
She won’t get away with this.

Olivia approached Ivy's cabin, her lips twisted in a malicious smirk. She wouldn't miss this opportunity to strike at Bella. With determination in her strides, she stormed toward Ivy's cabin, her eyes flashing with a chilling certainty.

"Miss Hill, I have something to tell you," Olivia said with urgency.

Ivy's face, already etched with frustration, contorted further at the sight of Olivia. "Don't even start," she barked. "You're a waste of space. I don't need you anymore. Just get out."

Olivia, unfazed, adopted a practiced mask of apology. "I know I've messed up," she said apologetically, "but please, Miss Hill, you have to hear me out. It's important. This time, you won't be disappointed."

Her confidence compelled Ivy to reconsider. A flicker of suspicion crossed Ivy's face. Still, curiosity battled with annoyance. "Fine," she finally conceded. "Speak quickly."

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