Exciting news, I'd love for you to dive into my latest literary adventure, "Gods Gone Wild: Stardom Reloaded." It's an entertainment-based novel crafted with a humorous twist, promising to tickle your funny bone and offer a delightful escape.


As we pulled up to the rescue trial grounds, you could practically hear everyone's jaws hitting the floor. It was like Disneyland for future heroes, but instead of rides, we had disaster simulations. I mean, there were fake floods, landslides, fires—basically everything you'd see in a bad day for humanity.

Suddenly, a calm yet authoritative female voice broke through the awed silence. "Flood wrecks, landslides, fires, etc. This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters. Its name is the Ultimate Space for Jams—USJ."

It took me a second, but then I recognized her. Space Hero Thirteen, the rescue operation specialist. You know, the one who could suck you into a black hole if you were having a particularly bad day.

"Wow," I said, mostly to myself but also to the universe at large, "It's like she took every disaster movie ever made and mashed them into one giant nightmare. Except, instead of Bruce Willis, we've got a bunch of hormonal teenagers."

Beside me, Momo was already taking mental notes. Tenya was probably calculating the exact steps needed for an efficient rescue, and Bakugo—well, he was probably thinking about how many explosions he could make in this playground of chaos.

Thirteen continued, explaining the setup with the kind of calm that only comes from knowing you could literally create a vacuum cleaner out of thin air and suck up any mess. "We will be simulating various scenarios where you will need to use your quirks not for combat, but for saving lives."

I nudged Momo and whispered, "I bet Bakugo's head is about to explode from the lack of explosions involved."

She gave me a half-smile. "Let's hope he can adjust."

Thirteen's presence was a calming contrast to the chaos that awaited us. Even though this was serious training, I couldn't help but think about how surreal it all was. Here we were, standing on the brink of simulated doom, and all I could think about was how I was going to make sure I didn't end up in a tree like a cat needing rescue.

"So, who's ready to save some digital lives?" I said, trying to keep the mood light. Tenya shot me a disapproving look, but hey, someone had to keep things fun, right?

Thirteen finished her spiel, and we all geared up. It was time to step into the Ultimate Space for Jams and prove that even in the face of disaster, we could keep our heads cool—or, in Bakugo's case, only slightly simmering.

As we moved into the training area, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the real deal, or as close as we'd get without actual lives on the line. And knowing our class, we were about to turn this disaster simulation into the most memorable, unpredictable mess the USJ had ever seen.

Aizawa-sensei looked around and asked, "Where's All Might?" Classic Aizawa—always straight to the point.

No 13 replied, "He's resting in a nap room." The look on Aizawa-sensei's face was priceless. If he had more visible expressions, this one would definitely say, "That guy is irrational."

No 13 then turned to us and started her speech. "Before we begin, just one thing... or two... or three... or four..." She sure had a way of building suspense. 

She began explaining her quirk, Black Hole, which can suck anything into its vortex and turn it into dust. As she talked, I found myself wondering if her quirk would work on me in my phantom stage. Note to self: never volunteer to test that theory.

No 13 continued, "Your power could also easily be used to kill people." Talk about an icebreaker! "Quirks can be used in both ways, and naturally, quirks are strictly regulated and under laws. Don't forget, each of you possesses powerful quirks that can, with one wrong step, kill others."

I glanced around. Some of my classmates looked like they had just realized they were holding loaded cannons instead of cool powers. Well, except Bakugo. He probably liked the idea of a cannon.

"During both Aizawa and All Might's trials, you have learned your physical strength and true sense of danger," No 13 continued. "This lesson will be based on how you use your powers for rescue. Your quirks emphatically do not exist to hurt others. Please leave this exercise fully understanding how your quirks can help people."

As No 13 spoke, I couldn't help but let my mind wander a bit. I mean, could her Black Hole suck up a ghost? Maybe it would be like vacuuming up a sheet. I made a mental note to ask her later. Or maybe not. Better to stay on her good side.

I looked at Momo, who was listening intently. She always took these lessons to heart. I, on the other hand, was thinking about how to make rescuing people look cool. Maybe a dramatic entrance? Some witty one-liners? 

But No 13 was right. We had powerful quirks, and it was up to us to use them responsibly. Even if that meant being serious for a change. But first, I had to get through this lesson without making a fool of myself.

With that, we were ready to dive into the Ultimate Space for Jams. I just hoped my charm, wit, and a bit of ghostly flair would see me through. After all, what's a hero without a bit of style?

Just as No 13 finished her speech, I felt a strange shift in the air. Maybe it was my hero danger sense tingling, or maybe it was just a bad vibe. Either way, something was up. I squinted and saw a black purplish vortex forming. And what stepped out of that was... a guy with a face covered in hands. Yikes.

For most of my classmates, this was probably terrifying. But for me? Pfft. I'd seen scarier things in my previous life. Ever seen the true face of a shadow demon? Now *that* is nightmare fuel. Hand-face guy? Not so much.

Aizawa-sensei shouted, "Huddle together, don't move! No 13, protect the students!" That's when it clicked—this wasn't part of the lesson plan.

Kirishima, ever the optimist, asked, "Is this a new exam pattern?"

"Don't move! Those are villains!" Aizawa-sensei shouted back, his voice full of urgency. If Aizawa-sensei was freaking out, this was serious.

A voice echoed from the black vortex, addressing our teachers. "According to the curriculum, Eraser Head, No 13, and All Might were supposed to be here. But where is All Might?"

Hand-face guy looked around, clearly disappointed. "We went through all that trouble, but All Might isn't here. I wonder, if we kill the kids here, will he show up?"

Oh great, just what we needed—a villain with a flair for the dramatic. I could feel my classmates' fear rising. But for me, this was starting to look like it was going to be a fun challenge. 

I cracked my knuckles and thought, *Today's gonna be fun. Facing the malice of outrageous proportions? Bring it on.* I mean, how often do you get to face off against a bunch of villains in a rescue training facility? 

Besides, if things got too hairy, I could always phase out. But where's the fun in that? I glanced at Momo, who looked both determined and a bit freaked out. 

"Looks like we're in for a real test," I whispered to her, trying to keep the mood light.

"Stay close," she replied, her voice steady despite the situation. 

Villains or not, we were heroes in training. Time to show them what we were made of.


"Hey there, lovely readers! So, I've got a little proposal for you – how about we make a deal? You hit me up with those power stones, and in return, I'll sprinkle some extra laughs and charm into your day! Deal? Oh, and here's the best part: for every power stone you toss my way, I promise to do a little victory dance that's so ridiculous, even Deku would blush! So, let's make some magic happen together, and remember, with great power stones comes... well, my eternal gratitude and a few chuckles on the side! You guys rock, literally! 💎😄"

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