
Divine Quest

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 27

Pa/ t reon details at the bottom of the chapter if you're interested I'll keep posting regardless.

(Divine Quest)

Percy stared pleadingly at me like a puppy.

"Why are you going on a quest again? You do realise no one is forcing you right?" I questioned. My eyes flickered to the accept button on the new quest.

Percy scowled.

"About that, Mr D has kind of threatened to turn me into a dolphin if I didn't leave… like soon. So this quest may be the only way to save myself." Percy explained.

Oh right, that did happen, didn't it?

"Why do you need me?" I asked, annoyed.

While the quest was nice and all, and I'm sure it wouldn't be all that hard. I had other things to do, like continue increasing my power base so I could one day strike back at the bitch who killed my Angel.

I may seem a bit distant from my Angels, but the truth was I didn't know what to do. They were summoned in a time of need and I didn't expect to feel so caring of them.

Which is why I kept pushing for their growth. UntilI had a stable hold in this world they were safer there for the moment. The sub-dimension was the only safe place at the moment that I knew of.

I didn't think dropping them at the front gates of heaven would be good.

"You are my only friend, man, you are strong too. Look, I know I'm asking a lot. But please. I'll be in your debt forever." He practically begged.

Having the external debt of a powerhouse like Percy was another temptation, even if I could summon low-ultimate class Angels once every month. Percy would eventually reach above ultimate class.

I wasn't sure if my Angels would ever be able to even come close to that, their training hadn't bore fruit yet. The normal growth rate of beings was much slower than mine. I would be happy if they ever properly entered the lower class of the ultimate class.

'I don't suppose the rewards are going to be bad?' I mentally asked my system.

No, the rewards are awesome. As would be expected for a quest involving so many divine beings.


I partially wanted to reject Percy, but I couldn't deny a part of me wanted it. I had been floating around aimlessly since leaving India. Simply training and exploring places like a tourist.

Doing this potentially would yield many benefits. I couldn't deny, it excited me. A wild grin appeared on my face for just a second at the thought of it before I shook it away.

There was also the point I was fond of Percy. Also a favour for Zeus if I recall. That was probably one of the bigger rewards. So many rewards, was I going to keep floating around? Or was I going to start showing the world who I was?

I kept being forced to run away. Was I going to run away from helping Percy? These thoughts circulated in my head as I came to my conclusion.

Fuck it.

"Haaah, ok. I'll join you." I conceded.

Looks like my little holiday was being cut short to go deal with divine bullshit again.

There were also benefits in doing this, I'm sure the Greek King of Gods would be grateful for my part in retrieving his weapon.

"T-thank you!" He shouted in gratitude. Pulling me into a hug.

Out of curiosity, I appraised him.

{Name: Percy Jackson}

{Title: Son of Poseidon}

{Race: Demi God}

{Power level: 5700}

What the fuck? How had he gone up by seven hundred in just a few days? He was at the peak of high class now and he wasn't far from reaching into the ultimate class.

Was it because he had been claimed by Poseidon? Or was this just the bullshit that came with him being Percy Jackson?

I couldn't really talk since I was busted too but that was insane.

I glanced at my own stats.

{Name: Kai}

{Power level: 8,720)

{STR: 142

{DEX: 136

{VIT: 113

{MAG: 147

{CHA: 50

My power level was coming along nicely, my training was paying off even if the gains were a bit low which was expected. That Uzumaki bloodline had given me a nice boost too.

I gave Percy an awkward pat on the back as he released me.

"Who else are you bringing?" I questioned.

"Just Grover." He replied, pointing to the terrified half-goat teen.

"No way! I'm coming." Annabeth decided to finally enter the conversation.

"Like hell you are. There can only be three of us and I'm not sacrificing a space for you of all people" Percy retorted.

Ah, so this is what they were arguing about.

"Technically I'm not a Demi-God, so couldn't we still take her." I pointed out.

"No." They both said.

Well, okay then. Fuck logic.

"Why would you choose this-this goat rather than me?! I'm smarter and stronger." She scowled.

A weird sensation swept over me as their emotions filtered through me, my Kagura Shingan activating. It was a strange feeling. To feel the frustration Annabeth felt.

Percy snorted.

"That's debatable."

Annabeth growled.

"I'm afraid I'll have to agree with her, Percy," I interjected.

They both turned to me, both just as surprised.

"I mean, don't get me wrong dude. I'm sure he's a cool guy but look at him." I gestured over to Grover. Whose legs seemed to visibly shake as we all turned to him. His eyes darted between all of us.

"It would be better to have a trained Demi-God, even if she's annoying sometimes-

"Hey," Annabeth squawked in indignation.

