
Chapter 281: Seizing the Wokou Military Base!

The bombardment selectively targeted the wealthy aristocrats and powerful clans of the Gauze Nation.

With Zi Liyuan changing his position after every shot, he managed to evade capture by the Wokou elites, and even the Wokou military had no clue who was playing the bombardment game.

However, high-ranking officials of the Gauze Nation speculated that it might be the forces of the lower-class civilians stirring trouble behind the scenes.

It's no wonder they assumed this, as all the victims were wealthy merchants, aristocrats, and influential families, weren't they?

The civilians of the Gauze Nation had always been oppressed and had always harbored a rebellious force, only they were suppressed too heavily to rise.

Now with the undead plague wreaking havoc in Tokyo City, the capital of the Gauze Nation, it was an excellent opportunity to fish in troubled waters, one that certainly needed to be seized.


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