
Dead End

- What is it... what are you saying?

- Does he have to spell it out for you? - Liam said indifferently.

- Ya ya... I think this is kind of hard to understand. - said Daniel.

Ophelia sighed and took a breath.

- Okay, I'll explain it again...

This time Daniel and Renato paid more attention to the girl's words.

- When Duchess Sofia told us the indications and the purpose of this test, she only specified to get two codes from other applicants; she did not give any restrictions on the way or the methods to achieve it except for the murder.

- But ... How do you support the idea you told us? - Daniel asked.

- Supposedly all participants would act individually, if so they would have to fight against others to obtain the codes, but what if teams were formed?

- ...

- Instead of them fighting against each other, if they agreed to share their codes with each other, then they could each get at least two more codes if the team was a minimum of three people.

- But ... wouldn't that be cheating? If not, will they accept that a group of applicants say the same codes among themselves? - Daniel asked.

- As I told you ... the objective is that each applicant knows two codes, besides, why else would there be a rule not to take possession of the chips. In this case, if one learns the code of another, as that person still has his token, another may attack him and know the same code.

The two men were incredulous.

- If you put it that way, there is certainly a chance of it happening, since there are not many of us. - Daniel commented.

- So what you are suggesting is that we share our codes and hide until tomorrow? - questioned Renato.

- Exactly.

Everyone was silent.

- You know ... it might work, but I still have my doubts ...

- If you want you can go and look for others to fight with. - replied Liam.

This annoyed Renato a little, but he didn't let himself be provoked anymore.

- Well ... I will believe them, besides in three hours it will be 6 o'clock in the evening and going out alone will be dangerous. What will you do, Daniel?

- I'll stay too. I think what Liam and Ophelia say is true.

- Then we should all show our chips, shouldn't we? - said Renato.

- No, not yet... let's wait until tomorrow.

- Why, weren't you the one with the idea? - Renato asked.

- Yes, only first we have to wait and see what will happen from 6 p.m. ... I think each one of us has hidden our chip ... there may be eyes watching us now. - said Ophelia.

- I-I see ...

That being the case, that group agreed to hide and lay low all night, though things would not turn out to be so easy.

On the outskirts of the cave, there were silhouettes of people. They seemed to be all young.

- Well, it's a pity they didn't reveal their tokens, but it doesn't matter... in three hours we will act.

- Sure ... on the other hand, it seems that the guy with the patch has a sensory ability ... will it come from his eye?

- That doesn't matter anymore, if they stay in that place, it will be the end of them ... since there are five of us, we must find one more.

- Well, let's go explore another place, Remus, you keep watch with Alexia ... let us know if anything happens.

- Ok.

After their conversation, that group split up.


Driving somewhat carelessly past the wooded road, the car they were all trying to flee with would soon be reaching the highway.

- B-Bruno... please drive more carefully... more carefully...

- What?!

- No... nothing...

In the back seats rested the rest.

- Hey, Aren... you sure don't waste time to get into trouble, huh?

- ... Just like you ... How did you get here?

- Well, I heard about a group that looked like thugs who were looking for you... I heard from them that they were coming to this place. And since we're friends, obviously I came to give you a hand ... although I didn't think it would turn out like this.

- ... Apart from us and you, I haven't seen anyone else come all the way here.

- Really?

- Yes, you haven't.

- Well... Where could they be?

As they passed near a group of rocks, a different path than the one they took before, they could see a crashed car with several dead bodies and smoke coming out.

Everyone present saw such a scene.

- W-Who are they? Or, rather, who were they? - Fausto asked.

- No idea and I don't care. - replied Bruno without pausing.

- ... Well... I guess that answers my question. - added Glen.

- ...

 During the journey, the fog stopped being dense and there was no trace of the creature; this gave hope to that group; however, they had not yet reached the road.

As if time had stopped, or rather, the terrain had no end, they had been driving for more than half an hour and still could not see the road or the bus station.

- What's going on? I don't remember it being that far... 

- Me neither... are we lost? - Glen commented.

- Hey, are you sure this is the right road? - asked Faust.

- Yes... - answered Bruno.

While everyone was wondering what was going on, Aren turned to look at the three women who were still passed out in the back seats of the vehicle.- Hey, Aren... Why did you come to this place? - Glen asked, trying to change the subject.

The two guards sitting in the front seats remained attentive to the young man's response.

- ... I came to see something left by Marcelo ...

- Marcelo? ... Ah! That boy ... Did he tell you to come and get something for you to come here? 

- Something... so...

- So, did you find him?

- No, but I know where he is now.

- Oh, then your visit here was not in vain. - Glen replied with a transparent smile; however, he did not know the relationship he had with the other two males who silently listened attentively.

"Hahh ... Glen always gives off that cool and transparent attitude usually ... the bad thing is that he doesn't know how to choose the time to talk about important things." thought Aren with a certain faint smile of discomfort.

- Well, I hope we get out of here soon....

- Yes; on the other hand, I didn't know you had that secret ability.

- Ah! ... About that ... ha ha ha ...

Because they were paying their attention to the small talk, the two guards did not pay attention to what was in front of them.

- Stop the car. - Aren said.

- What?

In front of them was a person who was actually a corpse standing there who seemed to be waiting for them.

- Damn it!

The car tried to divert it and take another route, but it was not because of their effort, but because that body did not move to attack.

- What was that?!

- As if I knew!

Suddenly it started to rain.

- Hey, Aren... I'm already scared of this. - Glen commented.

- Don't worry, I'm here for you...