"Then a guy who looks to be shitting himself even before the quest has started." I finished.

I expected Percy to argue but instead was pleasantly surprised when he actually seemed to think about it. I could suddenly feel the trust he held in me which was surprising. Only for the link to cut off.

He sighed.

"Fine, I guess it's a sacrifice we will need to make." Percy grimly stated.

Annabeth gawked.

"Why are you phrasing it like you're making some great sacrifice, Seaweed Brain!" She argued.

Percy growled.

"Because I could do without your self-centred large-foreheaded intelligent wannabe wise girl act!" Percy replied, getting up in her face.

I sighed. Was it too late to back out?

"I-intelligent wannabe wise girl act?!" She roared.

I swatted them both, enough to make it only slightly sting.

"That's enough of that, Percy do you have any funds for this trip?" I questioned.

I could always use mine but I wouldn't if I didn't need to.

"The camp store loaned me one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas." He pulled out some money and a pouch.

Opening the pouch, I was greeted with massive golden coins. All depicting various Greek Gods on their golden surface.

"When are we leaving?" I questioned again.

"In a few hours, Chiron said he found me a driver to take me back into the city," Percy replied.

I nodded.

"Then let's meet back here in a few hours, okay?" I said and they both nodded, glaring at each other.

[Quest Accepted]

Looks like I was going on a hunt for another divine weapon. I mostly planned to follow Percy's lead. Annabeth would probably come up with a plan but I remember a lot of those seemed to have failed.

My knowledge of Canon was still iffy, even if I had loved the world of PJO when I was younger. I was pretty certain that this was going to end with an encounter with Ares though.

Which wasn't a promising sign.

I had a few hours on my hands, which I planned to use training and getting used to new chakra chains. The problem with having download was the constant ability to gain skills. Which meant I was always having to train new skills up to my level.

Which was the reason I was mostly sticking to downloads that complemented my skill set. Originally downloading Momonga had been for his gate spell which would have allowed me a lot more mobility.

That had devolved into stumbling upon the pantheon spell that allowed me to summon my six Angels. I didn't regret my choice, instead of getting one of the more destructive spells I had gained the ability to create my own backing.

I had to wonder what Heaven would think of this. The implications weren't lost on me and I knew this would be a massive deal if anyone found out, which was why I kept my Angels hidden away for now.

I wasn't sure if they knew of me, considering my actions against a devil noble it could have reached their ears. The Hindu faction was too closed off and cut from communication for it to reach heaven's ears.

From what Shanu told me anyway. I also planned to say goodbye to Hestia. While I didn't know her very well she had been nice to hang around with. Despite her strength, she didn't feel the need to lord it around.

My Angelic instincts also highly believed that she was a genuinely good person despite my distrust. Don't ask me how it worked. My Angelic instincts were powerful and had a mind of their own sometimes.

Annabeth and Percy started bickering again so I made a hasty departure to avoid the drama.

I decided to go try to find a quiet place where I could train in undisturbed so that I could practise with my new chakra chains. They could come in handy in the future. Pretty sure they could seal things away which was insane to think about.

-Scene Break-

A long ethereal chain with golden outlines easily pierced through a tree as I commanded it with some difficulty to move. The chain's movement was what one would call completely and utterly chaotic.

Akin to a writhing serpent, it swivelled around in chaotic movement without any pattern towards my target. I let the chain retract into me with a huff of excursion.

Forming a chakra chain took a ridiculous amount of chakra that I probably wouldn't have been able to hold too long, had I not received a boost in my chakra capacity due to my new bloodline.

Strangely enough, other than a bit more strength my body felt the same. Despite the fact that I had just essentially absorbed an entire bloodline into my blood.

I had found controlling my chains was extremely difficult since the way my chains acted could almost be mistaken as alive. Heaven forbid I command the chain to shoot in a straight line.

I had been working out how my chakra chains work for a while now. It was safe to say they were incredibly powerful and I hadn't even gotten to learning the sealing aspect of them.

The amount of trouble I could get myself out of when I could simply seal anything stronger than me made my skin shiver in delight.

Oh dear, the more I thought about it the more certain I became that heaven was going to have a fit when they found out about me. A being that could use holy power, create Angels and seal shit?

They were going to think I had found a way to mimic God's powers or something.

It wasn't even intentional on my end. While creating Angels is an awesome power, I had merely been trying to find a power to save me from the powerhouse that was Namara.

I was pretty certain he had used me like a punching bag at one point.

A quick check of the time and I realised I only had an hour left until we were set to leave. I needed to try to find Hestia in that time frame so I could say goodbye.

