
Sky and Storm **

Rimuru subtly caused the barrier they were sitting on to begin falling, the movement so sudden that it startled Frey, her wings twitching instinctively. But before she could react further, Rimuru pulled her closer, his arm wrapping securely around her as they began to plummet toward the ground, gravity pulling them faster and faster.

For a brief moment, the world around them was a blur of rushing air and the distant horizon. Then, as the sensation of freefall fully took hold, Rimuru let out a loud, uninhibited laugh, the sound full of exhilaration. Their speed continued to increase until they reached terminal velocity, the wind whipping past them with a fierce intensity. Despite the chaotic descent, the barrier he maintained around them ensured they remained safe, the intense heat of their fall never reaching them.

Once they had passed through the most dangerous part of the descent, Rimuru loosened his grip on Frey, allowing her to experience the full thrill of the fall herself. He knew she could steady herself with her wings at any moment, but she surprised him by doing the opposite, choosing instead to surrender to the experience, her body relaxed as she let the wind carry her.

The air roared around them as they fell, and Rimuru twisted slightly in midair, aligning himself so that he was falling parallel to Frey. He could see the joy in her eyes, the wild exhilaration that matched his own. 

"Race ya to the bottom." Rimuru's voice echoed in Frey's mind through Thought Communication.

Without waiting for her response, he spread his wings wide, catching the air as he flapped them with force, propelling himself downward with an incredible burst of speed.

Frey's wings responded instinctively, unfurling with a majestic grace. The brown and blue feathers shimmered in the sunlight, catching and reflecting the light as she angled herself downward. 

In an instant, she caught up to Rimuru who was playfully spinning in the air before Frey grabbed onto him. Before he had a chance to react, she brought him into a kiss. He could feel the passion as the two of them got closer, their fall becoming more and more uncontrolled as they begun to spiral in the air.

Yet, neither of them let go, even as the ocean below them drew closer and closer. Time even seemed to freeze for a few moments before their wild death spiral crashed onto the ocean. Their fall created a massive explosion of water, yet Raphael had activated Uriel's Absolute Defense around them just moments before they crashed into the water, stopping any damage they might have taken, however minor.

After a moment, Frey shot out from the water with a smile.

"Let the Skybound Trial begin!" She shouted with excitement as she made an Obsidian Mirror appear next to her. Her outfit changing into her usual skin tight outfit designed for mobility in an instant with magic.

Rimuru rolled his eyes from under the water but smiled as he flew out.

"Go easy on me, would you?" Rimuru asked with a smile, to which Frey answered by flapping her wings and sending countless feathers in his direction at an impressive speed.

Each of those feathers was powerful in its own right, filled with tremendous energy that would be classified as Legend Grade material should a blacksmith get their hands on Frey's feathers.

Rimuru smirked as he watched the feathers zoom towards him.

This was the perfect chance to go all out and finally try his skills. After awakening, he had been so busy setting everything up that he hadn't gotten the chance to familiarize himself with the Ultimates he had received.

He would test out his Ultimate Skills individually to truly get a feel for them. Raphael could assist in controlling all his Skills, but he liked knowing what cards he had in his hand should the worst happen again.

[...] Raphael didn't speak up, but it was clear she was slightly annoyed by the simple thought of him not having her to support him.

Preparing himself, he decided to start with the one Skill that was always by his side. 

'Ultimate number one: Raphael, Lord of Wisdom. It wouldn't be too fair if you advised me during the fight. So let me take the reins this time.' Rimuru thought. He had never actually used Raphael for himself, usually letting her do her own thing. But now, it was the perfect chance to walk in her shoes.


The moment he felt Raphael step back, Rimuru instinctually activated Parallel Calculation and Thought Acceleration. Instantly, the world around him slowed to a crawl, the feathers that had been racing toward him now frozen mid-flight, suspended in the air. His mind began to work overtime.

With the luxury of time, Rimuru concentrated, calling forth a Death Heralding wind to scatter the feathers. But to his surprise, the moment the feathers touched the massive storm he had summoned, it vanished, the feathers still slowly moving towards him. 

Then he realized that each feather was coated in a thin layer of obsidian, which meant the storm he had just called had been taken into the mirror for Frey to turn back at him or fuel her defenses.

As the feathers drew ever closer, Rimuru couldn't help but smile. This was the thrill of battle, the exhilaration of facing an opponent who could push him to his limits. 

