
281. One Shot

Ash's Torchic had just evolved into a Combusken, which means that all of his Starter Pokémons from the Hoenn Region has completed their first stage of evolution and into their second stage.

But in truth, this is just the beginning for all three of them.

After evolving into his final form, Grovyle can finally perfect his signature Leaf Blade attack, which will definitely become its strongest attack and also most likely the finisher, so Ash had sent him back and let it continue to practice this skill under his Scizor's coaching, and it is already showing great results.

He sometimes calls Grovyle back to him to see how far he had gotten with his own eyes; he was very pleased with him to say the least.

Both Marshtomp and Combusken have received new secondary types after their evolutions, and they need further training to improve on this part before their next evolution.

Ash believe that his Annihilape and Hitmonlee will be very willing to train a training demon like his Combusken. And Combusken will also benefit immensely from all of his other older Fire-type Pokémon's helping him out. He can also train and bond with his Growlithe under Houndoom.

Since Magcargo was just defeated by Ash's newly evolved Combusken, the rookie Gym Leader Flannery only had her last Pokémon left to do some more damage to Ash's team; which was unlikely to happen.

"Okay, it's your turn, Torkoal, burn!" Flannery finally managed to calm down and threw out her last Poké Ball, and what jumped out was a big red turtle with a very durable looking shell; this thing was also releasing high temperature from its nostrils body.

This is most likely Flannerys Trump Card Pokémon, and Ash could see that the bond between the two was also quite high.

"Come back, Combusken! You did a good job, not rest up." Ash took the Combusken back to rest, "Stand by for battle, Corphish!"

That's right, Ash had also exchanged his Corphish back to be his Water-type Pokémon for this battle in a Fire-type Gym. His Corphish has been training very hard recently in the lab under his older Pokémon's guidance, now was the time time to personally check how strong he had become.

"Car! Corphish!" Ash's Corphish waved its pincers in an excited expression, looking very happy to be back with his favorite person in the world.

"Then let's go, Corphish, use Bubble Beam!" Ash said slightly with a smile. He knew that his Corphish was not be that far away from evolving into his next form. He plans to take him with him for some time to let him gather more experience and evolve. Maybe after he evolves, he will also become his first Pokémon in the Hoenn Region to undergo their Bond Evolutions.

Corphish happily waved the shrimp claws, unaware of what his Trainer was thinking m, and the Bubble Beam hit Torkoal squarely in the face. Both the power and the momentum were much stronger than the last time they battled together, which honestly wasn't even two weeks ago.

However, after Torkoal appeared in the field, Flannerys condition and style was completely different, which show just how much trust she had in her Torkal, "Torkoal, use Flamethrower!"

Torkoal is different from both Camerupt and Magcargo in that it uses the coal inside of its body instead of making magma. It burns charcoal inside the body and converts most of them into energy. The power of this Flamethrower was truly extraordinary.

This Flamethrower was able to almost completely overshadowed Corphish's second Bubble Beam and was about to even evaporate it compared.

It can be seen that Torkoal has a higher level of suppression compared to Ash's Corphish, and because of this higher level difference, Torkoal even overpowered the Water-type that he was weak to. However, Ash did not show a paniced look at all, "Use Crabhammer!"

Corphish's eyes burst out with bright light, his big pincers shone with an even brighter light, and he slashed down at the incoming pillar of fire.

This move was specially trained by Corphish under the tutelage of Ash's Kingler, so its power was obviously astonishingly high. That crazy powerful Crabhammer actually managed to create a vacuum zone.

Torkoals Flamethrower was actually slashed in half by Corphish in this way. This scene made Moore's eyes light up with… hope?

He understood what kind of training one had to do to achieve such strength, and that Corphish didn't even look that old.

He now knew why Ash was able to battle and even defeat a Champion-level Trainer like Lance at such a young age.

"How is that possible?!" Flannery was stunned and suddenly ran out of ideas to counter the attack.

And this was the perfect opportunity that Ash can use to seize his victory, "Now, use Bubble Beam again!"

Taking advantage of Flannerys dazed look and the confusion she was internally facing, Corphish's Bubble Beam hit Torkoal head-on again for the second time.

"No!" Flannery finally came to her senses, but Torkoal was already seriously injured. "Torkoal, use Sludge Bomb!"

Unexpectedly, this Torkoal coupd actually use such a powerful Poison-type attack. Torkoal struggled but finally spat out several balls of sludge with a toxic smell to them, hitting Ash's Corphish head-on.

Ash was not lucky this time as his Corphish was unfortunately poisoned at the last moment, just because of this, their chances of victory had become a lot lowered.

This poison helped Torkoal even more than his much higher level.

"Now, Torkoal, use Overheat!" This time it was Flannerys turn to truly take the initiative in this battle, and the power of this Overheat was truly astonishing.

But this will also greatly reduce Torkoal's Special Attack, and most of Torkoals main attacks were Special Attacks, so the power will become lower each time after each use. The power of this first attack will obviously be the strongest, and it can be said that this will be its most powerful attack during this match.

Flannerys timing this time was very accurate, and this move really achieved a decisive kill.

Corphish was hit head-on and a very close range because of the Sludge Bomb he couldn't dodge in time and immediately lost his ability to fight. Torkoal not only used his much higher level to suppress Corphish, but the lucky poison was also another thing that made Corphish take more damage.