I wasn't sure if I would be welcomed once I finished this quest since I was going to draw a lot of attention. It was a small chance since technically I was helping out Zeus and Poseidon, both chief Gods of the Greek Pantheon, but I wanted to say goodbye regardless.

Hopefully, she would still be at the campfire site.

I made my way back up to the campgrounds and headed straight for the campfire site. By now, my presence was familiar enough that I didn't draw many stares, except from the children of Aphrodite, who often harassed me about being their sibling.

As I approached the campfire, I spotted the small, childlike form of Hestia, the Greek Goddess of the hearth. She was tending to the fire, her movements gentle and deliberate.

Hestia perked up as I came closer to her. She stopped what she was doing and looked up, a bright smile lighting up her face. I gave a small smile back.

"Hey, Hestia." I greeted the Goddess.

She seemed to brighten up even more at my casual usage of her name. I wasn't really into all that formal shit either, mostly having used it last time so as to not make more powerful enemies.

"Hello, Kai." She greeted me back. "What brings you down here?" She asked curiously.

I quirked an eyebrow.

"Can't I visit my favourite Goddess?" I teasingly retorted.

She blinked, presumably because my words registered as the truth, which they were. She blushed heavily, a gold dusting on her cheeks as she practically shrunk.

"Oh- um well."

I stared at her in surprise, I hadn't expected my light teasing to be taken so seriously. It wasn't exactly a hard shoe to fill with my past encounters. Shanu didn't count as a God and I hadn't known Namara long enough, even if I did wish we could have known each other longer.

That strange kinship that I hadn't felt with anyone else had made me strangely overreact to what should have been a stranger that tried to kill me.

"Thank you." She said, calming down quickly. A bright smile on her face.

"Eh, you're welcome," I replied somewhat awkwardly.

"Now, why are you here?" She repeated an amused smile on her lips.

I sighed, rubbing a hand through my hair.

"I am leaving on a quest with Percy since he asked for my help and I just wanted to say goodbye," I said.

She tilted her head.

"Ah yes, I've heard of Percy Jackson's quest, his existence has caused quite the commotion. One of my brothers has broken their oath. Again." She softly said the last part with a bit of exasperation in her voice.

"Yeah, poor Percy is being forced to do the quest. Apparently, Dion-chan has threatened to turn him into a dolphin if he didn't leave." I replied, with a chuckle.

Using a God's name was a big no-no. So I gave him a nickname.

Despite the fact that a God was threatening him, which was a big deal. It was kind of funny.

Hestia paused, her flaming eyes narrowing. A frown formed.

"He threatened my poor nephew, did he?" She muttered softly.

"Yeah, a bit of an ass move. Anyways just wanted to say goodbye in case I don't come back here again." I said, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly. While looking up at the sunny sky. A calm breeze gently blew against my face.

Hestia's frown deepened and the flames of the campfire grew brighter.

"Why wouldn't you come back?" She asked, a bit quietly.

"Ah, don't get me wrong. I would love to come back. It's just I don't know if I'll be allowed to after drawing so much attention." I quickly explained, not wanting her to get the wrong idea.

She relaxed slightly, the frown still present but the fire starting to calm down.

"I have not known you long, yet I've come to quickly enjoy your presence very much. Things can be lonely around here. With my family always busy and campers rarely ever seeing me I can go years without talking sometimes." She spoke solemnly.

"You feel more alive than most other beings too." She mumbled. "I shall make sure you are allowed within the camp. I hope you may consider visiting me sometime in the future again."

She snapped out of her strange mood, I had stayed silent the whole time. I had felt somewhat the same way too. Her aura was intoxicating for me.

That was why I made my first promise since being reborn.

"I'll come back," I replied.

She smiled faintly.

We spoke for a while before it was time for me to help Percy with his quest.

-Scene Break-

"Are we ready to go?" I asked as I walked toward Percy and Annabeth, who was waiting for me by the camp's main entrance.

They had stopped arguing and were now glaring at each other instead.

"Yeah, I told Grover that you were his replacement. So he isn't coming." Percy replied.

"Oh? How did he take it?" I asked curiously.

Percy sighed.

"He seemed annoyingly relieved." He responded with a thoughtful scratch to his cheek.

That seems about right. I didn't have anything against him again. He just seemed scared shitless.

Chiron chose that moment to approach us. Giving us his fatherly smile.

"Are you all ready to go, Percy?" Chiron asked, to which Percy nodded in response.

"Yeah, I've got everything set in my backpack," Percy responded, patting the decently-sized backpack on his back.