He deactivated his mental processing Skills and activated Shunpo, disappearing from his position just before the feathers reached him, reappearing a short distance away. But as soon as he materialized, he saw the feathers change direction mid-air, locking onto him.

Yet, before he could fully process the situation, Frey shot towards him, leaving a sonic explosion in her wake. Her wings were coated in a thin layer of obsidian, turning them into deadly blades. Blades that could tank through any spell he cast or any elemental skill he could call forth without Raphael's help.

'I can't be switching off so quickly…' Rimuru thought before allowing the world to slow down again. 'Magic won't work on the feathers, at least not my level of magic, only pure physical skills. Which even then, they can absorb to a certain amount.'

He tried to activate Prophet's Clairvoyance, but without Raphael sorting through the information, he was overwhelmed by the countless possibilities flashing through his vision. 

Deactivating the skill for now, he saw Frey and her feathers getting closer, an idea appeared in his mind. 

His body turned more fluid in a partial slime transformation. The moment Frey's wing was about to slice through him, he split his body in half, allowing her wing to cut nothing but air. Simultaneously, his form opened holes for the feathers to shoot through, missing him entirely before he reformed behind Frey. Without missing a beat, he unleashed a barrage of Universal Threads. Each one hardened to be as resistant as he could make them.

But Frey simply smiled as she saw him. With a single, powerful swing of her wings, she cut through the threads as if they were nothing. In addition, the feathers he had barely dodged swapped directions in the air once again. Heading directly towards him.

"Well, so much for that." He muttered with a sighing. In theory, the feathers themselves weren't a real threat. But if left alone, they would slowly become more and more annoying, distracting him in the middle of their spar.

'Raph, I don't know how you do it. You make it seem pretty easy.' Rimuru joked internally. Bringing the full potential of his skills out was harder than it seemed, especially when he didn't have the processing power of a quantum computer.

As his eyes focused on the feathers, he finally swapped to his second Ultimate Skill, Beelzbuth, Lord of Gluttony.

In an instant, all of the feathers heading in his direction were consumed by a dark storm. With the threat neutralized, he couldn't help but smile as he turned to Frey.

"You know, Frey." Rimuru called out with a smirk. "You're one of those opponents that's a real pain to fight against. You know that? You kind of counter the majority of my moveset. Or, well, everyone's moveset."

He could already see her getting on the nerves of her future enemies. He really pitied the mess they would get into if they fought her unprepared.

Frey's eyes sparkled with pride, and she allowed a confident smile to form on her face.

"Yeah, right, you're one to talk. You better not be giving up on me so easily." Frey taunted, her wings flaring out as she prepared for her next move.

With a powerful flap, she sent another barrage of feathers hurtling toward him. But they were clearly just a distraction as she silently stepped into the mirror behind her.

Rimuru didn't miss a beat. With a simple thought, he commanded Beelzebuth to consume the incoming feathers, which were swallowed by the dark storm almost instantly. 

Yet, Rimuru felt himself be caught off guard as the storm tried to go out of control, trying to spread to consume everything it could.

Rimuru frowned for a moment before forcefully bringing the skill back onto his control instantly calming down the Predation.

[Notice. Sin series skills contain a trace of ego. So far, the ego has been suppressed. However, without intervening, the Skill has a chance to fight back.]

Rimuru frowned as he heard the answer, but he wasn't in a state to complain. He simply focused as he pushed down the will of his Skill until he felt it was back on his control. The ego must have been weak, since it went down without much of a fight.

Though maybe it was just his pure compatibility with the skill itself that made it so simple. As a Slime, it was in his nature to consume. And for the most part, that is what he did. 

It was hunger, it wanted to consume. But from now on he would start getting some practice suppressing their will with his own.

As he finished consuming her feathers, Rimuru felt a slight disturbance in the space behind him.

Hoping to catch her off guard, Rimuru sent tens of corrosive snakes filled with Beelzebuth's much more cooperative power in her direction. They all slithered through the air, crashing against the Obsidian Mirror that had appeared just moments before.

In an instant, all of the snakes began to bite and coil around the mirror, causing it to sizzle as the corrosion began to slowly take effect. Yet, to his surprise, all of the snakes surrounding the mirror got sliced in half, causing them to collapse as the mirror consumed the magicules forming them before they could regenerate.

The next instant, tens of corrosive snakes shot out from the mirror. They slithered through the air, their intent clear as they aimed to surround him and attack from all sides.

Rimuru could feel that the snakes were weaker than his own. However, that didn't make what Frey had just done any less impressive. She had just reflected an Ultimate Skill.

