
9. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.

Mariella was walking. She could feel her heat coming closer, but there was still time, and she was feeling restless. Like someone would need her and since she had been quite lazy, she had kept her protector radars almost closed because they interfered badly with her sex life when some Salvatore did not eat as they should. So she had opted to put those radars almost close if she was engaged in bedtime activity, which she was now quite a lot too.

She watched as Lepard walked towards one room, and something about his appearance made her wonder. Lepard was bothered about something. Something was troubling him. He was, let's say, a very passionate lover, almost still too passionate, and it often was that number one was with him in the bedroom if he was with Mariella. So it would not get too rough. Even though Mariella could take a hell of a lot of rough handling, too. Mariella was curious, so she had to know, and she followed him. Lepard went to the balcony, leaned against the railing, and sighed, looking out.

Mariella walked beside him and asked, " What's wrong with you? Clearly, you have a problem, and I would like to help you. So, could you tell me?"

Lepard sighed, grunted, and said, "The curse of the telepath. All I heard was something I can't help, I can't help even if I wanted to, and I feel so fucking powerless. I just have to get over this and move on. Don't worry, your precious lust is not gonna suffer from my problems." His voice snarled the last sentence. Mariella realized no one was not so much in the mood for her heat and fucking her. They wanted Mimi and be with her. 

Mariella said," Forget the heat for a moment. Now tell me, what did you hear, and who can't you help?"

Lepard said softly, " Mimi, I heard her thoughts when Damon punched her in the stomach, and she went to bed. She was pretty damn hurt. Mimi is scared that non-existence will come over her; she won't tell anyone, but the feeling and the knowledge that she didn't exist and besides, she feels empty when she has no reserves, none. That's where I want to help, but I can't. She feels she does not really belong in this pack, can't blame her, and I have no idea how to make her smile. Because ever since we got her back, she had had very little to smile about. Nobody is helping her, only hurting her, now she is in knocked out cold, she knows it, suffers, tries to exist, and smells pack is fucking."

He looked into the distance, trying to cope with these thoughts. Even with his fierce reputation in bed, Lepard felt even more deeply about things than Damon. He was so much younger; he had not been marred by those awful experiences that had left their marks on Damon. So when he felt he truly felt for his big heart and Mimi had been so important to him. So important that when she had stopped existing, he had gone feral, meaning stopped thinking like a human and let his animal side take fully over. He had kind of stopped existing, too. He could not bear to be without her.

His voice was quiet as he pondered, almost to himself too, "Damon is so jealous of Mimi that he still won't let anyone else reproduce with her. I just want to take that emptiness away and help somehow, but I can't go into her mind. I am not experienced enough. And the feeling, the emptiness that I sense in her... It feels so damn awful and she felt like a leaf in the breeze, not grounded at all, no sense of security, not until number two gave her that. And now, it seeps into my mind again, her fears, her sense of not being safe."

Damon said from the doorway, "Now, my boy, you need to unpack first, and Mariella and I will do that. I'll help you with your head because, my boy, you're almost making cracks in your mind. Now we're going to the bedroom. We're going to move the heat closer and help you. Mimi's asleep now. I'm going to help her both ways, but not yet. There is time. She is being cared for and I could sense her fear too and we are doing something about it, but it won't help her if you break up your mind. I will put some shields in place that you can't remove, a kind of filter, and at some point, I will begin to teach you properly with your telepathy. The heat is coming. It is inevitable, and we just have to go with the flow on this one."

Ever since Mariella had announced that lepard had a problem, and she was investigating, Damon had come closer, listened, and understood why Mimi was fighting the drug. She feared for her existence. Well, he would get to the bottom of that a little later and he had told this to five and seven. They would keep the anesthesia as light as possible and let Mimi sense her surroundings, so there was no fear on top. They would try to get enough stimulus for her to feel that she would sense that she existed and there was no fear of her stopping existing, too.

 They went with Lepard to the bedroom, and Mariella had more work to do before Lepard vented his powerlessness, his rage, everything that had happened, and this was his father's son, blaming himself for so many things and how he, too, treated Mimi. But they were unraveling, and at the same time, Damon was thinking of ways to help Mimi when the time came.

Their relationship had taken a big hit from this, and when it came to bedtime activities, Damon was not sure that Mimi will fuck with him. But the thought of letting her breed with even another salvatores was just something that he could not allow. He was not gonna call those embryos back to Mimi, but he would make new ones with her someday. But the heat would separate them again, and Mimi would be alone. Damon wasn't sure what kind of shape Mimi would be in before the heat came and where they would spend it. He didn't know that either.

It took quite a bit of time and effort to get Lepard in a little better place, and Damon had put a powerful shield in his mind. So no random thoughts were leaking to him. Damon had had no one when he had discovered his telepathy and each lesson, each time he learned how to master this ability, had been hard-earned and just his own doing, but he was here helping Lepard because he had been there. No need for Lepard to suffer as he had. 

When Damon went to see Mimi again, the heat was on and almost on. She was still anesthetized; not all the deficiencies had been fixed in three weeks, and the enzymes were low, but they hadn't dropped. They were holding out, and maybe they might even improve. Maybe. Mimi lay in bed, pale and motionless, and something about her appearance brought back an old memory in Damon, and an idea formed.

