
Ray VS. The Puppeteer: Final Round

Ray got close to the puppeteer and planted a punch straight on his right cheek. The puppeteer was still so focused on the severed head of Conrad that he didn't realise Ray was coming.

The punch was so hard that it dislocated the puppeteer's jaw. The shock made the puppeteer drop the severed head of Conrad.

Ray grabbed the severed head before it hit the ground and ran back. He put it down in a relatively clean place close to a tree and ran back. Ray then grabbed the headless and lifeless body of Conrad and ran towards the tree where he had put Conrad's head before.

He put together Conrad's head and body as much as he could and stood up. As he did, he felt dizzy. He gathered himself and put his hand on his head. He thought, "The lack of blood is starting to take a toll on me. I might lose consciousness soon."

The puppeteer fixed his dislocated jaw with his left hand and looked at Ray. He looked down at the tear that was created by Conrad and then looked at the severed hand, again created by Conrad. He then looked back at Ray with a devious smile.

He said with the smile still on his face, "Hmm. It looks like we're finally on level ground. Come on. Let's play one last game. I wonder who'll win."

Ray started fuming again at the puppeteer's words, but he kept his composure as much as he could and said, "There's only one way this fight will end. One of us will die here and now. And I have no plans of dying today."

The puppeteer chuckled. He said, "I like that spirit boy. I like it. You really are interesting. Wayy more than I thought."

Ray said, "I don't need your compliments. I just need you to die."

The puppeteer picked up his cane and got in a fighting stance. He said, "Then come on, boy. Let's play one last game."

Ray too got in a fighting stance and ran towards him. He ran at full speed and got close to the puppeteer in the blink of an eye. He made a fist with his left hand and threw an uppercut, sending the puppeteer high up in the air.

He didn't stop, and he himself jumped up in the air. He grabbed on to the puppeteer's leg and threw him to the ground with all his strength.

The puppeteer's uncontrolled body hit the ground face first at full speed. Ray dropped on top of him and planted a strong kick on the back of the puppeteer's head. The kick planted the puppeteer's head deep in the ground.

Ray was going to throw a few more kicks, but the lack of blood hit him again. He got really dizzy and fell on the ground.

The puppeteer got up, but his feet were wobbling. The puppeteer said, "You know how to throw some punches, kid. But it's not enough. Just a few kicks and punches won't kill me."

The barrage from earlier had made the puppeteer lose his cane. He went and picked it up. He got back in front of Ray and hoisted his cane to stab Ray.

Ray was still feeling really dizzy and could not see clearly. He just remained on the ground, trying to gather himself.

The puppeteer said, "Looks like the one dying here today isn't going to be me. Goodbye kid. I had fun playing with you."

Just as the puppeteer was going to stab Ray, Yuri stopped him by wrapping his whip around the puppeteer's hand. Yuri was panting really heavily. 

The puppeteer pulled his hand, pulling Yuri with him. The puppeteer threw him forward.

Yuri fell next to Ray and groaned in pain. He felt that he was almost empty.

The puppeteer said, "You pest. Why do you keep meddling with my plays? Just die like the pest you are."

The puppeteer stabbed Yuri in the heart with his cane before Yuri could even regain control of his body.

Yuri screamed in uncontrollable pain. Ray was starting to see clearly by then, and the first thing he saw was Yuri bleeding out.

The puppeteer took out his cane from Yuri's heart. Just as he did that, Katarina came out of nowhere and pushed him away. She started to choke the puppeteer and pushed on his pierced stomach. The puppeteer started screaming in pain.

Just as Ray was going to get up and try to help Yuri, he felt a sting on his hand. He quickly looked at the place where he felt the sting and saw the end of Yuri's whip had turned into a snakehead and had bit him. Ray slowly started to feel better. He felt the cut in the back of his head healing, and his fatigue began to fade away.

Ray looked at Yuri with shock and asked, "What are you doing? Stop it. Heal yourself. Not me."

Ray tried to pull the sneak head away but failed as it was biting Ray really hard.

Yuri couched as he said, "No. You need to heal. Only you...cann defeat... That monster. I know…. I know you can. I've seen you fight, kid. You've impressed me in...these few hours we met. I know you can do it. You….. have…. To…..k…"

Yuri stopped talking, and the whip fully tuned back into a snake. Ray couldn't control himself anymore. One by one, he kept seeing people die like their lives meant nothing.

He started punching the ground out of desperation. He wanted answers. He kept on punching the ground as he yelled, "Why? Why? Why? Why?"

Just at that moment, he heard the voice again. The voice of his mom.

It said, "Your path is that of a warrior, Ray. If your companions aren't strong enough, they'll find nothing but death. You can't do anything for the ones who have already died. But you can save the others. You can do it. Choose your future companion wisely. Now go…. Go defeat him. You can do it. Your answer is right in front of you."

The voice dissipated.

Ray asked, "But how? How do I defeat that monster, mum?"

But no one answered.

Suddenly, he heard Katarina's voice in front of him. She said, "Forge a contract with me, Ray."

Final chapter of the volume loading.

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