As the snakes closed in, Rimuru noticed another mirror appearing from the corner of his eye. Glancing at it, he saw Frey's reflection, her eyes locked onto him as she prepared to strike from behind. At the same time, his own Death Heralding Winds, which he had unleashed earlier, shot out of the mirror, aimed directly at him.

The winds were weaker than when he had first summoned them, their energy likely drained by Frey's mirror in defense against his corrosive snakes. But even weakened, they were still a formidable threat. Or well, they should have been.

As the storm and snakes drew closer, Beelzebuth's hunger emerged. Consuming the winds and snakes in an instant. As strong as the skills were individually, they couldn't resist Beelzebuth.

With a swift movement, Rimuru pulled out his sword from his stomach and blocked exactly where he had seen Frey's reflection. Even though she was nowhere to be seen, Rimuru trusted his instincts.

The clash of metal against obsidian rang out as Rimuru's sword met Frey's wing, the force of the impact reverberating through the air. As an idea appeared in his mind, Rimuru couldn't help but smile as he suddenly shot all of Frey's feather's back out, the thin layer of obsidian still covering them.

He used his Gravity Manipulation to cause them all to freeze mid-air. Then, using Universal Sense to look at all of the falling feathers at once, he could see Frey's reflection maneuvering behind him. She had a slightly confused expression as she glanced at the feathers, yet she still focused on the attack.

Taking a deep breath to focus, Rimuru imbued his magicules through his blade, which suddenly began to bubble up due to Beelzebuth's corrosion. The metal was sizzling slightly, yet the blade remained unharmed due to its connection to Rimuru.

With one swift movement, he blocked Frey's next attack. The corrosion effect reached Frey's wings even though she wasn't quite there. As Frey quickly lost her focus to fret over her wings, the entire area surrounding Rimuru began to shimmer and distort slightly.

"Hm?" Rimuru mused, turning to analyze his surroundings. Now, he was clearly able to see the range of Frey's skill before the shimmering stopped after a few moments.

Rimuru could see Frey retreat slightly, shedding off all of the infected feathers being consumed by the corrosion. She looked around for a moment before she suddenly realized what was happening.

"It's the feathers, isn't it?" She asked with a hint of frustration and disappointment in her voice, her voice echoing all throughout the area.

"Yes, I can see your reflection in them." Rimuru explained. "Though otherwise, I can't sense you at all with my usual senses. Even Universal Sense can't really feel anything."

Frey nodded, taking in a few moments before summoning a mirror in front of her and stepping out.

"I see… I still need to train that skill more. I might as well stop using it for now before I use up all my energy." Frey acknowledged before focusing on Rimuru and giving him a wink. "Thanks."

As she winked, the feathers floating in the air suddenly shot towards Rimuru. Most of them reached him instantly, and as Rimuru prepared to dodge them, they exploded. Releasing the corrosive attack Frey had taken directly at him, Rimuru felt a slight discomfort as the corrosion tried to eat him before losing effect.

"Hm? What happened there?" Frey asked, genuinely curious to learn more about her skill. "It should have continued to eat at you."

[Report. The damage reflected, while primarily controlled by Frey's magicules, still retains a trace of the original attack's magicules. The corrosion stopped due to its interaction with Beelzebuth, which recognized the magicules as its own.]

[With further training, Frey will be able to purge all traces of the original magicules and replace them entirely with her own. This should enhance the efficiency of her reflections and make them more potent.]

After explaining it to Frey, she nodded her head with understanding.

"I see…" She said before smiling. "I'll add that to the list."

Seeing as how the battle had momentarily paused once again, Rimuru decided to place his sword away for now. Preparing to try out his next Ultimate Skill, Asmodeus, Lord of Lust.

'Raph, make sure I don't do any permanent damage.' Rimuru asked, though, that would be his extent of using Raphael for the remainder of the fight. When it came to messing with the soul, he had seen firsthand how dangerous it could go. He didn't wish to risk Frey's safety over something like that.


If he was being honest, this was probably one of his most underutilized skills. Though he could fully control it, it didn't come as naturally to him as Beelzebuth or even Uriel. Both of those skills seemed to fit him perfectly. The best way he could guess as to why was because he obtained Eros through Great Sage's shenanigans rather than naturally.

It was somewhat shameful to say that the main way he used his skill was for his "recreational" activities. However, it was the Lord of Lust for a reason. He was sure if it had a consciousness, it didn't mind how it was being used.