She dreamed of something. Her brows were furrowing, she was moving slightly, her hands, her fingers were moving, and then she smiled in her sleep, just slightly. Damon noticed that number four was sitting in the room reading a book, about teeth vampires and he did not know where he had found it. He realized that the number four scent kept Mimi happy, dreaming whatever wonderful dreams she was having. 

Number four said," I did little spying, there is quite a nice collection of these books on the fourth floor, 15th door, it looks dark little room but it is a kind of l-shaped so there is a wickedly big bookcase hidden in an alcove, full of teeth vampire information. "

Number one nodded and told this to Mariella, who sprang into action and got those books for herself. There was very little literature about teeth vampires, so this was very important knowledge to all of them. Not just for Mimi. Damon let his mind work, and the idea was taking shape quite fast. He was making a plan. It would be so much fun.

Mimi would get rest, stores, and be with the herd when the heat was on, and he could return to his old ways. He didn't even notice when Mariella came in.

She looked at Mimi's skinny body and said, "Missy is taking her time to heal, and we're about to have heat on. Samuel and Bran came over. I thought I'd grab them to come with me to work with the ladies."

Damon grunted, a good thing. Mariella noticed a book in number four's hands and went and got it for herself. Number four stood up and teleported somewhere. As his scent faded away, Mimi stopped smiling, looking almost disappointed. They had put some monitoring equipment on Mimi too. Mimi had a monitor showing this heartbeat, and it was steady. Damon looked at the readings. He heard Bran's voice approaching.

Bran came to the door and said, " Oh, so skinny. Poor thing. She needs TLC. I heard what happened to her, and it's just awful. Magnum and Dresden are trying to hunt down Angelus and the Originals, but they know how to hide."

Mimi's heart rate rose as Bran spoke. Damon frowned slightly. He looked at the monitor and her pulse stayed faster, only by a few beats more in a minute, but still. A reaction in Bran's voice? He felt her thoughts, and she was asleep, still quite deep, too.

Bran looked at Mimi and said, "Samuel and I can take care of Mimi for the duration of the heat. Samuel can even bring an incubator, so she is feeling safe."

Her heart rate went up again. Now even more. Then Damon remembered Mimi's ability to smell pheromones. Could it be that Bran had an ulterior motive for Mimi? What would his version of TLC include? Mariella snatched this thought from Damon's head and just as suddenly wrapped herself around Bran, kissing him and same time shoving her pheromones of lust tightly into him so that Bran had no choice but to sniff them and take them in.

Mariella was the pack's alpha female and had learned to use her pheromones to at least this extent. Bran was now in on the rush, and Mimi's heart rate dropped as Mariella pulled Bran away. Her heart rate remained steady, but she was not dreaming or smiling anymore.

Damon sat down next to Mimi. He looked at her. He was very thankful that she existed and it would take a hell of a lot of bridge-building and trying to mend what he had shattered for them to get any kind of spark back. He was more than willing to do the work on this one.

He took her hand in his and said, " Young lady, you're going to come with us when we go into heat, and I've got a little surprise for you then, but I think you've got another ability that I want for myself, don't you? I know that you have no chakras fixed in place, but I can find them and use them. And who knows if I fix them in place during the heat?"

Mimi's heart rate rose. She was hearing him. Not wanting to share her abilities or get her chakras fixed anymore.

Damon laughed and said, " You baby, you can't do anything. I'm the stronger one now, and we'll share everything. Oh, when I get to read your pheromones properly. When I get your stories from them. Then you won't be able to surprise me so easily."

Again, Mimi's heart rate increased, and Damon laughed, stood up, and stroked her. Yes, this would be just right for what he remembered. It would be a start, not much more yet, but a start.

Mariella said to Damon in her mind, "Damon, Bran confessed he had an ulterior motive to rehabilitate Mimi by fucking her, but you know Bran can control his bump, and lord knows what he would have put inside Mimi. Besides, Mimi doesn't trust Bran, and I don't trust him with Mimi alone, either. Mimi is in a terrible place right now with that fear, and it will take your skills to do something about it, but the heat is coming on and is hard. It might not be possible for you to help her just yet."

Damon laughed and replied, "We're going to the Torremolinos for Lust, our mansion there. Mimi has never been there, but that's okay. I have a plan, and the lady is coming with us. She'll probably sleep for a couple more months and get stronger, her enzymes are so slow that's why this will take time and a lot too and I'll help because there are so many more of us men than there are women, so I'm not always needed, and I'll have my time then to look after my pet." 

Mariella wondered, a pet? What on earth was Damon thinking? She had no idea what Damon was referring to and if he was serious. Mimi was, for god's sake, a thinking creature, not just some house pet.

She asked, " What are you going to do with Mimi? She is a woman, not a cat or dog. What do you mean by this pet thing? Collar and leash?"

Damon laughed and said, "I am entertaining myself with my pet, my old habit, the vampire thing. I haven't really taught you either all the fun things that vampires can do, or what I used to do. You will see, and oh, that when I allow my pet to wake up so she can see what her owner and master have done to her, she is such a good girl then."

Mariella was confused and still didn't understand, but soon Damon came to her, took her roughly, and did not tell her anything more about his plan. It took them all a few days later when the heat started on the Torremolinos, and for Damon to put the heat on for all the women.

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