
The spy camera

"Don't try to blame others," Ivy snapped back. "We all saw what happened! Need more proof?" She reached for Zack's hand, urgency twisting her features. "Call the police!"

But Zack evaded her grasp. "Bella has a valid point," he argued, side-stepping Ivy's demand. "A thief wouldn't keep the stolen item right here. It isn't very reasonable. This is a setup. Someone is certainly messing up with her. I'll get to the bottom of it. And I'll find out who is trying to frame her. Check the surveillance footage."

He directed Amy, who gave a curt nod and marched back to her desk.

"Zack, you might not have been aware that the cameras haven't been working since yesterday," Ivy said. "They'll be up by day's end, though."

Zack's lips curved into a knowing smirk. A flicker of cynicism crossed his eyes as they scanned the dormant security cameras. This wasn't the first time they had failed him.

"Nowadays, I can't rely on the cameras installed here."

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