Taking a moment to relax and focus, Rimuru felt the energy coursing through him, a pulsating current that was both life and death, a power that touched the very essence of souls. It was strange, yet familiar, like a memory from a forgotten dream. 

Across from him, Frey prepared to attack, her wings poised for a strike. But as she saw Rimuru deep in focus, she stopped, giving him a moment to familiarize himself with his skill. 

There was a change in the air, a shift in the atmosphere that made her instincts scream caution. She hesitated, just for a moment, but it was enough time for Rimuru to fully grasp the skill he was channeling, bringing it under his control without Raphael's assistance.

It took a few moments, but as he opened his eyes, the world around him looked different. His vision had shifted; he could now see beyond the physical, perceiving the very vitality of Frey's soul. It was a shimmering, radiant light, pulsing with her life force and magicules.

With a powerful flap of his wings, he shot towards Frey. She reacted instinctively, bringing her obsidian-covered wings up to block his strike.

As his fist crashed with her wings, Frey let out a groan of discomfort as she felt pain in her very soul. She thought she would have blocked the strike, yet Asmodeus had disturbed the connection between her and her skill. Then, without stopping, Rimuru's hand turned gently as he caressed the wing, instantly activating Life Drain.

Frey felt her magicules forcefully begin to drain out of her onto Rimuru. Yet she didn't let the discomfort distract her as she swung her wing to slice him. As Rimuru dodged her attack, she used the chance to retreat. The playfulness in her face entirely vanished as she felt genuine danger.

Unlike before, she seemed to have a harder time countering this skill, though she could still feel her skill charging up with every strike she took.

In an instant, Rimuru vanished using Shunpo, appearing again directly in front of Frey. She reacted quickly, retreating once again, but as Rimuru closed in with another punch, she summoned a mirror before her.

Rimuru's fist passed through the mirror as if it were a portal, which then solidified, trapping his arm. Yet, without hesitating, he simply detached it. Spinning mid-air to deliver a powerful quick.

Yet, just as he was about to reach Frey, the mirror that had taken his arm shined for a moment, releasing all the accumulated damage she had taken point blank onto Rimuru.

He felt his connection to Asmodeus become momentarily interrupted as Frey returned the same attack on him. She had perfectly timed it so that when his leg met her wing, it would be purely a physical attack.

With his kick mostly neutralized, he then felt Frey return the attack, causing his leg to explode.

With his Infinite Regeneration, Rimuru's arm and leg regenerated almost instantly, but Frey was relentless. She seized the opportunity, her legs transforming into razor-sharp talons as she flew toward him, aiming to grapple and tear him apart. But Rimuru was ready. As she closed in, he relaxed, his body turning fluid, and as Frey's talons tried to grip him, he flowed around her, wrapping his slime form around her body.

"Argh!" Frey grunted, feeling her magicules being drained once more as Rimuru activated Life Drain. In a real fight, he could use the momentary distraction to activate Beelzebuth, draining the strength of his enemy while Beelzebuth consumed them. But this wasn't a fight to the death.

Frey struggled to pry him off, her fingers only managing to pull away small chunks of slime that regenerated almost immediately. Desperate to escape, Frey summoned a mirror beneath her, allowing herself to fall into it. In an instant, both she and Rimuru were transported into her Mirror Domain.

Rimuru had to focus as hard as he could to drain Frey's energy in the most controlled way he could. He could feel Asmodeus briefly try to drain more fromher, but it quickly whimpered away as Rimuru pressed his own will on it.

Rimuru, still focused on draining Frey's energy, froze as the surroundings distorted around him. It was as if they had been plunged into a kaleidoscope, the world fragmented and shifting with every breath. The ground, the sky, the very air seemed to twist and warp, reflecting countless images of Frey and Rimuru in a disorienting maze of mirrors.

Before Rimuru could reorient himself, he felt the Life Drain reverse. The magicules he had just taken from Frey began to flow back into her, siphoning his energy instead. The drain was intense, pulling at his very essence, and he realized with a start that he was at a severe disadvantage in this realm.

With her Domain under her full control. Frey teleported away, appearing a short distance away. She was breathing heavily, though she was quickly recovering thanks to draining his magicules. Yet before he even had to stop it with Asmodeus, Frey stopped draining his magicules.

"That was the most terrifying you have ever been…" Frey muttered, almost in disbelief. "Even though I know you wouldn't seriously hurt me, I felt myself dying."

Rimuru returned to his humanoid form, attempting to orient himself even with the strange surroundings.