Chiron nodded in approval.

"I must say, I'm not sure what the effects of having an Angel instead of one of your fellow Demi-Gods join you on this quest will entail," Chiron said, giving me a look.

"Are you sure you want to put yourself in this type of danger, child? A Demi-God's quest is never as simple as it portrays itself." Chiron warned.

I shrugged helplessly.

"Meh, if it's not this it'll be something else. I've had my little vacation." I replied, giving him a grateful smile for his concern.

Chiron gave me a nod.

Annabeth, who was wearing her magical Yankee baseball hat and had a large bronze knife strapped to her body finally had enough of the idle chatter.

"Well? Let's get going. This quest isn't going to wait forever." She excitedly said.

Chiron shook his head with a mirthful chuckle.

Percy sent me a look as if I was the cause of all his pain and suffering.

"Very well, then let me introduce you to Argus," Chiron said, raising his hand to the head of camp security who had been waiting for us.

Argus was wearing a chauffeur's uniform.

"This is Argus," Chiron told us.

"He will be responsible for driving you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." He said somewhat awkwardly.

Right, wasn't Argus meant to have eyes all over his body or something? Did he just make a pun?

Argus's grunt confirmed my theory.

Predictably and much to my chagrin, Luke came running towards us. His footsteps were easily heard as he took a faux breath of exhaustion.

"Hey, glad I caught you guys." He said with an easygoing smile.

I gave him a disappointed stare. Was it wrong that I had kind of grown to like him? We had basically hung out every day. I had kind of expected him to perhaps change his mind or something.

Not about his little betrayal towards the Gods, I stand by what I said. I don't care and it's not my business but this was a direct betrayal. Knowingly causing problems for us.

I guess some things just don't change.

He chuckled awkwardly.

"What's with that look?" Luke asked.

I didn't let up for a few moments before letting my face split into a grin.

"No reason, what's up?" I replied easily.

He raised a pair of basketball shoes and gave them to a very confused-looking Percy Jackson, who proceeded to awkwardly inspect them.

"Maia" He called out.

White wings sprouted from the shoes in a burst of feathers. Percy gawked and nearly dropped the shoes in shock. I merely stared at them flatly. Luke had the audacity to look a bit ashamed as Annabeth gushed over him.

The blonde-haired child of Athena sporting a healthy blush.

I decided to use appraise.

[The Cursed Winged Shoes of Hermes] 


These shoes are a cursed imitation of the true Winged Shoes of Hermes, the swift messenger God. They grant the ability to soar through the skies.

Key Features:

Skyward Flight: When activated, the shoes allow the wearer to defy gravity and fly at incredible speeds. The flight is smooth and effortless, enabling the user to navigate the skies as naturally as walking on solid ground.

Wind's Embrace: The shoes generate a protective barrier of wind around the wearer, reducing the impact of environmental factors like extreme weather and providing a cushion against physical blows.

Curse of Tartarus: These shoes will forcefully lead the wearer to the Tartarus after they enter the Underworld, the Greek Hell.

Welp, there goes the small hope that Luke hadn't given him the cursed version. Percy can't even use this since Zeus wouldn't allow a Demi-God of his brother to fly. So there was a big flaw in his plan.

If he was going to fuck us over he could at least do it correctly.

"Can't you come with us too?" Annabeth asked.

Luke chuckled and patted her head affectionately.

"Sorry, no can do. I'm busy at the moment," he replied apologetically.

Annabeth looked disappointed but nodded. Luke said his goodbyes, giving me a fist bump that I returned half-heartedly. Luke seemed a bit put off by my sudden lack of interest but he gave us cursed shoes so fuck him.

Percy started snickering.

"You can breathe now." He said, looking at the blushing Annabeth.

She scowled. Trying to think of a witty retort.

"Shut up."

"Didn't you also let him capture the flag instead of you?" Percy asked.

She huffed and stomped down the hill, where a white SUV waited on the roadside. Argus trailed behind, his car keys jingling.

This was going to be a long quest.

We idly spoke as we were driven into Queens, I could have gotten there much quicker by simply flying but decided on staying since I wasn't in any rush. There was a decent amount of traffic on our way in so the ride was pretty long.

When we finally reached our final destination which was Manhattan, the sun was already setting, and a light rain had begun to fall. Argus dropped us off at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, close to Sally and Gabe's apartment.

Hadn't that been a shock? I knew I had recognised the tired but kind lady working at the cafe. Which wasn't far from here.

I created a light construct in the form of an umbrella, glancing towards Percy who was staring at a piece of wet paper in his hand. He looked to be in absolute disbelief.

