
+Chapter 19+

Nikolai's smile was cold like his stare, studying the Omega up close. He wasn't supposed to be at this party but he was curious, and it was easy to blend into the background when he wanted to.

He tipped her jaw up to better study her, she looked very different from the person on stage but there was no missing those startling blue eyes.

"No one important," He dismissed her question, "What's your name?"

Caspian slowly leaned back, his survival instincts kicking in. He looked around frantically for Asher but it was impossible to see more than a few feet away.

"Cat's got your tongue?" Nikolai held her jaw to keep her attention on him, those big crystal blue eyes distracting.

"Cassia," He said without stuttering, "Please let go of me."

Caspian wasn't obligated to be tolerant of this stranger, Asher was an exception.

The Alpha didn't let go, if anything his grip tightened, making Caspian wince in discomfort.

"Feisty," He murmured in approval.

Caspian held the Alpha's wrist with both hands, intending to pull him away. He would go searching for Asher if he had to, anything to put some distance between them.

He tried only to have his wrists caught in a single hand, the Alpha closing the distance between them. Panic came hard and fast like the colorful flashing lights and loud bass.

"Why don't you come with me? I'll treat you better than Asher." He offered with unmatched confidence.

Caspian highly doubted that but he could hardly protest, he was caught in the Alpha's tight grip, forced to look into his midnight blue eyes.

It felt like a splash of cold water when the Alpha joined their lips together, the sheer audacity of the entire encounter giving him the nerve to sink sharp little teeth into the Alpha's lips, tasting blood.


Asher was starting to think that coming to this party had been a slip-up on his part. It was a party thrown for his sake, yet here he was dealing with business.

Usually, he had no issues with it but he was currently displeased that his time with Cassia had been interrupted.

The men seated at the table could easily see that he was in a sour mood, their words cautious as they shot him wary looks.

The door of the private room opened, attracting everyone's attention. It was a gathering of very important people, so if someone was let in, it meant that they were also noteworthy.

Asher straightened up at the sight of Jael, his second-in-command wouldn't interrupt an important meeting unless something higher in priority cropped up.

"Word just came in, Nikolai was sighted on the property," Jael said quietly, just for his ears.

Asher shot to his feet at that, providing zero context to the men watching him expectantly. "We'll have to pick this up some other time."

He swept out of the room, Jael right behind him, "What else did you find?"

"Nothing." Jael said shortly but it was easy to hear how troubled he was by this development.

"There's no sign of his men around, and he was clearly flying under the radar." He reported quickly, "Pretty sure the men would have missed him if I didn't make him a priority."

Asher said nothing in response, his thoughts in flames. Nikolai had said that he wanted Cassia… that had been a bad joke, right?

So why was he a few inches from breaking out in a dead run to get back to her?

He didn't even have to get back to the table because someone slammed into him halfway there. He caught them instinctively, looking down into familiar big blue eyes.

"Cassia?" He frowned, looking past her in time to see the unmistakable figure of Nikolai disappear into the crowd.

Jael was already on the move, cursing and bringing out his phone as he chased down the other Mafia king.

In his arms, Cassia was very close to hyperventilating, her pupils were dilated, blood staining her lips.

"Fuck." Asher cursed, he needed to get her out of there.

Caspian was starting to wish the night had gone in the stereotypical way he predicted, of rich men and women laughing softly over expensive drinks.

It would have been a less dangerous ordeal than the one he had to go through.

He still didn't know who the Alpha who had jumped him was but he wasn't curious, relieved when Asher quietly led them out of the party.

Biting the crazy Alpha hadn't been enough to dissuade his advances, if anything, it only served to stoke the fires of his interest.

Caspian had to kick him in the family jewels to break free, nearly breaking his ankles and neck as he tried to run in heels.

It didn't help that the crazy Alpha had recovered scarily fast and was gaining on him, it was why he hadn't noticed Asher till he slammed into him.

He was beginning to consider that maybe he didn't want to be a part of the crazy things rich people did.

He drew in a deep breath when they got outside, the mingling of scents, alcohol, and perfume had been suffocating.

"Are you okay?" Asher tipped up his head.

Caspian was starting to get sick of Alphas doing that, if their conversation partner was shorter, why couldn't they tip their head lower?

"I'm fine," He tried to say bravely but the tremble in his voice betrayed him.

He held his breath when Asher swiped his thumb over his lip, "That's not yours," The Alpha said with a frown.

"I bit him," Caspian admitted. He didn't even know that he had the other Alpha's blood on his lips.

Asher's laughter startled him, even more than the Alpha sweeping him off his feet. "You did?"

Caspian didn't understand why Asher was so pleased by that, he also didn't protest being carried because his feet were screaming.

He gratefully let Asher help him into the car, quickly moving to the other end. Ending the night early hadn't been a part of his plans, but it was by no means his fault so he would gratefully take the escape.

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