"Sorry, I have never really gotten the chance to use that skill before." Rimuru admitted, causing Frey to burst out laughing.

Controlling Beelzebuth came completely natural to him. Even if the Skill wanted to eat more than he allowed, it was still his own. All it needed was a smack in the head before following orders.

Since it was just a simple spar, he could control its output quite well. With Asmodeus, he had simply allowed his instincts to guide him. Though he had to forcibly keep everything under his control.

"You've beaten me." Frey acknowledged, yet there was a spark of mischief in her eyes as she asked. "But do you want to have one final exchange?"

Rimuru could sense the trap in her words. He was still inside her domain, and it was clear she had something sinister planned. But despite the obvious danger, he couldn't help but accept. There was still one final skill he wanted to test.

"Do your worst." Rimuru taunted, causing Frey to chuckle once again.

"I won't last long," Frey admitted, her voice carrying a note of determination. "But I will show you my power."

With that, she vanished, her form dissolving into the kaleidoscopic surroundings. Rimuru's eyes narrowed as he saw the distorted reflections of Frey multiply, surrounding him from every angle. 

But Rimuru didn't panic. Instead, he closed his eyes and called out to Uriel. Strangely, his connection to this skill felt deeper, even stronger than his connection to Beelzebuth.

Frey's reflections all attacked at the same time, yet all were stopped with a simple thought.

'Absolute Guard.' The combination of all of Uriel's defensive abilities.

It was his and Raphael's result of creating an unbeatable defense, though he still wished to create something even more supreme.

Opening his eyes, he saw Frey's countless reflections all strike, their Obsidian Wings all crashing against his defense. Yet, in the end, none were able to break through.

As Frey's expression turned to annoyance, Rimuru brought back his fist. He knew pure, raw, physical strength could counter her mirrors. He didn't have enough to break them in one hit, but he would weaken her as best as he could by having her waste her magicules for protection.

He could use Battlewill, but he had a feeling that his own fighting spirit was not at a level that could overwhelm her mirrors. It would just end up getting reflected and possibly absorbed.

In the end, even if she reflected all of his attacks, he was sure he could outlast her in a battle of pure endurance as long as he didn't.


Yet, before his fist could reach her, his fist stopped mid-air, striking nothing but empty space. In that instant, his own attack exploded back at him, a mirror reflecting the force of his blow right into his arm.

"Pfft. So this whole place is a mirror?" Rimuru asked, half amused, even as he flexed his arm to shake off the residual damage. Even though Raphael hadn't spoken up, he had felt her 'silence,' so she had probably had noticed it before he even acted. 

Frey's delighted laughter echoed around him, the sound bouncing off the distorted reflections, adding to the disorienting effect of the kaleidoscopic domain.

If he tried to use any magicule-based attack, it would reflect on him immediately. So, even if he hadn't planned it, he was stuck with purely physical attacks. Even then, his attacks would never quite reach her.

"Still costs you magicules to reflect them, doesn't it?" Rimuru's voice cut through the laughter, and in an instant, Frey's delight vanished. Her form materialized behind him, her wings slicing through the air with deadly precision, ready to cut him in half.

Rimuru tried to activate Uriel's Absolute Guard, but the protective shield was instantly absorbed into the surrounding mirrors, leaving him defenseless. Frey's wings sliced cleanly through his torso, severing him in two. Yet, before she could capitalize on the attack, his body reconnected, regenerating instantly.

Frey paused, her expression growing conflicted as she looked at him, the fatigue of the battle beginning to show in her eyes.

"How exactly is someone supposed to beat you?" She asked, her breathing heavy from the exertion of using so many magicules to keep him trapped in her Domain. "Even your regeneration is just absurd." 

"Not through slicing." Rimuru answered with a shrug. "Perks of being a Slime."

That and his Infinite Regeneration was broken, even if he wasn't a Slime he guessed he could outheal getting cut in half.

Frey rolled her eyes at the answer, unable to hide her smile.

"Whatever, then, I am trying something new." Frey muttered as she took a look at the surroundings.

The moment the words left her lips, Rimuru felt the atmosphere around him change. The very air solidified, causing his body to freeze in place. 

Yet, even while captured, he could see Frey straining, her hands trembling slightly from the effort of maintaining such intense control over her domain. She was pushing herself to the limit, pouring everything she had into this final, desperate attempt to overpower him.

[Warning—] Raphael instinctively warned before going silent after remembering she wasn't supposed to interrupt. She couldn't help but want to help the moment she felt any real danger.