"Corphish loses its ability to battle, meaning Torkoal wins this battle!" Mr. Moore said with a small smile in the corner of his lips.

Ash took Corphish back, "You did well. Stand by for battle again, Combusken!"

His last Pokémon was left to fight against Mr.

Moore's Ace Typhlosion, so Ash decided to send out his Combusken into battle again to make sure nothing weird happened.

Torkoal's Special Attack has been greatly reduced, so this was Combusken's opportunity to counterattack.

"Torkoal, use Flamethrower!" Flannery knew what Ash was thinking, but she wanted to pursue this victory and lure out Ash's third Pokémon to do some damage and ultimately help her grandfather m.

However, this time the Flamethrower's power was also greatly reduced because of the previous Overheat. Ash had a grin, and his Combusken also showed a victorious expression.

He was covered in a fireball and easily avoided the attack range of Torkoals Flamethrower.

He quickly came to Torkoal and kicked him with his muscular chicken legs.

It was Double Kick!

Torkoal had already been seriously injured by Corphish before, and he immediately fell to the ground after being kicked hard.

"Torkoal loses the ability to fight, meaning Combusken wins this battle!" Mr. Moore announced Ash's victory against Flannery, and then slowly walked down from his referee position, "Flannery, you did a good job, Ash's strength was even beyond my imagination, and I heard how strong he was. Now then, you can hand the rest over to me!"

"Yes, grandpa!" As they previously agreed on, Flannery will now go to the referee's position and announce that the battle would


"I heard that Mr. Moore's Typhlosion was very powerful from Nurse Joy. This battle must be a tough battle for Ash!" Brock watched Mr. Moore come on the field and felt that this grandpa's momentum was suddenly constantly rising. He changed the friendly demeanor he just he just had now to a much more ferocious one.

"Come on, my old partner! Lets us see what that bird keeper lost too!" Mr. Moore sent out his very Ace Typhlosion!

As expected, the momentum it was releasing was very amazing!

But compared to the momentum Ash's Typhlosion could now release after his training the lab, the momentum Mr. Moore's Typhlosions was worse, so Ash didn't feel any pressure from this at all.

It's just that his Marshtomp at this level was definitely not going to win and Ash didn't have his own Thyplosion with him, so Ash changed his strategy temporarily, "Lets show them our power, Pikachu!"

The only one who will fight against Typhlosion here was his strongest Pokémon!

Which was very unfortunate as even if Mr. Moore's Thyplosion was in its peak form, he would still lose quite easily, even if Pikachu was holding back.

"Yes, Pikachu will definitely defeat taht Typhlosion!" As Ash's partners on his journey, Max and others knew the true strength of Pikachu best, and the power between him and Ash was something they have never seen.

"Then let me attack first, old partner, use Flamethrower!" Mr. Moore used a

Flamethrower as his first attack!

Then Ash will also show them what they can do, "Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu's surging electricity collided with Typhlosion's Flamethrower, and sure enough, an explosion occurred and the Thunderbolt almost hit Thyplosion but he managed ot dodge in the last second, with only some burns in has body.

"Typhlosion, use Flame Wheel and then Flamethrower from the inside!" However, at the last moment of the explosion, Mr. Moore ordered his Typhlosion to launch a stronger Flamethrower attack while speeding up.

The Flame Wheel broke through the powerful winds caused by their explosion and headed towards Pikachu, the momentum it was now releasing was even more amazing than before.

But does Pikachu really need to be avoid this attempt?

The answer was a definite NO!

"Pikachu, us eVolt Tackle!" Ash's whole body flashed with a bright yellow light, and Pikachu was immediately enveloped in golden and blue sparks!

The bond between Ash and Pikachu was so strong that they could just do their Bond Evolutions without needing to wait or think about it. It was just a second instinct.

Pikachu's Volt Tackle's momentum becomes even stronger under this new spark and power.

Pikachu was enveloped in a blue spark now, and faced Typhlosion's Flame Wheel without needing to evade, even though he could easily do it in his current speed.

Instead, now his speed was becoming faster and faster, until his figure turned into a golden-blue lightning and easily knocking Typhlosion back!

"Huh, it seems like he was weaker than I hoped…" Ash murmured to himself. This was also another of the many reasons why he doesn't let Pikachu appear in battles.

Pikachu was simply too powerful, Lances Dragonite had to stay inside of the Pokémon Center for a whole week after he was hit by one of Pikachu's strongest attacks, and it was at 75% of his current power.

And his current Pikachu fighting this Typhlosion was even stronger than when he was fighting Dragonite, even though he was only going 20% of his MAX power.

Typhlosion lost his ability to fight in just one blow!

"Thats so amazing!" As the referee, Flannery was stunned and did not announce the result for a long time. Instead, she watched in shock as the sparks on Pikachu slowly disappeared.

She knew very well how strong her grandfathers Ace was, but now it was so easily defeated by Ash's Pikachu in a single blow.

"Flannery, hurry up and announce the results !" After urging Flannery to announce the result, Mr. Moore looked at Flannery and smiled and said, "Flannery, you performance was very good in the battle, so now I can travel with peace in mind!"

"I will definitely work hard to become an excellent Gym Leader who is not inferior to you!" After this time, Flannery also got her confidence back.

"Ash, I'll leave this Heat Badge to you!" This was the first Gym Badge that Flannery has given out as a real Gym Leader!

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