
They'll Never Find Out.

Olive mirrored his smile, keeping her tone light. "Of course I do. And it's normal to miss someone you love, but Rachel's coming back. She's not gone for good. It's not like she's in prison for murder. And it's not like you've killed anyone either, right?" She locked eyes with him, watching for any reaction. "No secrets to worry about coming to light when she gets back?"

Henry's smirk faltered for a split second, and Olive's heart skipped a beat. She had touched a nerve.

"What are you talking about?" Henry asked, a hint of unease seeping into his tone.

Olive's smile stayed put. "Just making conversation, Henry. I'm glad we're friends again. And yeah, you shouldn't worry yourself too much about Rachel. She'll be back soon."

Henry's gaze lingered on her, his eyes searching for any hidden meaning. Then, with a sudden laugh, he turned back to the railing, taking another swig from his bottle as he looked out over the students gathered below.

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