As Rimuru began to be crushed by the very space around him, he felt Uriel react. Though he couldn't use Absolute Guard inside the mirrors, he could still feel the innate connection to space.

Uriel reacted like a shield, and as he tried to focus, he couldn't feel the outside from inside the domain. Yet, as the crushing pressure increased, so did his connection to Uriel.

Just when he felt he couldn't handle it anymore, he felt it. He felt a path to escape. And as he began to push at the path to escape, Uriel intensified.

A crack echoed across the Domain, a quiet sound that quickly grew and grew as it spread until it resolved in a deafening sound of shattering.

The entire Domain collapsed around them, leaving Rimuru somewhat exhausted from overexerting Uriel. Frey let out a grunt of pain, and she began coughing violently for a few seconds.

They both went quiet as they tried to recover their energy with Rimuru flying over to Frey before creating a barrier for them to stand in.

"That last move was something else." Rimuru complimented her as he reached out his hand to caress her wing, activating Asmodeus to try to give her some magicules back.

Frey laughed slightly as she collapsed onto the floor Rimuru had created.

"Add it to the list?" Frey asked with a slight smile, her eyes reflecting the lingering adrenaline from their trial.

"Add it to the list." Rimuru agreed, collapsing next to her.

"You know, for a Harpy, being weaker than your husband is a bit shameful." Frey muttered, looking up at the sky. "But I don't mind it too much."

"To be fair, it's a bit of a stupid fight. Slime biology is just built different." Rimuru joked. "You're basically fighting a blob of water. By this point, having bones would feel weird to me."

Frey chuckled, closing her eyes to enjoy the moment.

"Let's call it a draw, then." She whispered softly.

"A draw…" Rimuru muttered, closing his eyes, too. "I don't mind a draw." He didn't mind allowing his wife to keep her pride. He liked her for who she was, pride and all included.

The two went silent, slowly recovering their magicules while enjoying each other's company.

"You know… if we draw, does that still mean I get to make you my wife?" Rimuru asked in a joking tone after a few calm moments.

Frey opened one eye, a smirk appearing on her lips as she turned to face him.

"Oh? Well, aren't you forward?" Frey answered in a playful tone, which quickly turned soft. "Making me yours… I don't mind that." Frey whispered softly.

Rimuru moved to be on top of Frey, looking her in the eyes.

"You know… there was one more thing I had planned. I wonder if you would indulge me for one last thing."

"One last thing before you indulge me?" Frey asked with a teasing smile, causing him to chuckle.

"My, who's the forward one now?" Rimuru answered as he stood up and helped Frey up. With the snap of his fingers, the two had changed locations, leaving behind the middle of the ocean to appear back in the stratosphere above the world.

"There was something that I had forgotten until I was planning for today. Something I had always wanted to try." Rimuru said as he expanded the barrier around them to be the size of a large room before taking out a good amount of candles and using Gravity Manipulation to have them float all around them. The flames lit up instantly, giving a soft light around them.

"Oh?" Frey asked with a raised eyebrow, unable to hide her smile as she saw Rimuru move across the barrier, setting everything up.

He placed a few small Rimuru clones around them, letting them disappear under the candles as he took a few steps back and gave Frey a bow. As he did, soft music began to resonate inside the barrier, being produced by the small clones he had placed around.

It was a string orchestra playing a gentle song.

Rimuru's bow was both elegant and playful, his eyes never leaving Frey's as the soft notes of the waltz filled the space around them. The floating candles cast a gentle, golden glow, creating an intimate atmosphere that felt almost otherworldly.

Frey's heart fluttered as she took in the sight before her. She could feel the warmth and connection between them. She couldn't help but smile, her wings twitching slightly in anticipation.

"A dance?" Frey asked in surprise as she saw him rise from his bow.

"Why not?" Rimuru asked with a playful smile.

Frey couldn't help but burst out laughing as she heard his answer, shaking her head slightly.

"Don't lie to me. Did you read up on our history books?" Frey asked, unable to hide her smile.

"Me? Read? I would never?" Rimuru answered with a playful smile, causing Frey to roll her eyes as she changed her outfit back to the blue dress she had been wearing before.

"I haven't danced since I was a kid, so you can't judge me." Frey spoke as she unfurled her wings and did a curtsy. "Let's see how rusty I am."

She took a step forward, her movements slow and deliberate. Her wings fluttered slightly, almost as if testing the air, before she began to circle around him. 

