
The Group Investigates

Samson and Thomas quickly returned to the 3RM special room after the interrogation.

"It's only a matter of time before the police discover my involvement in Desmond death," Samson fretted, pacing with tension. "Fuck! I'll be going to prison. I'm just seventeen years old

"Stay calm, Samson. Just keep quiet, and we'll find someone to take the blame," Thomas reassured, placing a hand on Samson's shoulder.

"Someone to take the blame? What about the CCTV cameras in the arena? Won't they reveal the truth?" Samson questioned.

"Do you really think you wouldn't have been caught if the CCTV camera was still working? Thomas asked, causing Samson to raise a curious eyebrow.

"What are you trying to say?" Samson inquired.

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