- Aren...

As if it was a scene of a couple in love, Bruno interrupted.

- Hey! Save your pussies for another time!

Faust, Glen and Aren laughed a little at the scene they made.

- Well, I thought we had to change the atmosphere... On the other hand, it's the first time I've seen you laugh, Aren. - Glen commented.

The same black-haired male being taken aback, nodded.

"How long has it been since I've laughed? How are they all doing?" was the young man's thoughts which were disturbed by a warning.

- Look! It's the road! We're here at last! - exclaimed Faust.

It seemed that hope had returned to them again.

Yes, it was not a hoax, on a wide two-way track with some signs at both ends that was surrounded by bushes and some trees, on one side, a car suddenly appeared which was muddy with its windows fogged up by the rain.

Fausto made a call as he got out.

- I will let the group that will be coming know where our location is and ask them to bring medical help.

- Good.

"Seriously ... this day has been crazy." thought Bruno who without stopping would drive to the capital.

Without stopping, Bruno pressed the accelerator; however, after a few seconds he saw that the car was not moving forward even though the engine was running.

- What's wrong now, did something go wrong?

- No... I don't think it's the car. - said a smiling but worried Fausto, who seemed to be looking in the rearview mirror.

Through the mirror, it could be seen how a sort of deformed loop was holding the car from behind.

Without further warning, the car was lifted into the air from behind.

- Hahh ... It was too good to be true. - commented Faust.

Everyone knew then what was about to happen.

Without delay, everyone got out of the car. Aren and Glen were somehow able to carry the three women out of the car.

The impact was a bit hard, but the painful thing was to see how that car was lifted and taken by several deformed limbs that destroyed and compacted the car as if it were a pile of scrap metal.

That deformed metal sphere was thrown away from them. Everyone could only watch as their only hope of getting out of this place disappeared before their eyes.

Emerging just as they did from the bushes, the appearance of that creature became manifest in the middle of the rain and along with it brought the fog.

- We are screwed.

- Yes, we are. - Glen replied.

- Damn it.

- What's the plan? - Faust asked.

- What plan? - replied Bruno smiling at the inevitability of the situation.

Seeing him out of the corner of his eye, Faust understood everything.

They were already wounded and all their effort was to stay conscious and not fall into madness. The three women they were supposed to protect were passed out and there was only one person left who did not prove to be useful.

Suddenly, from Glen's hand appeared again that sword and positioning himself in front of everyone, the young man positioned himself for a last fight.

Everyone was amazed at such bravery; therefore, Faust and Bruno also enlisted.

- We know it is impossible to ask you to take the three of them, we only ask you not to abandon them. - said Bruno.

- ... All right ...

The request was somewhat questionable; in view of the guards, Aren would not have the strength to carry three people and run away, but there was also no gain in making him stay with the three young women.

Before anything else could be thought of, accelerated footsteps were heard in that place. Glen, who seemed to be in a running position, gained momentum and ran towards the monster with surprising speed.That being reflexively threw that limb that came out of the hole in its head. Dodging it with the sheath of his katana, he regained his momentum. As he came within a few centimeters, he unsheathed his sword in the direction of a cross-cut.

Everyone present could not believe their eyes. The edge of the boy's katana managed to cut that limb coming out of the monster's head. But it was not over yet.

Making a 360-degree turn, Glen chose to make a second move. This time the cut would be in that wound that the monster had in the abdomen.

The second blow was accurate, since the creature had only reacted to the previous cut. The blood of that thing spilled on the floor accompanied by reinforcements and strange moans of pain.

"Well ... although I couldn't cut it in two, at least I caused it enough damage." thought Glen who fell to his knees on the ground after that last effort.

- Watch out!

- ¿?

As if it could stand the pain, the monster attacked, throwing its arm like a whip across Glen's back which threw him to the ground until he fell a couple of meters.

Trying to run, Faust's counterattack was abruptly stopped by being grabbed by the neck by the monster's upper limb, which also threw him into a tree.

In less than two minutes, two had already fallen.

" Damn ... Why does it look like it's just toying with us? It could have killed Faust by grabbing it, but it just threw it as if it didn't care." thought Bruno who was aiming his two pistols.

The creature did not move from then on.

The attitude of that monster each time disturbed Bruno's analysis, as he did not understand movement patterns or the thought of that thing. However, he could recognize something.

- Back off! - Aren exclaimed.

A signal, the claws of his right limb pointed towards the ground repeatedly. It was then that Bruno looked to the ground and saw how another limb had caught him by the neck and lifted him up.

- ¡¿?!

Aren who was behind had seen how the creature's tail was buried in the ground.

Yes, subway it had reached where Bruno was. The latter had been slow to notice.

The asphyxiation was inevitable and it was only a matter of seconds until the young man fell down fainted, the strange thing was that when that happened the creature released him as if it wanted to avoid killing him yet.

The whole group was defeated and awaited their inevitable death.


It was about 5 pm, still hidden in that small cave, the four young men remained silent, trying to entertain themselves in some way or another.

- You know... will it be 6 o'clock already?

- No, it's still a little over an hour.

- So, can I go out for a while?

- If you want, but no one will save you if something happens to you. 

- ... Wow, that's very comforting to hear.

- ...

Seeing that the conversation was strained by the boredom of waiting, Ophelia changed the subject.

- Daniel, what were the names of your other two friends you met?

- Oh, you mean Aren and Glen.

- Tell me how they all met.

- Well, it will be a bit of a long story, but it all started at Luesia station ...

Next chapter