She moved with surprising grace, her feet barely making a sound against the smooth surface. She began to circle around Rimuru, her wings creating a gentle breeze that stirred the air between them.

As she moved, her wings fluttered softly. Her blue dress practically glowed as it reflected all of the candlelight with every twirl. Frey's eyes never left Rimuru's, a playful glint within them as she danced.

She tilted her head slightly, her smile challenging him in a playful manner. With each step, she moved closer to Rimuru, her wings brushing against him lightly, teasingly, as if inviting him to join her.

Rimuru stood still, captivated by the sight before him. If he was being honest, he had expected it to just be a simple dance between each other. From what he knew about the dance, there was even a high chance that Frey had never learned it. But here she was, offering a dance of pure beauty and power.

[...] Raphael didn't say anything as she subtly changed the music to better fit Frey's dance.

As Frey continued to dance around him, she began to incorporate more intricate movements, her wings becoming more expressive. She extended one wing fully, letting it sweep across the space between them, before folding it back in a graceful arc. The other wing followed suit, following along with the music.

Her dance became more daring, her wings fluttering with more intensity as she spun around Rimuru, her laughter echoing softly in the air. Moving with a level of freedom befitting of the Sky Queen.

Finally, Frey stepped directly in front of Rimuru. Her wings enveloped them both in a soft, feathered embrace, creating a private world just for the two of them. She looked up at him, her eyes shining with affection and a hint of challenge.

Taking her hand, Rimuru pulled her closer until their bodies were practically pressing with each other. Placing his hand on her waist, the two of them began to move together in a dance.

"Not a bad date." Frey muttered with a smile.

"I aim to impress." Rimuru answered.

The dance continued for a long time, with each enjoying the moment until Frey wrapped her arms around Rimuru's neck. Leading them into another deep kiss.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

As the two of them got lost in their kiss, Rimuru's hands moved to the straps holding on her dress. He gently moved them to the side, causing her dress to fall down as they continued to kiss.

Frey ignored it, simply letting her dress slip down, revealing her perfect body. She hadn't bothered to wear underwear, so she was in her full glory. Soft white skin with perfect proportions. Her ample breasts were decorated by hard cherry-pink nipples yearning for attention. Her thick and strong legs shifted slightly in anticipation as she pressed closer to him.

The moment she felt her dress slip by, Frey didn't waste a moment as she grabbed onto his clothes and tore them open, unable to wait for another moment as she pulled him down into the floor, still locked in their kiss.

Rimuru was the first to break the kiss, moving down to her neck before giving it a gentle kiss before becoming fiercer.

"Hmm~" Frey moaned as she pressed herself to Rimuru, trying to become one with him.

Her moans only increased as Rimuru grabbed his left hand and gently grabbed onto her breast. He gave it a few squeezes, enjoying the softness before letting his fingers wander to her nipple. Pinching it and causing Frey to squirm slightly.

After enjoying her neck, Rimuru began to gently kiss his way down, his mouth reaching her other breast, and playfully kissing it. Moving around it, until giving her nipple a gentle lick causing Frey to grab onto the back of his head and press him closer. Forcing him to suck on her nipple as she continued to squirm in his hands.

He had kept her waiting for a long time, why not tease her for a bit longer?

Using his free hand, he caressed her stomach down until reaching her most sensitive place. Playfully circling around her clitoris, he gently graced it a few times, moving down to her lips and tracing them before moving back up and circling her.

As he felt her squirming in his hands, Rimuru released the full strength of Asmodeus' Invigorate. Sending a pleasant warmth from everywhere he was touching her, causing her to moan out once again, louder than ever.

Trying to tease her a bit more, he let his hand wander back up, leaving her wanting as she became wetter and wetter. Yet that was when she finally snapped. Grabbing onto him, she forcefully flipped them. 

With her on top of him, Rimuru was able to see her heavily blushing face, accompanied by her slight heavy breathing.

"You can't keep doing this to me. You're gonna make me go crazy." She muttered before locking him in a kiss once again, more passionate than ever. Her wings were twitching and fluttering like crazy as she used them to blanket both of them. Hiding themselves from the world even while out in space.

Breaking the kiss, she looked at Rimuru with hungry eyes before whispering.

"Take it off, or I am going to tear all of them off." She whispered and following with her whim, he made his clothes disappear, revealing his hard member.

Frey swallowed, before launching herself into another deep kiss. Her pussy moved over his member, cradling it and coating it in her juices as she began to hump it without allowing him to enter her.

