
Chapter 525 Conflict

In the meeting room, a few people chatted and laughed for a while.

A'niu continued to ask, "What about the other positions? Isn't anyone running for them?"

Of course, A'niu was referring to positions like the security chief and the financial accountant.

Uncle Chen took a drag of his cigarette, "Haven't heard of anyone running for those, the security chief is known to be elected from within the security team."

"Usually, those with family members in the security team are with us, heart and soul, so no surprises there."

"As for the accountant, I've asked around the village, and there are only a few who can read, let alone handle accounting."

Having an education really is safer, after all, the accountant is in charge of the money, the village's purse strings, and yet no one is competing for it.

"Besides, the village's main revenue comes from the transactions here, and even if someone not on our side becomes the accountant, we wouldn't trust them with our money," Lin Sen added.

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