
Accidental Spill.

Lost in her thoughts and distracted by Lucas, Olive accidentally added too much acid to the mixture, causing it to bubble over and splash onto the equipment. The apparatus began to shake and eventually broke apart, sending glass and metal shards flying everywhere.

The lab fell silent, with all eyes on Olive and the wreckage before her.

"Olive, what are you doing?" Lucas asked, his voice barely above a whisper but loud enough for Olive to hear. He grabbed a towel to contain the spill. "Thank goodness you aren't hurt!" he added, his voice filled with concern as he turned Olive around.

"I...I'm sorry," Olive stammered, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"Are you okay, dude?" Henry chimed in with a worried expression.

"You should be careful. Who doesn't concentrate during chemistry practicals? What if you're dealing with a strong acid? Do you have a death wish?" Mark expressed, his voice tinged with anger as he glared at Olive.

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