

And here she was, the woman who had the audacity and the nerve to invade and turmoil my mind for weeks with such a cheek and presumptuous approach. She was rummaging inside my head for as long as I could barely remember. 

While she beautifully stood and gazed in astonishment at me, with both a mixture of confusion and disturbed surprise, the more I couldn't take my eyes off her. They were cemented and focused solely on her, on her face. The steady cast of her soulful eyes, unwavering and on the look for answers, made her appear to be like an innocent child waiting patiently and diligently for her mother's clarification. How her hair was unceremoniously pulled together in a ponytail, with curl strands hanging down loosely in different angles, added to the breathtaking and passionate nature her face was exuding. 

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