Walking up next to him. I stared down at the paper he was staring at. To be more specific it was a flyer. A detailed picture of Percy and the massive danger warning of an armed psychopathic teen made me burst out in laughter.

Percy scowled at me, stuffing it into his pocket before Annabeth could see. Argus drove away, an eye-opening up on the back of his head momentarily.

Now we waited for the Bus.

I groaned.

"Percy I am telling you, just let me go temporarily borrow a car from an innocent bystander and we will be there in no time."

I didn't know how to drive but I'm sure I could figure it out along the way. I was only putting up with all this because Percy was leading the quest.

"No! You can't just steal a car." He retorted, Annabeth agreeing with him for the first and perhaps the last time.

"Of course, I can watch," I replied, only to be stopped by Percy.

"Don't, look. It's not long. If it gets boring we can go with your idea." Percy assured.

"Wha- No!" Annabeth butted in. "We are not stealing someone's car."

The bus finally arrived, cutting off the moral debate of whether a bystander was losing their car today. We sat down at the back and waited for the bus to go.

"So what's being the son of Poseidon like? Has he finally pitched in on any child support or is he still playing milkman?" I casually started.

Percy slowly turned to me. Annabeth gave me a deadpan stare from behind.


"Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?" Percy replied.

Annabeth slapped his arm.


"Ow- what? Why does that matter? Old enough to take on quests given by Gods old enough to cuss." Percy grouched and I found myself nodding in agreement at his imparted wisdom.

Annabeth went to speak, only for her eyes to narrow. Percy followed her gaze and froze. There, an old-looking lady had just boarded the bus, wearing a crumpled velvet dress, lace gloves, and a shapeless orange-knit hat that cast shadows over her face.

She looked intimidating as fuck. She carried a large paisley purse. When she tilted her head up, her pitch-black eyes glittered, making it clear she wasn't human. The creature instantly locked onto us.

A quick check revealed that she was in the middle of high class. A moment later, two more elderly women came in behind her. Sniffing and glaring around with their black eyes only to lock onto us.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had just let me steal a car." I mused, ignoring the two glares sent my way.

The bus started moving and I was glad there weren't too many people on the bus. Just because I could deal with high-class beings relatively easily didn't mean they were to be underestimated.

Most of the high-class beings I had fought had either been caught off guard or unable to let loose properly. A being of the rank was considered a valuable asset with all factions excluded from the Hindu pantheon. Who quite frankly didn't give a shit.

Magic users were always the most troublesome to deal with. Since a magic caster normally fought from a distance.

I wasn't sure what type these furies were. I did notice their hands elongate into wicked black claws. Power levels weren't really a good indicator of how strong someone was.

In most cases, they had a healthy balance in stats but it wasn't out of the question for a supposed high class to have ultimate class strength but extremely low magic reserves.

I stopped my internal rant as they came to stand in front of us. The setting sun and the gentle patter of rain against the bus windows certainly set a strange mood.

"Can we help you?" I decided to speak after they simply stared at us for a few seconds.

They ignored me.


"Boy, stop this nonsense and give us the bolt at once. This will be your last warning." She sneered, her face partially transforming. Sharp teeth bared.

"I don't know what you're talking about woman!" Percy replied heatedly.

"You think your lies can deceive us?" She snorted.

Percy threw his hands up, even as I saw him gripping his pen sword.

"I don't know what you think Percy over here has but I assure you he doesn't." Annabeth butted in. Looking ready to jump in and defend Percy at a moment's notice.

They may have been squabbling with each other for the past day but they didn't actually possess any heat in their words.

"You lie!" She screeched.

The handbag in her hand turned into a whip of blue scorching hot fire. The two Furies behind her followed suit. I didn't bother giving them time to react, exploding forward in a burst of speed and grabbing on by the face. Yanking her up and throwing her through the bus roof.

People screamed as the bus driver swerved in panic. A whip of fire was raised by the second fury only for my fist to send it through the side of the bus and into a building.

I felt the weird energy known as the mist swirl to change the perception of the normal humans watching, I had no idea what they were seeing but by the way they screamed it must be wild.

A whip of the strange blue fire cut towards me and I ducked. Watching it cleave through the entire left side of the bus and sending a wave of flames crashing against multiple buildings.

I winced. Sending a light spear through her chest. Making her scream and burst into dust. I paused, why didn't I just do that at the start? It kind of just felt more natural to throw the bitch out.

I shook my head, and the bus came to a screeching stop. Half of it practically falling off as its support was cut through by a fucking whip of fire.

"Time to go," I called out.


if you wish to read up to nine chapters in advance among other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!

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