The pleasure was starting to drive both of them crazy as Frey began to scratch Rimuru. 

"That's enough." Rimuru said as he broke the kiss, his hands reaching to her soft ass before squeezing it. "I want to make you mine."

Frey's wings began to flutter in excitement again as she heard him. She lifted her body, grabbing onto his member before lining herself up. His tip was teasing her entrance, which wanted to hungrily devour him. Yet a mischievous smile appeared on Frey's face as she moved his member back slightly as she lowered herself. Leaving it to be sandwiched between her asscheeks.

Seeing Rimuru's slight frustration, Frey laughed.

"With all you teased me, I had to get one in." She joked, forcefully pulling him into a kiss again as she raised her hips.

Lining herself up again, this time, she lowered back down, enveloping his member. Her walls were soaked, and they kept hungrily squeezing him as if trying to milk him dry.

"Hmmm~~" She moaned into his lips, Rimuru's hands holding her ass as he thrust as deep as he could.

Frey broke the kiss, breathing heavily, trying to adapt to the sensations before Rimuru began to thrust back and forth, not giving her a chance to resist the sensations.

"No~ wait~ I~" Frey moaned, yet it was too late as she felt the first wave crash. Her walls squeezed tighter than ever, but as she relaxed, her eyes only became more hungry.

Smiling as he saw her, Rimuru flipped them once again so that he would be on top.

"Does that one also count as a draw?" Rimuru asked playfully, and before she could get the chance to answer, he reached his hand down to her clit before giving it a gentle pinch and causing her to squirm and moan under him again.

He even let a small current of electricity pass through her, carefully controlled to give her only more pleasure. Frey wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing him as close and deep as she could.

"It's~ Not~ Fair~" Frey muttered between breaths, her eyes meeting his with a challenge as her insides began to massage his member. 

Rimuru tried to thrust his hips, but Frey's legs were holding him so tightly that he could hardly move, and once again, she grabbed onto him before bringing him to a kiss. Without being able to move, Rimuru was caught, with his member being massaged by her warm walls. Tightening and relaxing as if breathing, Rimuru couldn't ignore the sensations as Frey's tongue passionately wrapped with his in a battle of its own.

In time, he felt his own orgasm arrive, still locked in place by Frey with both her legs and her lips.

Once Frey felt him finish, she finally broke the kiss with a smile of her own.

"Now, it's a draw." She said with a mischievous smile.

Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he heard her.

"Oh, it's on." Rimuru answered before flipping Frey around. "And this time, you can't cheat."

Lining himself up, he sandwiched his member between her ass cheeks, for a second enjoying the sensation before positioning himself to her entrance and entering her.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

At some point, Rimuru had thrown out a bed from his Stomach inside of Beelzebuth. Allowing the two of them to rest while looking up at the stars. Though, Rimuru couldn't help but chuckle as he saw Frey looking at the stars with a slight daze.

"Draw?" He asked playfully, snapping Frey out of her daze.

"Well, since you requested it, I will call it a draw." Frey answered, shamelessly pretending as if she was being generous.

Frey had a slight smile on her face as she reached for her stomach before it quickly turned sour.

"I swear, whenever we find whoever attacked us in that future. I am going to trap them in my Mirror Domain and crush them to bits."

Rimuru's smile also vanished, letting out a sigh of his own. In theory, if it hadn't been for the warning his future self gave, this would have probably been when his first kid would be made. But in the end, they had passed the opportunity.

He would have wanted to have one with Shuna, too. The war with Jistav and Falmuth was over, but things weren't so simple.

"I wouldn't mind that." Rimuru said softly, causing Frey to sigh as she shook her head.

"Well, let's get our minds off from that… It's time for a rematch." Frey said, before sitting on top of him. "We have some catching up to do."

— — —

Special Thanks to my Beta Readers/Editors: The one, the only, the amazing @Basilisk, And @Kiyan Tribe (FF.net/AO3/QQ/WN) | kiyan_tribe( Discord)

Go Check out Basilisk's great story "I'm a Daemon, so what?" 

Support me and get five chaps ahead at p@treon.com/BonVoyageFF



If you wanna know how brain rotted I am, I actually looked up Bird mating rituals for writing this chap lol. The death spiral from eagles, and then the dance from like 99% of other birds. I tell you what, some birds got them dance moves.

Also, the next chap is a slime diaries chap, so you can get hyped for that!

Posted 12 hours early, but that's in the agreement y'all give your power stones tomorrow lol

Next chapter